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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 15 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Well, the moss was kicked out the rolling stones and at last, we see a president how doesn't only talk and talk and talk and dose nothing, Flash news Mr. Obama, the world hasn't missed one bit of you sir.... and for all we care, you can very well stay gone....



    " Obama’s Barrage of Complete Sentences Seen as Brutal Attack on Trump"" “He totally restricted his speech to complete sentences,” Tracy Klugian, a student at the event, said. “It was the most vicious takedown of Trump I’d ever seen.”




    so.. so.. so true !!


    word salad - Trump Word Salad "We have to come up, and we can come up, with many different plans. In fact, many plans you don't even know about will be devised because we're going to come up with plans - healthcare plans - that will be so good..." 




  2. 4 hours ago, heroKK said:

    Cultural Marxism has ruined Europe,  the French are idiots, Macron is hollande version 2.0 but more dangerous!, confirmation that the french are sheeple without brains !


    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Albert Einstein

    Despite Putin's and Trump's support,  far-right in France did made it yet.

    The results just confirm... french people resist brainwash 

  3. Meanwhile ... Not to be missed at Mar-a Lago...: Chocolate Cake ... forget about raw meat ...


    Mar-a-Lago " war room"   will never become as Iconic as Obama's



    " Is it Donald’s enthusiasm for being able to tell President Xi “during dessert” as he was “enjoying” the “most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen” that he was pounding the sh*t out of a foreign country with “59 Tomahawk missiles…”all of which hit, all of which hit.”



    Trump watched missile attack in makeshift situation room at Mar-a-Lago 
  4. "The United Arab Emirates arranged a secret meeting in January between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian close to President Vladi­mir Putin as part of an apparent effort to establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump, according to U.S., European and Arab officials."


  5. 7 hours ago, Morch said:


    " don't have to respect the person,  respect the office".  


    That's difficult to ask of people, when the president himself doesn't show such respect.


    " White House officials have said Mr. Trump goes to his clubs and restaurants because he is comfortable there, but critics increasingly argue that the visits are priceless advertising and that Mr. Trump and his family are using the presidency as a way to enrich themselves."



  6. 16 hours ago, nuakmuaynina said:



    She hasn't achieved it though, she has been born into a rich family. She has not had to work for anything in her life. 


    She is un paid, perhaps but free office, oh and she has security clearance, protection and a whole number of other things... hardly what I'd call free to the taxpayer, and who is she accountable to?  She has no political experience either 


    How is this even allowed in a democratic country? 

    " from this day forward, it will be ...only ..."  . Trump   first  

  7. 17 hours ago, Jingthing said:


    From your link above,  thanks for sharing ... so true - Kasparov : " The tradition of going after one’s predecessor in power is very familiar to anyone from an authoritarian regime. Purges, scapegoating, etc." ,


    One of the fixed contradictions of the strongman ethos is that he and his followers must always play the victim, even when holding power.

  8. The State of Trump's State Department Anxiety and listless days as a foreign-policy bureaucracy confronts the possibility of radical change

    ... " Trump confirmed their fears, telling Fox and Friends that there was a reason he wasn’t filling certain government posts: “in many cases, I don’t want to fill those posts. … They’re unnecessary.”

    “They really want to blow this place up,” said the mid-level State Department officer. “I don’t think this administration thinks the State Department needs to exist. They think Jared [Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law] can do everything. It’s reminiscent of the developing countries where I’ve served. The family rules everything, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs knows nothing.”



  9. Knives are out for Reince. Trump’s chief of staff is becoming a singular target of criticism as persistent controversies plague the presidency.


     "in such a free-wheeling atmosphere, Priebus has struggled to provide structure. Several aides expressed unhappiness with the daily 8 a.m. senior staff meeting that he runs out of his office. With three flat screen TVs usually on, the agenda is sometimes driven by that day’s news programs. The gatherings, which often last only between 15 and 20 minutes, are typically organized round-robin style, with department heads giving 30-second updates on whatever it is they’re working on."



  10. Someone leaked a story about Sean Spicer’s latest effort to stop White House leaks : " Tired of all the unflattering stories citing anonymous sources, White House press secretary Sean Spicer made an attempt to stop the leaks by summoning his staff for a phone check."



    Trump Condemns Anonymous Sources as Staff Demands Anonymity

    "However, members of his White House team regularly demand anonymity when talking to reporters"




  11. 11 hours ago, iReason said:

    White House reverses on Trump's golf game


    "President Donald Trump played a full round of golf Sunday, enjoying once again a habit he regularly assailed Barack Obama for."


    "After initially saying Trump had only played a few holes, the White House reversed itself Monday after professional golfer Rory McIlroy posted on his website that he had played 18 holes with the president."


    "Trump regularly panned Obama for his penchant for hitting the links, but Trump made it to the golf course far faster

    than the previous two presidents, waiting just two weeks before playing his first round."



    And then there is this:

    Samuel L. Jackson Says Donald Trump Cheats at Golf



    De La Hoya: Here's how Trump cheats at golf; Trump responds



    Whatta cheese ball...


    From your link above , thanks for sharing :


    Trump does not only cheat ... Trump made him a dues-paying member of one of his clubs without his knowledge.


    From your link above " Last week or so, I actually got a bill from Trump National Golf Club," Jackson said. "And I haven't been there in four or five years, so I had my assistant call. They said it was for membership dues. And I said, 'I'm not a member,' and they said, 'Yeah, you are -- you have a member number.' Apparently he'd made me a member of one of his golf clubs, and I didn’t even know it! ... I'm not payin' that!"


    So great!

  12. Robert Littell wrote an intesting article about Trump ( A trainee president immersed in a nest of spies)  in Haaretz 18th february issue  but I can't fing a link in English to share here.

    It's about how US spies already have started to react to Trump's insults.


    The article begins with Churchill's words  about Russia in 1939 " a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma", and defines Trump as Something like " "The denial, enveloped in resentment within a blinding anger,"

    perhaps someone read the article too?...

  13. "the Wall Street Journal published a small, wonky, yet deeply disturbing scoop that seemed to confirm some of the worst fears about how Donald Trump’s White House might abuse government data. The administration was debating whether to change the way it measured U.S. trade figures" so that US trade deficit looks bigger. And to better convince the elected representatives of the need for its protectionist project.

    The idea? Exclude from the exports  the re-exports" :  goods transiting through US territory before being exported elsewhere. Like cars made in Mexico and sent to Canada 



  14. How Trump spent his first month in office, by the numbers: From the moment Donald Trump was sworn in as president on the steps of the Capitol until noon Monday, precisely one month had passed. A total of 744 hours.

            .  Intelligence briefings: 6 hours

    • News conferences: 4 hours
    • Signing bills and executive orders: 6 hours
    • Phone calls and meetings with foreign leaders: 21 hours
    • Listening sessions with various groups: 14 hours
    • tweeting: 13 hours
    • golf: 25 hours : "That’s not because presidents don’t deserve downtime, mind you — it’s just that Trump was an outspoken critic of Barack Obama’s time on the golf course. “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf,” he said last August."

    ........ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/02/21/how-donald-trump-spent-his-first-month-in-office-by-the-numbers/?utm_term=.1c439486657f

  15. Trump said he knew more about military strategy and the fight against terrorism than the military. He quickly gave the green light to a disastrous week end raid in Yemen, although the generals told him it was a very bad idea. The result was the death of a service member, and many civilians. The target of the raid has escaped and no useful information has been gathered.

    Did Trump  bother to supervise this raid ? or did he instead sent his hateful tweets, and fell asleep?

  16. What's for Lunch Today? Apparently, Sh*t Sandwiches.

    A friend of Harward’s familiar with his thinking told Jake Tapper of CNN that Harward called the offer a “shit sandwich,” before rejecting Trump’s offer Thursday.

    " So the president loses Harward because he insists on the counsel of the guy who made propaganda movies about Sarah Palin? Gotcha. The president*'s managed to alienate the intelligence community and he's on his way to alienating the military all the way up to flag rank."




  17. 16 minutes ago, binjalin said:

    Amazing anybody can come on here an insult the President like this

    “If you combine the dishonesty, the sloppiness and incompetence, the result is deep concern and anxiety across allied capitals, glee in the capitals of foreign enemies, and an American public that regard him one month in with the lowest levels of support in the modern era. We’ve just never seen an American administration collapse from a credibility perspective as quickly as this one has.” Republican operative Steve Schmidt



  18. 4 minutes ago, Rob13 said:



    Yes, I did. It's a weak example for proving his point. If he took the time to do a little research he would have found  a better country to get his point across. Trump has a tendency to undermine his own words by speaking off the cuff without really knowing what the facts are.

    He will finally succeed in the coup de force that by default everything he says will be considered as false, null and void

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