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Posts posted by Opl

  1. back in 2007 :  Donald Trump praises Putin and defames George W. Bush -  



    back in 1988 : Trump’s Record On Russia: Snubbed By Gorbachev, Fooled By Impostor









  2. 3 hours ago, Silurian said:

    What do you mean lack of diversity? He has people from Goldman Sachs, from Exxon Mobile, from the military, from politics and even from Fox News. How much more diversity do you need? You have business (financial and oil) interests covered, military interests covered, politicians covered and non-biased (fair and balanced) media types.


    Huh, what was that? Someone with ties to the common man? Hmmm...Um, I guess Steve Bannon? Wasn't he the one with all the slightly alt-right ideas that kept getting spouted during the campaign and riling up the "common man"?


    With all this "diversity" things should work out for everyone, right?


    ... not to mention,  vultures and hawks, multi-millionaires and billionaires,  

  3. D. Trump promised less chinese products in the US -  there may be fewer American products in China, too.


    "Why GM Or Ford Might Get Slapped With a Fine From China ( "‘If you want to play, we can play.'”)

    -China, the world’s largest vehicle market, is crucial to GM. Chinese consumers bought more than one-third of the 9.96 million vehicles GM sold globally in 2015

    -Ford’s China joint ventures represented about 16% of its global pretax profit of $9.4 billion in 2015."




  4. 4 hours ago, khunPer said:

    Thanks for your detailed update.

    I'm aware of the location of George Michel's restaurant – being occasionally a client, and only know George from his kind polite side – but the actual shooting took place at another french, but unnamed restaurant in Maenam; is that one on Soi 4..?
    And the mentioned french restaurant at soi Koseng, don't think there are that many possibilities, so must be a fairly newly opened one, or..?


    In french press, they name the restaurant  ( owner Cyrille Larignon) ,  where all this happened : " Le Jardin des envies"



  5. 12 hours ago, avander said:

    Big business has been running the US for a long time.  Trump is putting it squarely in the open.


    By the people, for the people......yeah sure.



    Till now, professional politicians have been acting as mediators between lobbyists and decision-makers 

    With Trump it is less hypocritical, the businessmen are directly in command.

    His position as a shareholder of Exxon Rex Tillerson holds more than $ 150 million of securities based on stock exchange documents, could create conflicts of interest as his decisions as US Secretary of State would be likely to influence the value of the security. A lifting of the sanctions against Russia would certainly cause an outbreak of the Exxon action.


    This New York Times article shows how Rex Tillerson put American diplomacy into a false position by defending his company's interests around the world:

    " Under Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil Forged Its Own Path Abroad. Under its chief executive, Rex Tillerson, the giant oil company sidestepped Baghdad and Washington, signing a deal directly with the Kurdish administration in the country’s north. The move undermined Iraq’s central government, strengthened Kurdish independence ambitions and contravened the stated goals of the United States."



  6. 27 minutes ago, Americano555 said:

    Most likely she said something to him......


    It's possible ... Something like " smoking is not permitted in this area... " if it's the case.

    I'm a woman, not living in Germany, but I can tell you, if I look for trouble, I just have to remind it to people - 100% young men - who do not care for "no smoking' signs. 

    I used to do it, and it turned out to verbal arguments, until one day I was told I was lucky there was a camera   ... if not  he would have beaten me. And yes he was a foreigner.

    So now I do not say anything anymore.  

  7. 5 hours ago, Cats4ever said:

    Various reports on this bloke frighten the tripe out of me. How did he get to be a general; aren't you supposed to have some trams & trains to rise that high? Now in Crazyland, he will be advising an egotistical nut job on the subtleties of international relations.


    yes...in Crazyland ...  it's like swaying on the high  wire way up in the air without a net and bottom.. this will amaze the audience of Trump supporters..

  8. " Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump" By CHRISTOPHER SUPRUNDEC. 5, 2016 - " I am a Republican presidential elector, one of the 538 people asked to choose officially the president of the United States. Since the election, people have asked me to change my vote based on policy disagreements with Donald J. Trump. ..Hamilton also reminded us that a president cannot be a demagogue....Presidential electors have the legal right and a constitutional duty to vote their conscience...."



  9. 1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    Okay, let's get real here.

    Donald Trump is embarking on a new policy of getting more tough on China. He's going to be a lot tougher than what Obama was, and he's going to be tougher than what Hillary would be doing.

    This is Trump's opening shot at China. Trump is trying to tell China "look, I want to annoy you, and I'm going to do this a lot more during my time in charge".

    And I think Trump's next move is to slap some serious taxes on the cheap Chinese goods entering into America. Yes, Trump is going to do it. A tougher policy on China. Whether this is a good thing or not, I'm not sure.



    28 minutes ago, performance said:

    Yes obviously as I said all.along these little Chinese need a pulling into line. There no super power. There army is weak and bullying other countries. A good belting around the ears over a bowl of rice.


    It's a pity you did not run for Presidency, you think and speak tough  exactly like D. Trump, that's what makes you feel great!

    My neidhbour says the same kind of stuff , except he is not a billionaire, so it does not sound so powerfull.

    For your satisfaction:  that's what D. Trump promised : no state dinner -- only Big Mac -- for China's president" "I'd get him a McDonald's hamburger and I'd say we gotta get down to work, because you can't continue to devalue (the Chinese currency)," Trump said Monday night on Fox News. "I would give him a very, yeah, but I would give him a double, probably a double size Big Mac."

    Sure that's what makes America great.




    Despite its apparent brief stint in China, Trump Hotel Collection CEO Eric A. Danziger told reporters at the Asia Pacific Premier Hospitality Conference in Hong Kong that THC has plans to build 20 to 30 Trump and Scion Hotels in major Chinese cities.

    That's what will make Trump great.

  10. Are Trump's aides playing him on Taiwan?: Gabriel Schoenfeld: " Like Kremlinology, Trumpology cannot provide definitive explanations. But it does enable us to lay out intelligent alternative interpretations of what the hell is going on.
    - It is entirely conceivable that Trump had not the faintest idea that talking to Taiwan’s president would touch on special sensitivities in Beijing.
    -..some of Trump’s advisers — with an agenda of their own, and exploiting his ignorance — put him up to it, knowing or hoping it would cause some sort of explosion in U.S.-China relations.."



  11. 2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


    Instead of seeking out the brightest and most educated to fill cabinet positions, do you think Trump should be looking for someone that didn't graduate from high school and is still living in the projects?  


    "Multi-millionaires and billionaires" tend to be wealthy because they are the cream of the crop businessmen or CEO's.  Come on rub those sleepy little eyes and wake up.


    When I view many of the hysterical and nonsensical left-wing posts on this site, it reminds me of a quote, "Life is hard but it is even harder when you are stupid."    


    You're right ,  they are the cream of the vultures, here is the recipe to make billions :


    - In 2008 Mnuchin convinces the billionaires George Soros and John Paulson to buy $ 1.55 billion for the Bank of California's bankrupt IndyMac, specializing in subprime mortgages.
    Mr. Mnuchin succeeds in obtaining from the FDIC bank regulator that he assumes almost all the losses in case of default of payment of the customers.
    - Renamed OneWest, the establishment quickly returned to profits at the price of all-out evictions. According to the site Foreclosureradar, the seizure rate of OneWest was 59% in 2009 against 54% in other banks. According to Think Big Work Small and IamFacingForeclosure, these expropriations were also intended to collect the guarantees provided by the federal state, which was always rejected by Mr Mnuchin. His partners and he will resell OneWest in 2014 for $ 3.4 billion, more than double their initial stake, to the CIT group of which he became a shareholder.

    - A coalition of Californian associations (California Reinvestment Coalition) has just seized the authorities to denounce the "discriminatory" practices of former OneWest towards blacks and Hispanics. "

  12. 11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

    For one of the most powerful jobs in the gov, Trump hires Son of a Goldman Sachs top honcho, born with a silver spoon, lead a privileged life, went to Yale, belonged to the Elite Scull and Bones Club, joined daddy's firm upon graduation.


    Dear Trump supporters, I bet that when Trump said he'd "take on the elites" you didn't think he meant "take them on board the government gravy train"


    So far, give Trump credit for assembling a diverse Cabinet, mixing billionaires with just plain multi-millionaires.


    " "I know the guys at Goldman Sachs. They have total, total control over (Ted Cruz). Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton," he (D. Trump) said earlier this year during the primaries.





  13. 13 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:


    Talking about lucrative, don't look now but it appears Obama has built a sizable nest egg for himself.  The Trump's are already wealthy from being a stellar businessman.  I wonder where Obama's money came from?


    We already know where Crooked Hillary acquired all her wealth.  It's call the Clinton Foundation.  That is one of the largest scams of the century.  You just can't make stuff like this up. 


    Now D. Trump can compete with Putin when talking about how to turn Presidency into a milk cow.


  14. - In 2008 Mnuchin convinces the billionaires George Soros and John Paulson to buy $ 1.55 billion for the Bank of California's bankrupt IndyMac, specializing in subprime mortgages.
    Mr. Mnuchin succeeds in obtaining from the FDIC bank regulator that he assumes almost all the losses in case of default of payment of the customers.
    - Renamed OneWest, the establishment quickly returned to profits at the price of all-out evictions. According to the site Foreclosureradar, the seizure rate of OneWest was 59% in 2009 against 54% in other banks. According to Think Big Work Small and IamFacingForeclosure, these expropriations were also intended to collect the guarantees provided by the federal state, which was always rejected by Mr Mnuchin. His partners and he will resell OneWest in 2014 for $ 3.4 billion, more than double their initial stake, to the CIT group of which he became a shareholder.

    - A coalition of Californian associations (California Reinvestment Coalition) has just seized the authorities to denounce the "discriminatory" practices of former OneWest towards blacks and Hispanics. "

  15. 8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

    Before the election the anti-Trumpsters warned to be careful what you voted for.  Well now you get what you voted for so let's see how that pans out.  So far he has failed on all promises but it is early days and we still have the wall pledge to hold onto.


    D. Trump has not failed on all promises .... not those he made to himself , being President is going to be very lucrative for Trump and family



  16. 1 hour ago, JemJem said:

    By the way, as you know, Turkey has been flooded with Syrian refugees in the past few years.

    Some of you are saying 'So what, most of those two sets of people have a common relligion; people will adapt easily'.

    No, that's not the case. Me and most of my Turkish friends here are NOT happy at all about the Arabisation of certain districts of Istanbul. The demographics of the country is changing fast because of the Islamofascist policies of Erdogan. Some of you, I am sure, know the 'Istiklal/Taksim' district of Istanbul. It has changed a lot in recent years. For the worse. That nightlife area where diversity was always the norm, has become a sort of ghetto for Syrians. Many bars and clubs have closed down already. Me and most of my friends have sadly been avoiding that once-fun area for at least 2-3 years now.

    So, no, many of us Turks are NOT happy about the 'uncontrolled flow of Syrian refugees' into Turkey.


    But how much are Turks happy with Erdogan himself ?


    "  I want to announce some good news," Erdogan said late on Saturday at a dinner to break the Ramadan fast in Kilis province, on the Syrian border. "We are going to help our Syrian friends in offering them the chance, if they want it, to acquire Turkish nationality."




    (I used to be very fond of Istanbul - but that was before Erdogan.)   


  17. Donald Trump's Conflicts of Interest: A Crib Sheet

    Sudden progress on a Trump-associated property in the nation of Georgia suggests the former Soviet satellite may be trying to curry favor with the president-elect.

    Below is an attempt to catalogue the more clear-cut examples of conflicts of interest that have emerged so far; the most recent entries appear at the top.



  18. 25 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Probably the best choice is Romney because of his cool demeanor and he looks the part.  I am somewhat surprised that Trump's insiders have gone public on this disagreement. They need to be reeled in or demoted for this. You never go public over a disagreement- it all stays in house- this does not look good.

    In regards to the recount- I didn't vote for Trump but looking at the voting in the 3 States shows me that even a recount will still make Trump the winner. Clinton would have to win all 3  states to be declared the winner. Can't see it happening and a huge waste of money. We got Trump and have to work with him.


     quote from your post " we got Trump and have to work with him"

    Trump in the text :


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