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Posts posted by Opl

  1. " Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey and the subsequent string of allegations – from Trump demanding a pledge of loyalty from Comey and pressuring him to ease off a probe into his former aide, to revelations that Trump trashed Comey as a “nut job” in an Oval Office meeting with top Russian officials—have narrowed the ranks of people willing to serve.. wondering if they’re going to take a huge reputational hit if the president of the United States starts tweeting about them. …”



  2. 21 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Peace only comes through strength.

    British PM Chamberlain didn't prepare and a lot of good men died because of it.

    Saudi Arabia, a country plagued by fundamentalism that finances the Sunnis of ISIS, the construction of Salafist mosques everywhere, fighting against its neighbors, which means that these weapons will be disseminated on conflicts where S.A  intervenes underhand  for the greatest misfortune of the civil populations; the Saudis buy the Americans with their own currency and part of these 110 billions $ of weapons will end up in the hands of ISIS.. that the Russians will bomb...


  3. Trump's aversion to consensus-building and analysis of facts (which he caricatures with his "bing bing bam bam") leads him to admire authoritarian regimes. Because with them the policy is simple.



    "It can be amusing to ridicule the strange spectacles surrounding Trump’s handshakes, but behind these weird anti-diplomatic pantomimes lies an ominous reality coming clearer into view. His is a government that not only downplays cooperation with others but also believes money is better spent preparing for war than keeping the peace."




  4. 4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    From your shared link - a must read .. ( how Trump lectures US closest allies) "Trump was bedazzled by the kingdom's hospitality, but none of the Saudi opulence and money can whitewash Saudi Arabia's terrible record of fueling Wahhabi terrorism, carrying out record numbers of public beheadings, contributing to famine in Yemen, and withholding many basic rights for Saudi women and girls.  Days after one of the worst terrorist attacks in British history, Trump is visibly more comfortable praising autocrats and extremist governments who help to fuel violence and conflict. That should be a slap in the face to our liberal allies in Europe."

  5. Not about Manchester but, still on the topic IMO, this article is about an  "evil loser",


    First He Became an American—Then He Joined ISIS

    When the FBI discovered a network of Bosian-Americans giving support to terrorists, they also discovered Abdullah Ramo Pazara, a U.S. citizen and a battalion commander in Syria.

    "What is known is that Pazara found solace on social media, where an online community of Bosnian Salafists created a philosophical echo chamber. Within that echo chamber, the Islamic State’s ideology reverberated, exploiting personal grievances, laying out a narrative of victimhood (“Muslims are under attack”) that seemed to excuse Pazara from responsibility for his failures, and offering a new chance at success and redemption."



  6. ISIS claimed responsability for the suicide bombing that killed 22 people, including an eight-year-old girl and other children, claiming that one of "Caliphate soldiers has placed bombs in the crowd."

    Salman Abedi parents were both born in Libya and fled Muammar Gaddafi's regime to seek refuge in the United Kingdom. First in London, then in the residential district of Fallowfield, south of Manchester, according to the press.


  7. 52 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Will be interesting to observe Trump's supporters reaction, including his supporters on this forum who invest heavily in demonising Islam. With the hundreds of billions to be invested by Saudi Arabia, won't it be wonderful to see the Rust Belt unemployed working to make profits for Saudi investors! Trump has totally condemned Iran for supporting Assad, not one word on Russian support for Iran and Assad.


    Trump's U Turn is breathtaking. However, if he truly stands behind his words a step in the right direction, although one has to question the unrestrained support for Sunni Islam with no mention of the massive corruption which is one of the core drivers for Islamist radicalisation.


    Text of Trump's speech at URL below.





    Trump describes a country that could well be Saudi Arabia  and concludes with..  "I speak of course of Iran", 


    Excerpt from the transcript: " But no discussion of stamping out this threat would be complete without mentioning the government that gives terrorists all three—safe harbor, financial backing, and the social standing needed for recruitment. It is a regime that is responsible for so much instability in the region. I am speaking of course of Iran."


    On the video - in the qhared link-  , by 32.20 - the guy in the audience falls asleep ..while  Trump finally describes the radiant future :  " The birthplace of civilization is waiting to begin a new renaissance. Just imagine what tomorrow could bring. Glorious wonders of science, art, medicine and commerce to inspire humankind" ..

  8. "In his Riyadh address, Trump decided to use a substitute phrase: “Islamist extremism.” But he slightly veered off the prepared excerpts released earlier by the White House, saying “Islamic” instead of “Islamist” on several occasions."



    " CNN’s Jim Acosta said on Twitter that the White House admits that Trump misspoke (Trump summoned Muslim nations to confront ‘Islamic terror of all kinds’)  , but blamed the error on a lack of rest, saying that the president is “exhausted” after only two days of travel."



    " Common people in the West will start to bundle all Muslims with Islamists, picking a potentially losing battle with one quarter of humanity. This clash of civilizations is what Al Qaeda wanted to trigger with the attacks on September 11."


  9. Here’s how the world will make sure Donald Trump is happy in his first trip abroad: " Keep it short — no 30-minute monologue for a 30-second attention span. Do not assume he knows the history of the country or its major points of contention. Compliment him on his Electoral College victory. Contrast him favorably with President Barack Obama. Do not get hung up on whatever was said during the campaign. Stay in regular touch. Do not go in with a shopping list but bring some sort of deal he can call a Victory."




  10. " Trump idea of inspiring people who will defend their country is to whine about how badly the press is treating him.:Look at the way I’ve been treated lately, especially by the media. No politician in history and I say this with great surety; no politician has been treated worse or more unfairly.”




  11. 28 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Surprised this is really a serious question for anyone anymore!

    What if? He doesn't!





    quote from your shared link .. " From your link above ... " (Trump's lack of interest in details of policy is legion. We know from leaks from within the White House that Trump prefers bullet points, graphs and charts to word-heavy briefing books ")

    ->>>>>  National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in 'as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned,' according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials."


    It's getting ridiculous.

    Trump is making no effort to do the job as POTUS.

    Trump gets only satisfaction undoing his predecessor's legacy, it's the only plan he has.  


  12. In the daily Yedioth Ahronoth, an anonymous source warned :  "We're going to have to reassess what kind of information we're giving to the Americans," . They are our closest allies and we share with them a lot of super-classified information. As long as this channel is not fully secured, we do not have to pass our nuggets there. "

    According to specialist journalist Ronen Bergman, some US intelligence officials have recently warned their Israeli counterparts about the supposed links of the new president with Russia. They would even have asked them to protect themselves against possible dissemination of sensitive information. A perspective deemed even more troubling by the Israelis that Moscow recently strengthened its cooperation with Iran in the context of the war in Syria.






    Danny Yatom : Maybe Flynn was sacrificed to protect Trump


  13. " Putin, however, called U.S. politicians "stupid" and "dangerous and unscrupulous" and accused them of wanting to hurt the U.S. He did not name them. "




    Make Russia great again !

    "Complaining about what he said were signs of “political schizophrenia” in the United States, Putin said Trump was not being allowed to do his job properly."




  14. Vladimir Putin today said he was "ready to provide the recording" of the conversation between Sergei Lavrov and US President Donald Trump : "If the US administration allows it, we are ready to provide the recording of the conversation between Lavrov and Trump to the US Congress and Senate," Vladimir Putin told a press conference in Sochi with the first Italian Minister Paolo Gentiloni.
  15. ..  .. "Mr. Trump, a hasty and indifferent reader of printed briefing materials, simply did not possess the interest or knowledge of the granular details of intelligence gathering to leak specific sources and methods of intelligence gathering that would do harm to United States allies,”


  16. ... " Trump Admits That His White House Lied About Him Not Leaking Classified Info To Russia . Hours after Trump's Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, NSA H.R. McMaster, and Deputy NSA for Strategy put out statements claiming Trump didn't leak classified secrets about ISIS to the Russians as the Washington Post detailed, Trump admitted to it and bragged about it... Donald Trump promised to defeat ISIS during the campaign, but wouldn’t tell us how. Now you know why he wouldn’t tell us. "




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