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Posts posted by Opl

  1. " As the meeting concluded, the wire service Getty released photos credited to Tass showing all three men standing together in a chummy moment...."

    " The reason we know about Trump's meeting with a key figure in the Russia probe (Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak) .. is because of the Kremlin.. "




    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump lavrov"

  2. 16 hours ago, sanukjim said:

    What "World Status" ? Out side of being known as a socialist state with the "reds" running the trade unions ,who in turn run the country. France has not had any world status since Napoleon's defeat in 1815.Others lead ,France follows.

    "Others lead, France follows.." ?

    " Chirac Says War in Iraq Spreads Terrorism"  http://www.nytimes.com/2004/11/18/world/europe/chirac-says-war-in-iraq-spreads-terrorism.html



    Blair ignored Chirac warning on Iraq 'disaster'


    ( US lead .. UK follows? " "Well, Britain gave its support [for the Iraq war], but I did not see much in return," Mr Chirac told the Times. "I am not sure that it is in the nature of our American friends at the moment to return favours systematically.")


    Who "inherited THE mess", then ?

    Chirac: Iraq war has made world more Dangerous https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/nov/17/france.iraq


    French may be idiots - according to you - OK - while presumably smart  people precisely elect the most unsuitable candidate as actual POTUS , what could possibly be wrong ?

    French did not follow the move.

  3. 16 hours ago, i claudius said:

    Give it a few months and France will realize that nothing has changed , they just voted for Hollande mark 2. it is just a shame he did not have a party fighting against him that wasnt so bad as LE Penns 


    It took 1 year  to Emmanuel Macron to become French President - running for the first time-

    It took 180 minutes of to  Emmanuel Macron to show how far right candidate Marine Le Pen - supported both by Trump and Putin- is unsuitable for the job - Macron won almost 50 percent more votes than Le Pen

    Emmanuel Macron already changed things in people's mind, on day 1.


  4. On ‎12‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 9:22 AM, Traveler19491 said:

    Trump has likely made a serious miscalculation in firing Comey. The FBI prides itself on being one of the most independent agencies in the U. S. government, and they are a very tight-knit group. Something like this is being seen from the inside as an attack on them. Trump has already cancelled a planned visit to FBI headquarters after being informed that he would not receive a warm welcome. As the linked article explains, they have a tremendous ability to make life hell for the President, especially someone like Trump whose past is a patchwork of highly questionable associations and business practices. Trump has known connections to Mafia personalities, may well have committed tax fraud, has ties to the Russian mob, has a long history of using fraudulent promises to cheat people out of their investments and/or contractual obligations, none of which, for some reason, have ever been seriously investigated. By firing Comey, Trump may well have given the FBI reason to start looking much more closely at him. It wouldn't surprise me if they have a rather thick dossier on him that contains some rather unflattering information. Given his complete inability to accept any news that doesn't massage his ego, leaks that shined a spotlight on derogatory information about him would drive him nuts. Watching this unfold should be hugely entertaining.


    Thank you Traveler19491  for sharing this link, quote:

    " Trump has done a lot of things that might invite law enforcement scrutiny, but weirdly haven’t... The point, in short, is that Trump is vulnerable and the FBI is extremely powerful. Starting a fight with the bureau is inadvisable for every president, and especially so for a president with a history of legal problems. But by firing Comey, he’s invited war.”

  5. May 10, 2017 - U.S. Voters Send Trump Approval To Near Record Low; Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; No Winner In Media War, But Voters Trust Media More


    American voters' opinions of several of Trump's personal qualities are down:

    • 61 - 33 percent that he is not honest, compared to 58 - 37 percent April 19;
    • 56 - 41 percent that he does not have good leadership skills, little change;
    • 59 - 38 percent that he does not care about average Americans, compared to 57 - 42 percent April 19;
    • 66 - 29 percent that he is not level-headed, compared to 63 - 33 percent last month;
    • 62 - 35 percent that he is a strong person, little change;
    • 56 - 41 percent that he is intelligent, compared to 58 - 38 percent;
    • 64 - 32 percent that he does not share their values, compared to 61 - 35 percent.






  6. Trump warned Friday morning the former boss of the FBI James Comey not to make revelations to the press. " James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"


    "Comey was upset that his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails may have swayed an election. He should be upset. The FBI is supposed to be apolitical. But all Trump could see was a man deprecating Trump’s victory. "
  7. "Robert Mercer – who bankrolled Donald Trump’s presidential campaign – once said black Americans are “the only racist people remaining in the U.S.,” according to a lawsuit brought by former employee David Magerman."



    "Using Obama as a focal point probably works because he's so polarizing with Republicans," said Julian Zelizer, a presidential historian at Princeton University. "He's just reminding them how much they disliked Obama and that he's better than the other guy."


  8. 19 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

    The press wouldn't anyway report about the content of the leaked documents. Well, let the French elect a Rothschild puppet.  Good luck with that.

    If these documents contain revelations, I have no doubt the press will publish them after having investigated, in accordance with  journalistic and ethical rules, without being instrumentalized by the calendar of publication of anonymous actors

  9. " The French press is showing the corporate US media how it should be done, as they have imposed a voluntary blackout on the Russian Macron campaign email hack until after the election."




    "Journalists could face criminal charges for violating laws preventing influence on vote" ( Vitali Kremez, director of research with US-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint, told Reuters APT 28, a group tied to Russia’s military intelligence directorate, was behind the leak.)


  10. 7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    I prefer intelligence to links…..anyone can paste a link


    The fact remains that she met him in the public eye, not in some basement carpark where one could suspect some mischief.


    I cant stand this anti putin ism. He's just a smart guy trying to do what he thinks is best for his country. His people probably saved some of our people's asses in WW2.


    According to Putin, the best for Russia is to weaken western democracies , and that's what he is achieving.

    Anti Putism therefore is an act of resistance.


  11. Just now, yogi100 said:

    There's a surprise!


    It's possibly good news for the NF as he urged the British people to vote to remain in the EU.

    no, she tried to copy Trump ( who as well as Putin expressed his preference for the far right in french élections)  , but I'm prettry sure even with fake  news and rumors on social media - with russian help - won't help her 

    Trump and  Brexit are the best antidotes, in fact 

  12. 8 minutes ago, dazzz said:

    If you are going to quote something do not use american media which as everybody knows is mostly fake and not to be trusted anymore .
      Putin trying to influence france is the same as every country in the world does and has been doing a long time . Saying putin is le pens boss is insulting to her and the french supporters .USA has been the worst offender in the world for influencing politics of foreign countris and so has uk . It called politics

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "putin le pen"

    "In further shows of sympathy, Le Pen has called for “completely stupid” EU sanctions against Russia to be lifted, said there was “no invasion” of Crimea because it had “always been Russian”, and argued Ukraine had undergone “a coup d’état”.


  13. 4 minutes ago, dazzz said:

    if its not a secret how come i only here you say it ? Why would putin have any interest in pen ? Why does everybody think that russia inflences all the worlds elections  ? He must be on the grassy knoll a long time .

    Because, as ( almost) everybody  knows ... " Under President Vladimir Putin, Russia is working to empower Europe's far-right and Eurosceptic parties with offers of cooperation, loans, political cover and propaganda. Such love has not gone unrequited: European populists are answering back with fulsome praise for Russia, its foreign policy and its strongman leader. "


  14. 1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

    This is all going to end in tears and probably rivers of blood. All the US administration needs to add to their unprecedented level of incompetence would be the labour Government to be elected in the UK. The two allies could then pair up to be the coalition of the stupid.

    from the link shared in post 1701 ( iReason)   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/02/trumps-attack-on-syria-after-dinner-entertainment-wilbur-ross-commerce-secretary

    "Trump told Fox Business in an interview last month. “We’re now having dessert—and we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen—and President Xi was enjoying it.”

     "The magazine reported that the audience laughed at Ross’ recollection of the evening. He added: “The thing was, it didn’t cost the president anything to have that entertainment.”


    this is not only about  incompetence or stupidity IMO, it's about decency and vulgarity that fuel resentment against Americans in such occasions.      






  15. 49 minutes ago, johnnyonesock said:

    just a few points about Macron


    he has never held an elected post in govt


    hes an ex Roxxscxxxxs investment banker


    he is being financed in this election by the same people


    his wife who happens to be 24 years older than him is also born into and well connected in the circles that we are not allowed to talk about..rumour has it she is also the cover for his alternative sexual preferences


    At least Macron does not need your vote to make ends meet.

    At least Macron does not need to "divert" E.U funds to  hire people devoted to other tasks that have nothing to do with E.U but only with french presidential race. The European Parliament began a procedure that could lead to the lifting of Marine Le Pen’s immunity for alleged misuse of European Union funds.

    And for your last point.... who cares?  It's none of your business.





  16. " The President Of The United States prefers to get his information from Fox News, and would rather not read anything because reading bores him." While signing an executive order in the White House, President Donald Trump revealed his attitude towards reading the executive orders that he is signing, and it confirms reports that Trump is not reading what he is signing as president."


  17. 11 hours ago, oilinki said:

    I guess those people who voted for LePen and live in Phuket, Khon Kaen and Pattaya really don't like immigrants..



    Maybe they would explain it this way :


    - they left France and started a new life in Thailand 

    - they feel upset by the " massive immigration"  - especially from north Africa ( Marocco, Tunisia, Algeria..) ,, Africa..coming to France and European countries 

    - and now ... they notice ... second, third, ..  generation of these migrants .. also born in France and french citizens..so  "french muslims" ..  do also come to live in Thailand and not only for holidays .. Phuket, Pattaya .. just like they did




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