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Everything posted by khunpeer

  1. oh oh... here we go again! we've read this book already, we know it's not a happy end...
  2. keep dreaming!
  3. what will China think about this???
  4. still somehow i think he had to much opposition from within the force. so they created a wall of allegations, not only to him but last week also his wife! this panel is the proof that he was doomed from the beginning onwards, because deep deep inside this force is rotten!
  5. maybe he knows something that would discredit some! better pay him off...
  6. 🎼money money money...🎵
  7. and nothing about that Honda driver, was he arrested? shame if the police let mrHonda go, just because the family of the deceased decided not to take action...
  8. to begin with only for Thai people i assume?
  9. sure, the one more than the other... my favourite was ChuanLeekpai, he's still in politics, more a 'senior-player'!
  10. yes, before his party was called ThaiRakThai, (even in the time of the TakBai massacre!) and i always have called it ThaksinRakThaksin! because that family + people around them are only in ot for the money and they only think about themselves! period!
  11. Daddy says to daughter: "you scratch my back, then i'll scratch your back!" no one of that family is to be trusted!
  12. it all sounds like music to my ears!
  13. maybe try Villa Supermarket
  14. reminds me of my own experience with a king cobra right behind a basket in my then office! after i discovered it i ran to the Thai neighbour's house and he helped me with long bamboo sticks to swipe it first out of the house into the other neighbour's garden, where it slithered away! never saw it again, but since then i kept the windows closed when away... before: everything open...! (the other neighbour wasn't home 😉)
  15. if true: a major faceloss for Thai police!
  16. i think this is a closed kibbutz, because close to border. (israëli)people evacuated already, thai stayed behind for taking care or so...
  17. of course every case is different, therefor cannot compare, but if you go to Sripat you get at least value for yr money. i have also certain eye-condition but dr. Janejit operated me successfully and i can see far, bright and sharp as i have not seen for years! first she operated me on a retina detachment, let it heal for 2 months, after that the catarac operation seemed so simple! i can fully vouch for dr. Janejit eye department in separate building of Sripat! good luck!
  18. the main responsible one is in his Bangkok house whispering sweet nothings in Paetongtarns ears...
  19. because their drummer died?
  20. stubborn on top of ignorence: ayayay that's a wrong combi 😎🎈
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