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Everything posted by khunpeer

  1. they're specialists in that! 😉
  2. outrage? about what? get a life!
  3. there is certainly civilization here, it's called Buddhism. cannot kill other creatures, period! always comparing with how things are done back home. why don't you appreciate what is here instead of moaning what is not? waste of time...
  4. it's a Buddhist practice, one cannot end other animals life! that's why many temples have lots of dogs/cats! can be annoying at times, but who are we to decide about life of other creatures?
  5. wasn't it that latest salesfigures show strong decline in US after Elon chose to be Trumps sponsor? so why build more car-factories when sales drop... I guess at Tesla they don't do long term visions or so. every week new announcements about what's going to change... and some changes are not for the better...
  6. it's even worse: daily wages should be baht 400 and more, but here& there others nibble off more baht for 'services' so many workers make only 300 - 350 a day... sad but true!
  7. wait a moment: "intelligent policies"??? what are they? and somehow I find it a awkward combi: thai & intelligence...
  8. if you travel to any Schengen-country you could enter the other countries of EU! here they want all tourists to fly to Tland to enter: no good, they could never handle this influx of mass tourism!
  9. looks very nice schoolbus etc, but here it's about a van, much smaller and more fragile than the schoolbus
  10. confusing message, showing a pic of schoolbus but in the article talk about a van...
  11. they tried this before, apparently it did not work! now next try...
  12. I surely hope so! with Obama the USA got the first black Potus, now they got a chance to let Harris be first female Potus! if all women in US would vote for her she could definitely win! all the old peefarts can retire now, let Kamala take over! 🙂
  13. I had a 5 year drivers licence, last month renewed for another 5 years but still doctor's 'medical certificate' was needed. I had to go and see some doc in a clinic for that and returned quickly! maybe it had to do with my age, I just turned 72! I don't mind new threads of drivers licence stories, because every time some things change. the app needed to make an appointment is not needed when renewing, then you can just walk in. had to watch a movie online with some easy questions. movie didn't play on my phone so they asked me to watch the movie in the room. halfway they called me for actual renewing, I smiled at everyone, had some witty remarks with the ladies that made them smile and I was out in no time! amazing T'land 🙂
  14. clearly you were not in Pai when these 'water-activities' were held, because only on those days (Tue&Fri) the town gets pickups driving around w drunk halfdressed idiots, screaming and yelling, just behaving badly, what drunk peeps do and the rest of the town has to accomodate that? no, of course not! this is so invading that it had to be limited! stupid entrepeneurs, they should have kept an eye on all these side-effects and they could have been going on for years... the usual story: it goes good until it goes bad, then police steps in and the party is over!
  15. why? nothing wrong with rivertubing, something wrong with boozing, or at least the combination of these two!
  16. I also 'rivertubed' in VangVieng before the turn of the century! it was the first year, 2 or 3 tubes and that was it! one with nature, for me that was the max! now I don't even want to go back there, afraid of a big dissappointment... Pai authorities took their time handling this tubing situation, it's going on for years already. organizers don't give a hoot, just filling pockets 250 b pp!
  17. ah, a conspiricy-theorist! that took a while...
  18. Ptya & Phuket are beach towns, so you can expect some bathingsuits walking around, but Pai is a mountainvillage with a couple thousand inhabitants, hardly to be compared to those places...
  19. I hear about some 'crash-course' in a jail...
  20. we still have sweet good memories of how it used to be in the '80-s, '90-s it's hard to imagine how it will look in the future... mass tourism coming our way!
  21. why would you think a thai lady of any age would be interested in some low class thai guy!
  22. even in Brazil they just opening up for legal use! many countries will follow! maybe the politicians should smoke some before meetings, makes it a lot less dry... 🤪
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