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Everything posted by khunpeer

  1. I had the same with my laptop-bag, not funny at all! since then I just stay at the beach and mind my own bizz...
  2. fantastic for a country where people just looove to wait! 😁
  3. rest assured, tourists will keep coming, since their trip won't depend on thai politricks ! it's not thát important... but we get confirmed it is all about money!
  4. for Thai people it is good to help others, good for their Karma! what the farang does with that is up to the farang! nothing wrong with this! the boy didn't eat his food, otherwise it would have been thrown away! obviously the farang is on budget, every little bit helps!
  5. still no reason to shoot him dead...
  6. so upon arrival his passport was screened and they let him in the country! what screening is this then? 🤣
  7. in my experience this usually happens in tourist areas, when in province a lot less!
  8. "nouveau riche"-behaviour! they have no clue what to do with their money except extravaganza... pityful for all involved especially the young lion!
  9. if anything that could open up that area it is a CHANNEL like Panama or Suez now with this "Land-Bridge" ships go to Prachuab, off load and ship on truck or train, then off load back in ships in Ranong and continue their journey... to much hassle imho
  10. I guess yr prayers have been heard: today in Thaiger! https://thethaiger.com/guides/cannabis/thailand-cannabis-guide/is-cannabis-legal-for-foreigners-in-thailand-know-the-rules
  11. me too! first I thought I was not clever enough, nów I know better! 😊
  12. typical 'nouveau-riche'-behaviour...
  13. a good step forward! now let's also get Myanmar and Laos in, they are bigger 'culprits'!
  14. maybe those 'dispensaries' in SoiCowboy opened up to cater the Thai market! many workers use it! as long as there is demand there will be supply! the only one that sold his soul to the devil is Anutin. he's responsible for all Cannabis-developments, he opened it up some years ago and now it's difficult to turn the clock back!
  15. tell this to all teachers, let them take the lead...
  16. he's calling the shots, if he don't want to see you, then he won't! he's completely in charge! what a 'prisoner'!
  17. I don't think Srettha or Thai government will pay one baht, the tourists will have to pay travelinsurance by themselves!
  18. you ever heard of "education-visa"? that involves a school as well mind you, it's better to fix yr visa by yrself, not to difficult and pay only 1900 instead of 32000 !!!
  19. so after all these years, postponed again... when will there ever be a verdict? next year?
  20. so the taxpayers pick up the bill but they cannot know what the exact "illnesses" are? shame! not even on Thaksin (a fox never looses his tricks) but on the government letting this all happen...
  21. this says more about that institute than about Anutin!
  22. better than China, that's for sure...
  23. wasn't there a poll saying that most people won't like extend till 4am... dzjeeeezusss, when is it enough for these punters?
  24. yes true! I got confused, sorry about that! but for this "incident" only he should have been locked up already...
  25. oh how convenient! this will give him at least extra 30days, then later some complications will take care of another 30dayzzzzz....... boring story, always the same outcome...
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