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Everything posted by khunpeer

  1. lucky man you are this month! ????
  2. was this storm natural or do you think the planes went up and started seeding? in that case they seeded to much, haha!
  3. but not much, from where we are still cannot see DouSuthep, while 'normally' we can...
  4. Chuwit for PrimeMinister!
  5. dzjeeeeezusss, get a life, go read a book! do something constructive with yr life...
  6. yippie! this will clear the air! in ChiangMai it is noteable right away! now we can see the mountains around us, now we can breathe again! ????
  7. it's similar with my monthly pension from Holland. they send a form to you, which you must have stamped & signed at SocSecOff. I do that in ChiangMai at GovernmentCentre, piece of cake!
  8. War-dog? what war? Tland has not been in war for centuries already...
  9. Chuwit is the only one who dares to talk in public about it, but of course many others know about this... I truly hope he's got a good (life-)insurance!
  10. never a dull moment in Amazing Tland! ????????????????????????????
  11. you need a good experienced lawyer who understands your situation. I went thru this many years ago, lot of paperwork and meetings! but at the end it worked out well and I even could change my visa into 'dependant visa' with only 400.000 on the bank! so yes, it is possible but you need to prepare it well!
  12. I agree with him that 2am should be enough, although his reasoning seems not right. Covid has not much to do with closing hours... but how the "Alcohol-Business Association" spins it is appalling as well! most trouble and/or traffic accidents are at night or at least when it's dark. I also like to watch soccer but I watch it in daytime, much easier, no disruption of my daily routine!
  13. it's in the genes to not tell straightforward anything. avoiding directness... also has to do with responsibility that no one seems to take... major loss of face here ????
  14. hard to define any painting...
  15. every night before sleeping I read a book, usually I wake up to early so read on... me and some friends are circulating books around! in ChiangMai are a couple used bookshops, when in BKK near KhaoSanRoad several reasonable used bookshops! Thais are not readers, their attentionspam is very short! their phone is their magic tool, tiktok, roblox etc, but not for me! in Cmai 2 bookstores, small selection English books, bigger selection with Thai books, but almost no one in the shop! 2 bookstores seems little for more than 1 million people that live here, but it is what it is... mind you, worldwide reading books lost it's popularity, but I also heard that through tiktok (!) some peeps promote reading books, so there's hope...
  16. last night in ChiangMai 1 hour solid rain! good for plants in garden! ????
  17. I never understood the urge of some people to smoke pot in public like on Silom... when at home, chilling in da hammock: sure, that is a better way...
  18. good work 'BigJoke'! just follow the money and you'll get most answers!
  19. get good earplugs: problem solved! ????
  20. this is Meanam area where I used to live. yr location is good, anything you want is nearby, even a walking street!
  21. most people see it as a weakness to seek help from a psychiatrist/psychologist. it is not 'manly' to do so, many of their friends will shame them! this is the main reason many Thais have mental problems and don't seek help... cheap solution for locals to escape from their problems is yaba and booze.... that these problems are not solved the next morning does not keep them from doing so again and again...
  22. "psychologically" I don't even know if that word excists in thai language... I would say: first and above all: frequent bloodtests for all, that means everyone!
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