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Everything posted by khunpeer

  1. I noticed that as well! furthermore these guys usually are experienced pilots who sometimes like to show off their 'skills' ! personally I like older pilots who don't need to impress anyone... the boat that followed came to close but nothing really life threatening... there must be nothing important going on if this gets a headline! ????
  2. Yaa Alcohol, also bad stuff if indulged!
  3. can someone explain to me what is Thaksin's sickness? why would he need to be taken to a hospital? he sure looks fine to me, especially since his return is in the pipeline!
  4. the rich get more rich while the poor more poor...
  5. every resto with provincial owner has a relaxed feel, wherever you go. about Ptya people: they are there to make money, simple as that! they dpn't really want to be there, but have because of work availability! in ChiangMai the local people are gentle and kind and even speak slower. their cultural background (Lanna) makes them also proud! Southerners are know for speed-talking! years and years of constant tourism have changed their kindness, their mentality is pretty spoiled, farangs would come spend money anyways... that changed a tiny bit after the tsunami, but until Covid they had always tourists. I used to live on Samui for a number of years, travelled the southern provinces so I met several kinds of southern peeps! I like villagers much better than any city-locals! much more genuine and down to earth. so after "thorough research" I moved to the North and still here, sabai-sabai 23 years and still happy! ????
  6. why am I not surprised! how convenient is this ruling, just on this day! let PheuThai do their thing until next election and then come back, better prepared!
  7. now I live in the North for many years. but in the 80's and partly 90's lived on Samui and for a break we just would take the slowboat to K.Tao only to stay on K.NangYuan wich is owned by the LomPraya-family. man, did we have a good time there snorkeling in daytime and indulging on food when dark! then the cruise-ships started to come and let the passengers snorkle in 'our' area, the boatsmen would even tell us to go away because they were coming... needless to say that that was the last time we went there... so I never set foot on K.Tao, because NangYuan was all we wanted... a pity that some of the families who 'run' that place have different intentions...
  8. the true character of the old guys in EC shows they are lousy losers! what did I expecr from this bunch? here I learned a long time ago that if you give respect to others that you will receive respect as well... these fossils don't have any respect...
  9. this goes on for many years now! it escalated during Thaksin's regime (who's background is militairy as well) when they barged in a mosk (forgot the name) and took everyone inside in trucks, stacked up like dead bodies, several layers thick and moved them elsewhere! stupid Thaksin thought he would clear this quickly in attack-style, but the opposite became their worst nightmare and most terrorist attacks related to thissad event... general Chavalit even went South to make a peace offer but didn't work out. since then one attack on army vehicles, then army strikes back, no mercy... I don't take sides but still try to see things as they are: southern 3 provinces originally were not Thai, but in a major landdeal just used: we give you land here and I get land there... the local people were not asked a thing! and still the thai military thinks they can boss them around... peace talks? don't make me laugh, show mutual respect first, only thèn we can negociate! I have talked to several southern locals in the past and they say that only solution would be a limited autonomy for these 3 provinces, so still under thai law, but with their own culture and habits! if the Thai don't hurry up this could become a Israel-Palestine conflict with no trust on either side! with overpower you cannot win this, you would only create more terrorism! talk talk, a double dose of patience and triple dose of mutual respect seems now the only solution!
  10. domestic wines I find also not that tasty, believe me I did thorough investigation! ???? only PB comes near, but pricewise they are all way to expensive! cut the import duty on foreign wine, obviously they are much better quality! but if Thailand would do so it would be much more consumed and at the end the income in taxes the same as before... als encouraging people to drink wine instead of hard liquor could be a game changer for this society!
  11. you clearly didn't read the article, it says "secondhand truck"
  12. yep! and all of them have voting rights as well... can you imagine!
  13. it's just a bs reason, he wants to stir up politics here, because only his daughter won't be enough, her father needs to coach her! but when in prison there won't be much coaching...
  14. who are the customers? as long as there is demand there will be supply...
  15. living in Pai I would never drive to MHS airport, just to far. better drive then to Cmai and continue by plane! why not start a service with a smaller plane from Cmai - Pai - MHS vv? once or twice a week should be enough!
  16. such lousy journalism! this article is full of assumptions, nothing really clear until after elections, and that can still swing to ALL sides... I see this as merely "reefer-madness", they may want to influence tomorrows outcome... see it as it is, not as you want it to be!
  17. he's getting anxious now, isn't he? all exited about going to jail...
  18. the only dramatic results is the ongoing reefer-madness by people that obiously don't know about side-effects... if they only were so pickypicky about alcohol, sugar-flavoured candy, cigarettes etc...
  19. what kind of arrangement do Americans have?
  20. did you live in Samui before? in the early 90-s there used to be a club with that name in Chaweng
  21. there's to many farangs that don't speak the language, don't want to assimilate, so lots of 'misunderstandings' can happen! add alcohol to this recipe and the mess is complete! the shopowner could also enlarge her vocabulairy, mmm? and it's all about misjudments that could have easily been avoided if farangs could speak some thai or at least make an effort to be nice... personally I have not ever been in such situation, because I'm old school and try to communicate...
  22. it's not clear to me how many people travel in total: they say they don't travel all together but in different (4-5) groups, but they also state it's about 6 people... is it maybe that they're allowed to bring their wives/families/mia-noi? and what country (-ies)
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