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Posts posted by Opl

  1. By affirming that the United States will no longer interfere in the affairs of other countries, Trump credited the idea that he favors a policy of "spheres of influence" - rejected by his  predecessors since 1945 - leaving Moscow's hands free in some régions, lowering the guard and deprives the west (United States, Canada, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Finland) of  NATO's military tools in the High North. Since 2013, China, Japan, India, Singapore and South Korea each have an observer seat on the Arctic Council,


    By calling NATO "obsolete" and global warming a "hoax" and appointing former ExxonMobil boss as head of diplomacy creates doubt about a possible conflict of interest regarding oïl majors projects in the  Arctic.(estimated to hold more hydrocarbon reserves than Saudi Arabia) .


    " Under President Vladimir Putin, Moscow is rushing to reopen abandoned Soviet military, air and radar bases on remote Arctic islands and to build new ones, as it pushes ahead with a claim to almost half a million square miles of the Arctic."



  2. 6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    I wonder what the Russian is for "More popcorn over here please".  No doubt a phrase being used by Putin on a regular basis these days.

    I Wonder what the Russians mean with this pic: Russia in USA ??





  3. Who Told Flynn to Call Russia?


    " Let’s stop focusing on the resignation, and start focusing on the real issue here: The mystery of Trump’s Russia ties. Flynn is a bit player in a much larger story regarding the president’s relationship with the Kremlin, and it’s this story the press needs to focus on.  If, as reported, he called five times in a single day, then he was on a mission, and probably not of his own devising. "




  4. 23 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Politics are a dirty business but Trump is taking it to a brand new level!  For all of those people who were saying "give him a chance" there now seems to be silence.  Not sure how much longer Trump can survive  swimming in the vile swamp he has created but surely this maniac must be stopped destroying the USA and destabilising the world.


    As for those still supporting him........ really?


    Only now I understand why Trump supporters here say " Trump has done more in 3 weeks than Obama in 8 years!" Not mentioning who find Jared " smart as hell" and seriously believe Ivanka will be POTUS after 8 years of her father... 

  5. Trump expects Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine

    White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer says President Trump taking strong stand against Russian occupation of Crimea, actions in Ukraine.

    "President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at the daily news briefing on Tuesday. “At the same time, he fully expects to – and wants to – get along with Russia."

  6. 14 hours ago, webfact said:

    At a White House swearing-in ceremony, Trump said Mnuchin would be a "great champion" for U.S. citizens.


    "He will fight for middle-class tax reductions, financial reforms that open up lending and create millions of new jobs, and fiercely defend the American tax dollar and your financial security," Trump said. "And he will also defend our manufacturing jobs from those who cheat and steal and rob us blind."


    It's a pity ( now that we know,  after 3 weeks of Presidency)... that Trump was not elected in 2007, just to see how He and his Cabinet and Advisors would have done .. Financial crisis, subprime crisis, M.E ..

  7. Capture d'écran du Facebook de Richard DeAgazio. C4joHSgWYAEtQbq.jpg:largeC4j7yPPWEAAGIHZ.jpg


    According to witnesses, Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe, at their dinner table,  consulted documents concerning North Korean missile in the light of the flashes of their mobile phones, without a security protocol being put in place.   

    Other testimonials prove that other people were in the club at the Restaurant. like Jay Weitzman, also a member of the club who sat three tables away from the head table :




    However... Sean Spicer told reporters Trump “was briefed in a [Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility] — a classified room — prior to dinner on the situation in North Korea.” “Then the president was subsequently briefed again in a classified setting after the dinner before they went out and spoke,” Spicer said. “That’s it.” Sean Spicer added only members of the American or Japanese delegations who prepared the logistics for the press conference were present

  8. 13 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


    Flynn’s Resignation Letter Just Implied Trump Was Aware Of His Treason.



    So does it mean Trump did not even checked this resignation letter before Flynn made it public?


    And " Flynn makes no mention of having misled Trump on this at all – which suggests that Trump never asked Flynn about it. And there would only have been one logical reason for Trump to have not bothered asking Flynn about this revelation: Trump already knew about the Russian collusion, because Trump told Flynn to make the phone calls."?

    from this link Inside your link above:


  9. 8 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Isn't Trump guilty of exactly the same by telling the British Govt that Ferange should be their ambassador while he too had yet to take post?


    as well as his "push to stop a United Nations resolution criticizing Israel directly aimed at decisions still being made by his predecessor in his final days in office.(a rare effort by a new president to shape international events even before taking office)"



  10. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Do you have a link to him saying he wanted to ban Muslims per se, and not saying that he wanted to ban immigration, TEMPORARILY, from nations that were likely to have terrorists that want to kill infidels? It is a fact that the nations that are most likely to harbour people that want to kill me because I am an infidel are Muslim.

    I do not recall him saying that he wanted to ban Muslims just because of their religion, and in any event it was only till extreme vetting could be brought in, so that negates any attempt to say he doesn't want Muslims per se.

    Perhaps Trump is getting into strife because Obama didn't do what needed to be done, and it needs to be sorted now. In any event, IMO none of the people attacking the travel ban care about it because they just want to destroy Trump and will use any reason they can.




    " Donald J. Trump Statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration

    (New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.



  11. 12 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

    Conway will be rewarded with a cut of the sales from Ivanka.

    I do loath her, but I'm also in awe of her. Her skill to redirect a question into an answer she can win with, is impressive. Trump wouldn't have won without her on spin and damage control. "Alternative facts" alone, was a genius move. She is Team Trump's goose that lays the golden eggs, and every disreputable politician's dream.

    Nothing light hearted or flippant about her game, she the MVP.

    Kellyanne Conway’s Political Machinations .. " In a sense, Conway’s life prepared her for a boss like Trump. “Her view is that she needs to intuit what he’s good at and what he’s bad at, and how to deal with them. “They have very good chemistry, “I view her as an enabler,””



    Kellyanne Conway’s Battle for Trump’s Favor

    " Conway’s lack of clearance for high-level national-security discussions was increasingly leaving her out of the inner circle. Trump frequently asked Conway why she wasn’t in meetings, and Conway had to explain that she was waiting for her top-secret clearance. All that was left, for her to gain the access that her male rivals have, was to finish the training yesterday. But her comments about Ivanka pulled her off track."



    161017_r28865 Image associée



  12. 1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

    "….inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information." :cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy:




    Flynn was pictured sitting at the head table with Putin at a banquet in Moscow in late 2015 celebrating Russia Today, an international broadcasting network funded by the Russian government.

    After the Nov. 8 election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the Interfax news agency that the Russian government was in touch with members of Trump's political team during the U.S. election campaign and knew most of his entourage.


    Flynn held five phone calls with Russia's ambassador to Washington on the day the United States retaliated for Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election,

    Sean Spicer said that Flynn had contacted the Russia’s ambassador on Dec. 25 to wish him a Merry Christmas. Spicer also mentioned another contact on Dec. 28, which was the day before the sanctions were announced. He said that on Dec. 28, Flynn texted and called Kislyak to discuss the logistics of setting up a phone call between the president-elect and Russian President Vladimir Putin after Inauguration.


    Trump praised "very smart" Putin on sanctions response , President Trump said he ignored all of the public information available about the Flynn/Russia connection : "“I don’t know about that. I haven’t seen it. What report is that? I haven’t seen that. I’ll look into that,”  ( also, Trump called a dossier that contains salacious claims about him in Russia "fake news" and "phony stuff.")


    “We have already said there have not been any such talks,” insisted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, when asked whether Flynn and envoy Sergey Kislyak talked about rolling back tough sanctions imposed by President Obama, once President Trump had assumed office, TASS reported."


    Vice President Mike Pence did not know that Flynn may have discussed sanctions in the December conversation and believes "it's a problem."


    ..so is it that  Russian Amabassador was inadvertently given unwanted informations among with Xmas Greetings ?




    The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct


    Events that unfolded in the final months of the election — especially as they related to key players linked to and within Trump's inner circle — are illuminated by some of the allegations contained in the dossier. Four of these players and their role in these events warrant closer examination.




    The Fates Of 5 Men Connected To The Trump-Russia Dossier


    "Did Mr. Flynn go rogue? Or did Mr. Trump—who now claims to be mystified about the news of Mr. Flynn’s pre-inauguration conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.—order the conversation and then deny knowledge of it, much like he had many conversations with Carter Page and now denies knowing him at all?"



  14. The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct

    Events that unfolded in the final months of the election — especially as they related to key players linked to and within Trump's inner circle — are illuminated by some of the allegations contained in the dossier. Four of these players and their role in these events warrant closer examination.


  15. Trump’s faux-pas diplomacy


    The State Department is struggling to contain the fallout as Trump goes off topic in calls with foreign leaders.

    “It was a difficult conversation, because he talks like he’s speaking publicly,” the official said. “It’s not the usual way heads of state speak to each other. He speaks with slogans, and the conversation was not completely organized.”


  16. SNL's influence...on POTUS


    Trump can’t quit his “SNL” habit, and it’s threatening Sean Spicer’s job security.

    “Trump, a voracious consumer of cable news, has been known to critique aides and surrogates for their appearances. After Spicer’s press briefings, the president has told his spokesman that he’s unhappy about specific answers or his demeanor."



    The scandal over Mike Flynn's secret talks with the Russians, explained


    two big outstanding questions:

    1. Did Flynn lie to Pence about sanctions, or did Pence knowingly lie to the American public?
    2. Did Flynn lie to FBI investigators, too?




    National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say

    "Flynn’s contacts with the ambassador attracted attention within the Obama administration because of the timing. U.S. intelligence agencies were then concluding that Russia had waged a cyber campaign designed in part to help elect Trump; his senior adviser on national security matters was discussing the potential consequences for Moscow, officials said."








  18. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    "The 9th Circuit has a long history of being overturned and the 9th Circuit has a long history of overreaching," he said on the Fox news show. "This is a judicial usurpation of power."


    The powers to restrict entry into the United States "represent the very apex of presidential authority," he added.


    Conservative pundit: Trump only uses ‘cringe-worthy’ surrogates because no one else will lie for him


    "“Stephen Miller has only one audience, he’s playing to Donald Trump. This is somebody proving that he is the loyalist possible spokesman. But what you have there [in Miller] is you have the intersection of inexperience, incompetence and zealotry, and the fact that he is doubling down on something that is clearly just not true.”



  19. 4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    What does that have to do with the travel "ban" EO? Yet another distraction.

    Trump rips ‘FAKE NEWS media’ for not covering hundreds of FL protesters as ‘crowds of supporters’



    « Embrassez nos fesses, présentez vos feuilles d’impôts », pouvait-on lire sur une pancarte lors d’une manifestation devant la Trump Tower de Chicago, dimanche 12 février 2017.



  20. 5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

    "Speaking on the ABC's "This Week" program, White House aide Stephen Miller said Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway was making a "light-hearted, flippant" comment when she urged Americans to buy Ivanka Trump's products."


    SO utterly obvious. Some people are making a mountain out of a molehill once again.


    -> Some people are making a mountain out of a molehill once again........ but, but... It's The Donald, stupid!


    "The real sin of Nordstrom was not just to announce that it would no longer stock Ivanka’s products, but to dare say that it was ditching them because they weren’t selling. Not selling?  His name, Trump, is a selling elixir, in his mind....Trump only has one thing to worry about. The idea of anything with his name on it not selling."





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