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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 7 hours ago, Credo said:

    Trump can't tell the truth and the only way to control the narrative is to have the podium to himself and he can rant and rave all he wants.   


    He needs to stay out of Washington and his disastrous, inept administration.   

    Being born rich and knowing how to harangue the crowds, these are the new skills necessary to lead a country . Trump has surely come to understand his best way to last in this position, is to play the seller.

  2. 21 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

    I'm no Trumpist but  you're lying again he said biggest win for Republicans and yes he made a mistake about HW but you cannot in HONESTY include dems in the list - DISINGENUOUS   

    1/" Trump said he won the election by securing 306 Electoral College votes, which represents “the biggest Electoral College win since Ronald Regan.”

    2/ Later  a reporter called out Trump’s lie by mentioning real facts. He began by telling Trump that Obama’s both victories were bigger than his, regarding electoral votes — Obama got 365 votes in 2008, and 332 in 2012.

    3/ Trump said that he was talking about Republican victories, something that wasn’t clear in his previous remark.

    4/ Even so, the reporter continued, Trump’s margin is not even close to George H.W Bush’s 426 electoral votes win in 1988. The reporter then asked, “so why should Americans trust you?”

    5/Trump then replied that he “was given that information. I don’t know. I was just given it. We had a very, very big margin.”


    Real Donal Trump (popular vote loser won EC votes ) Fake POTUS

  3. Fake news by real Donald Trump - Fake President


    Trump cites non-existent terrorist attack ‘last night in Sweden’ to justify Muslim ban at Florida rally


    Trump used his speech to talk about migration in Europe and linked it to terror attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris - before inexplicably adding Sweden to the list.






  4. U.S. spies fear allies will stop sharing intel under Russia-friendly Trump


    "Trump's overtures to Russia have stoked concerns that long-cherished ties with European intelligence counterparts could become strained..Trump’s off-the-cuff communication style also alarms observers in the U.S. and abroad who worry he may, inadvertently or out of bravado, reveal classified information. Another concern: Trump is so obviously distrustful of U.S. intelligence agencies that he may ignore their advice, making other nations feel it is not worth the effort to clue in the Americans."



    Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him




  5. 5 hours ago, Briggsy said:

    I wonder what the goal of this travel ban really (soon to be travel ban 2.0) is?


    i) to reduce the number of muslims in the US or slow the demographic curve, same thing really.

    ii) to set an anti-muslim tone discouraging more from coming.

    iii) to play to the gallery and whip up his base.

    iv) to lay the groundwork for something more anti-immigrant.

    v) discovering who and which institutions need to be neutered to attain the final solution.


    I am not passing comment on his reasons except the stated reason of "Making America safe" is clearly rubbish.

     yes and .... because, due to terror attacks: resentment towards muslims  resonates with many people at different levels,      

    and because Trump is a master at articulating anger ..

     " trump rearmed the white working class with a confidence that both an ignorance about and intimidation of others was a sign of patriotism. And he weaponized that ignorance: for over a year, their hatred was a revolving door. They did not discriminate: They hated black people, they hated women, they hated immigrants, they hated Muslims, they hated Jews, they hated gay people, they hated Hispanic people — and if you could be white and any of those things, they hated you, too."



  6. 5 hours ago, kamahele said:

    I wouldn't deny the president of any party the right to vacation time but at just three weeks on the job, he's been to his Florida estate / country club every weekend at a cost of 3 million dollars per trip (at least) while his wife stays ensconced in their penthouse in  Manhattan at a cost to tax payers of a half a million dollars per day just for security. On top of that, his glob trotting, adult kids also require security provided by the government. Forget his promise not to accept a salary, accept the measly salary and cut down on your expenses!

    Trump family trips cost taxpayers $11.3m in one month – almost as much as Obama’s cost in a year

  7. On ‎17‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 9:23 AM, elgordo38 said:

    Trumps news conference link. Have a stiff drink first. Its the "they love me" Trump show. 


    Thanks for sharing this link... " If Donald Trump is qualified for any job – and that’s a rather big if, based on this press conference – it’s clear that he wants to be a media critic on Fox News." !  so true!

  8. 8 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    The president acts on reflex without reflecting. It goes like this: Something happens, Trumps mouth opens and stuff comes out, a while later his aides come to clean up. The problem is that the President of the United States can't help himself but to use his brain stem only (the reptile brain which regulates reflexes) for immediate statements. In other words, he doesn't think things through. A fairly common trait for people who didn't have to face the consequences of their actions and who are surrounded by yes-men.

    With a tendency to take back the ideas of journalists and guests of FoxNews, while he criticizes CNN live, which is generally less favorable to him.

    "A lot of Trump’s talking points are dictated by cable news

    Trump’s television habits have become so familiar and trackable that morning cable news anchors have begun to acknowledge his viewership live on air. Every Trump tweet has an origin story — and the ones that seem most random typically have cable news beginnings:"



  9. 3 hours ago, Cllingus said:

    Is there a possible difference between a well organized office in Florida with first rate IT facilities and top notch security, and a golf course? Could one be perhaps more suited to use as a presidential work area?


    Do you mean something like ... the new Trump Administration outdoor situation room ? ( missile crisis by candlelight)


    Facebook post from Mar-a-Lago by Richard DeAgazio shows Trump and Abe huddling at the dinner table.Résultat de recherche d'images pour "abe trump missile crisis"



  10. 2 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


    Actually, Trump is right about a lot of stuff, including how awful the media is. The problem is he lies to get his points across, he is super thin skinned, narcissistic, easily distracted, isn't very smart and has the vocabulary of a sixth grader. All these things serve to make himself the target and distract from whatever legitimate issues (and there are some) he may raise.

     Anyway, it works for Trump supporters : " it was the best press conference held in the WH , I've ever heard in my entire life, ever!" who parrot Trump's phrasing " I'm the least anti-semitic person you've ever met in your entire life" , blahblahblah

    Trump is only concerned by himself - not America - not the American people - not the world ...Trump focuses his rhetoric on himself,  continues to communicate for his brand name as he always did - that's what his wealth is made of.

    His shallow mind surfaces more and more every day, but as long as his core supporters believe he gives them back the control on their own lives, it works.


  11. Feinstein: Trump trademark in China may violate Constitution


    “China’s decision to award President Trump with a new trademark allowing him to profit from the use of his name is a clear conflict of interest and deeply troubling,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein , ranking member of theJudiciary Committee.

    “The fact that this decision comes just days after a conversation between President Trump and President Xi Jinping where President Trump reaffirmed the U.S. policy of ‘One China’ is even more disturbing as it gives the obvious impression of a quid pro quo,”






  12. "“He said he was gonna ask a very simple, easy question,” Trump exclaimed, interrupting Turx. “And it’s not, it’s not, not—not a simple question, not a fair question.". The best way to understand it is as the product of narcissism so epic that it crowds out moral concern. Turx asked about Jewish fears of anti-Semitism. But the only thing that interested Trump was the possibility that people might consider him anti-Semitic. So he turned a question about Jewish victimization into a parable of his own victimization by a Jewish reporter."




  13. 39 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

    What a bunch!! Yes Trump is a bit of an oaf, and yes he can run his mouth off and say some really stupid things, but if you are not more worried by the IC and the stance they have taken, then you are crazy. All this shows is that the USA is and has been run by the large autonomous organizations like the NSA and CIA for years, and they seemingly can do whatever they want to achieve the goals they want to achieve bypassing the votes of the American people and now bypassing the American President.

    Obama had his chance to change something but he blew it, he pretty much wasted the best opportunity any US president has had in past 50 years to push through serious change and now that chance has landed wit Trump, who most definitely wants to change everything. The IC or Deep State, have no interest in change, they are happy with the world as they have shaped it over past 50 years. Trump is a threat to them and they are going all out to discredit him, which to be honest doesn't seem that hard, given his character. 

    It's just so weird that now all the theories about a deep state in the US are coming true, that people aren't massively worried and prefer to exist in some sort of bubble.



    Trump  IS an enlightened, responsible, visionary leader, a man pruned to be the leader of a world that confronts unprecedented problems; he deserves complete confidence.

    This was once again proved during the press conference the world watched. 

    The press conference was totally reflective of how the WH is run, and of course, so is  the country.




  14. 6 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

    "colluded", colluded with what? To keep US?Russia relations on an even keel, to try and stop the world tipping towards more anti-russia sentiment. The whole thing is a farce designed to make Trump feel uncomfortable, and let him know in no uncertain terms who really runs the USA and it's not the president. 

    ...(graphic content)

    Naked Putin and pregnant Trump picture projected on NYC building





  15. 7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


    Its time for the west and its allies to make some chess moves of their own instead of wringing their hands, pointing fingers and crying foul….Putin is making them look stupid….


    Actually, "so-called" President Trump is the best antidote to Putin's influence ...and interference -  regarding elections to come in the rest of the free world  - the first month of this Trump Presidency is  a warning to people against a populist candidate.

  16. 13 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Trump has now accused the security services of "leaking information".  Good to know he accepts it is "information" and not the usual fake news and lies.


    The Daily Show : We made a browser extension that converts Trump’s Tweets into their rightful state: a child’s scribble. Download: http://MakeTrumpTweetsEightAgain.com

  17. 2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Trump has now accused the security services of "leaking information".  Good to know he accepts it is "information" and not the usual fake news and lies.


    Trump posted a pre-dawn message on his verified Twitter account Wednesday complaining, "The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred." He said, "This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign."

    He added in the post that "@MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable. @foxandfriends is great!"



  18. Trump today denied any connection with Russia after the resignation of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, accused of lying on his relations with Moscow, the US president believing that this case was "an absurdity" .


    DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg Donald J. Trump



    This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.

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