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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 48 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Maybe this French special court changed the old saying of "Do the Crime, Do the Time" to "Do the Crime, Don't Do Any Time."


    This court, mainly composed of members of the Parliament,  judges the members of a Government for crimes and misdemeanors committed in the exercise of their functions
    The crooks of the Republic can settle their affairs behind closed doors, within their peers, far away from the eyes of the common people.

    "According to wether you are powerful or miserable, the judgements of court will return you white or black"


  2. 33 minutes ago, billd766 said:


    But the crime she was charged with had nothing to do with the IMF. She got that job later.


    Quote from the OP.


    "PARIS: -- A special French court has found the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) guilty of negligence – by allowing the misuse of public funds over a large state payout to a business tycoon, when she was the country’s finance minister.


    The judges ruled that Christine Lagarde had failed to challenge a 400-million euro state arbitration payment to Bernard Tapie in 2008."


    She has been offered the job by Sarkozy as she already was in his government in charge of Economy.

    She replaced DSK at the head of IMF.

    The only thing she has for her IMO, is to speak fluently English .

    For the rest she is a  person who abandonned self pride to her political carrier. Her oath of allegiance to Sarkozy is a monument of self abasement :


    During the search that the investigators carried out at her Parisian home in 2013,  they found a handwritten, undated letter intended for Nicolas Sarkozy, in the form of an oath of allegiance.


    "Dear Nicolas, very briefly and respectfully, "writes the IMF patron.
    "1) I am by your side to serve you and serve your projects for France.
    2) I did my best and could fail periodically. I beg your pardon.
    3) I have no personal political ambitions and I do not have the desire to become an ambitious slave like many who surround you whose loyalty is sometimes recent and sometimes not very durable.
    4) Use me for the time that suits you and suits your action and casting.
    5) If you use me, I need you as a guide and support: without a guide, I risk being ineffective, without support I risk lacking credibility.

    With my immense admiration. Christine L. "



  3. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Quite ironic that this horrendous woman had the cheek to call the UK for Brexit and condemned and forecast the demise of the UK economy immediately. I hope she gets extradited and serves time, although I doubt that. Considering France allowed Nicholas Zarcoski off and back in politics.  Once gain the elite have  shown that there is one rule for them and another for the 'common' person. She will not see a jail cell.


    And ... maybe you'll see her one day running for Presidency....french so called elite has no idea of its mediocrity

    " whether powerful or miserable, Court judgments will make you white or black  "  

  4. On ‎14‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:39 AM, Srikcir said:

    Trump is goving Americans a government of Exxon, by Exxon and for Exxon.

    That swamp is going to need higrises.


    From 1998 to 2006, the likely future US Secretary of State, Tillerson,  was at the head of Exxon Neftegas, the Russian branch of ExxonMobil, located in this Caribbean tax haven.



    1) All the major oil companies open the companies in tax havens to pilot (and above all to resell without double taxation) their joint venture, subsidiaries and other "special purpose vehicle".

    2) all the CEOs of oil majors are close to Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc .: that's where the oil is!.

    3) Tillerson is close to Igor Sechin, the boss of Rosneft, the main producer of Russian oil. Mr. Setchine, a former member of the KGB is close to Vladimir Putin

    4) Sanctions applied to Russian oil and gas,by the Obama administration imposes restrictions on the entourage of Vladimir Putin, including Igor Setchin, who is banned from staying in the US


    Russia Stocks Jump as Trump Win Stokes Bets for Sanctions Relief


  5. 1/ Iran Buying Syria Lands, Territories, And Properties " Iran isincreasingly getting paid back via contracts in Syrian real state by buying Syrian lands. This gives Iran considerable amount of power over Syria in the long-term. The additional shift is that the investments are not only done with Assad, but also with many Shiite militia groups. Even If the war ends, Iran will be single most important player in Syria economically. 




    2/ Iran carries out a plan to change Syria’s demographics : " the next part of Tehran’s plan will be bringing Shiites loyal to the Tehran regime from around the world – from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and other countries – to settle in Syria, with these moves actually being set into motion some time ago"




    3/ Turkey warns US against demographic change in Syria's Raqqa : Turkey fears an influx of Kurds to Raqqa will change the ethnic composition of the Arab-majority area close to its border.



  6. 18 minutes ago, CharlieK said:




    You are right, Trump's words and attitude  as would be Commander in chief are pathetic . Even for a campaign speech.

    Even more pathetic, he is now in position to play Russian roulette with America's  national security.

    (Fifty of the nation’s most senior Republican national security officials, many of them former top aides or cabinet members for President George W. Bush, have signed a letter declaring that Donald J. Trump “lacks the character, values and experience” to be president and “would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.”)

  7. Just now, CharlieK said:


    There is no proof of that. besides not "dismissing outright" is not saying that Russia hacked the election or emails.   


    So what ?

    Take advantage of the situation, do not let the world think D. Trump is backing Putin ( " “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” )  , as well as the members he picked up for his Cabinet that have ties with Russia, 


  8. 5 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    It wouldn't be "dismissed outright' if there was any evidence backing up the claim that Putin influenced the election results (as opposed to hacking - something of which the US is equally guilty) or an indication as to how Obama is going to retaliate against this :lol:!


    As I said before, pure media speak - which some of us seriously dislike.


    Of course there are évidences - but showing them would be stupid - I am confident America already has taken measures and will use this russian hacking event. Telling how would be stupid also.

    I said America - not Trump - whose denials and statements about CIA and US agencies, have the effect of incentives for hackers and nerds of all origins 

  9. The aim of the Russian Presidency has never been to engage in harmonious co-operation with Europe or the United States, but rather to re-establish its legitimacy in building a balance of power, with the central aim of reconstituting Russian power. The fall of USSR for Putin and the Russian people is still painful.  Weakening US democracy ( by hacking) is a priority since Russia is not an economic superpower.  


  10. 3 hours ago, beechguy said:

    Michelle can speak for herself, I and many millions have far more hope now, than we have had for the past 8 years.


    - Trump picks opponent of higher minimum wage  Andy Puzder to head the U.S. Department of Labor  ( it's always comfortable when you are a millionaire - a 2012 salary figure for Puzder of more than $4 million — via Forbes — to decide that workers at the lowest salary level,  contributing to his wealth deserve the minimum possible , and ask for too much , and therefore praise the benefits of automation in the fast food industry)




    Let's hope "business friendly" is not limited to "profit friendly"



  11. 13 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


     I don't, I bet he found it difficult to hide his smirk!!



    Who would not when D. Trump declared " It could be Russia but it could be China, could also be lots of other people. It could be someone sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds,”


    It still does not seem important to D. Trump to know who did it,


    Putin , and Xi, and any overweight nerd  are delighted


  12. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:


    from the link above : " But it should be obvious to anyone trying to pay attention to these moving targets that Trump is saying one thing and doing something else. When it comes to Trump and Russia, the truth may take awhile to emerge."

    In other times this only would disqualify D. Trump from being  for instance US Amabassador to Russia.

    But as POTUS who cares  now?

  13. 1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:



    The woman who was never proud of America until her husband was elected? Voters have rejected this type of spiteful thinking. Not likely.


    Anyway, now that D. Trump is about to become POTUS, I guess every American will have to be proud of all what we know about this wonderful, colourful person,  because now HE is AMERICA for the rest of the world

  14. 3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


    Well worth a read, unless you are a Trumpeteer, who will ignore anything that is written and just character assassinate the author - pretty much what it says in the text actually.




    Yes worth a read, thank you for sharing

    Farewell America ... Discover Trumpworld , and it's not a new dream

    Imagine the new générations born under Trump Administration ( 8 years if no more - he might be able to change the Constitution)  

  15. 6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

    Pretty sure Trump was just kidding around. Sounds like a coach lecturing a football team on a new strategy. Very little violence was initiated by his supporters at the rallies. 


    no, no, ..... he was describing himself, his supporters mirror and parrot his ego ( " I am a gentlemean .. go ahead Hillary")

  16. 2 hours ago, Grubster said:

    Don't forget that George Washington and most of the founders were amongst the richest people in this country at the time and they used a lot of their own money to get us off the ground. As Trump said "what do we have to lose", the country is going downhill fast and has been for fifty years. I have seen no help from the Dems or Repubs for the working class people have you?  Obama was making another trade agreement that would sink the working class even further. They all couldn't get to the table fast enough to bail the banks out, you want another dose of that?


    D. Trump promises  an America that existed only in his mind and in the imagination of his supporters. It is the myth of a happy white America,  center of the industrial world and the center of the world. It is the America of the fifties,

    But this America had its hidden face (Ku Klux Klan, racial discrimination, McCarthyism..) It is not the real America, with its Latinos, its blacks, its Jews, with its Asians, but the America of the WASP.
    Donald Trump is someone who acts globally, he owns hotels and golf courses everywhere, but he sells a national mirage: free trade and open borders for the rich and protectionism / nationalism for the poor

  17. 7 hours ago, Grubster said:

    If you would base your decisions for these positions based on sex or race then you would be the sexist and racist. I would go after the guy/gal that would fill my position the best for me, as the buck stops there.


    that is not the point at all, it's the opposite if you remember what D. Trump said about Goldman Sachs and finally what he picked up for his cabinet, etc...  

    the topic is not about what I would think is good - uninteresting - the topic is about what D. Trump said to gain your vote, and what he really meant to do.

  18. 7 hours ago, Grubster said:

    And you point is?     I would think that most of the very intelligent people in the US have done very well if in the private sector.  The career politicians on the other hand only have what they can get while in office or after as is usually the case. I would rather have a person who doesn't need to scam the people by selling out to the big business lobbyists to make their fortune. I may be wrong on this and the jury is out for four years. I will admit it if I am wrong.


    My point is to say " mind the gap beween the Campaign Platform  ( cf ad released 2 days before election day - that probably hit its audience - particularly in the rustbelt ) and the reality - no real outsiders but big business and big banks directly in command ( little to do with what D. Trump said  - but it's a long enough aired lie among others)..

    If as you say give the power to successful people ( in your mind = billionaires) is the best, so why bother to organize élections ? Skip the campaign, and go directly to Forbes's top ten. 

    Trump's intellectual dishonesty opens a new era, there will be a before and an after , everything is good enough as long as your audience is ready to buy it, what comes next is not your problem anymore, there is no after sale consumer service.

    Deny conflicts of interest, deny CC, deny Russian hacking , deny everything that does not suits you, then you skip all problems



  19. Trump’s Labor Pick, Andrew Puzder, Is Critic of Minimum Wage  : "Speaking to Business Insider this year, Mr. Puzder said that increased automation could be a welcome development because machines were “always polite, they always upsell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there’s never a slip-and-fall or an age, sex or race discrimination case.”"







    gap between video clips, campaign slogans, and reality...


    " Our movement is aboit replacing  a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American people.."


    "The 17 people who US president-elect Donald Trump has selected for his cabinet or for posts with cabinet rank have well over $9.5 billion in combined wealth, with several positions still unfilled.




  21. It's disturbing to notice that Trump supporters would rather back Putin than Obama in this case. 

    D. Trump will not be only POTUS, as Commander in chief you would expect him to raise his concern at the appropriate level, it's not just about himself and his ego, it's about America.

    But as many of his supporters constantly reply : he won and that's all.



  22. Trump’s 17 cabinet-level picks have more money than a third of American households combined




    Here's a look at how some of the wealthiest appointees so far stack up, according to data and estimates by the Washington Post, Forbes, The Guardian, and OpenSecrets.org:




    Marge Baker (executive vice-president of the liberal pressure group People For the American Way°: "  “When you’ve got Wall Street billionaires setting the agenda it’s not likely to benefit average Americans. Research shows that the wealthy have different priorities and policy priorities, for example on healthcare and the minimum wage.”





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