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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Italian restaurants were invited to make donations for each pasta dish served with sauce "amatriciana," the name of the village affected by the disaster. This initiative comes from  food blogger, Paolo Campana,  who launched an appeal for donations on Facebook, says the Guardian. The goal is to help the victims of the targeted area by the strong earthquake of magnitude 6.2.

  2. Refugees donate for the victims.
    The 75 migrants, refugees and asylum seekers housed in a housing center in Calabria, southern Italy, decided to do something to help the victims of the earthquake that devastated the center of Italy, reported Corriere della sera and Vita.
    A modest but symbolic gesture, each of them has agreed to donate 2.50 euros. This corresponds to their "pocket money", the small amount of money allocated to them each day for personal expenses

  3. 22 minutes ago, dexterm said:

    So you approve of a ridiculous law as a form of collective punishment/retaliation.


    I understand. After all, it's been done before in history.


    I am not SgtRock ,

    but ,

    FYI :

    - it is not a law, it's a measure some 20 mayors took for a limited period of time - till end of august - in order to prevent confrontation among people on the beach - due to recent repeated  tragic events : terrorists attacks - policemen murderers etc.. ( I'm not recalling all the context - but it's important to understand)   

    - it is not a "collective punishment "  - 16 persons were fined in Nice ( were the truck drove through the crowd - search " bastille day terrorist attack in Nice " if you are interested in knowing more ) - very few women choose to wear burkinis -   

    - it is not retaliation or punishment,  you really are exagereting when comparing  hundreds of people killed or wounded with those women who have been fined.


    Things are not that simple.

    Brexit has largely been approved because of immigration issues - so maybe you can understand the context ???

  4. 10 minutes ago, dexterm said:

    It is both amusing and cringeworthy to read all the Islamophobic posters above playing mental gymnastics with dog whistle accompaniment to justify what is basically a ridiculous bigoted law aimed specifically at one religion.


    Don't get me wrong. I am an atheist. I think all religions are a form of madness. But I defend the right of anyone to be religiously crazy so long as it does not harm anyone.


    I wouldn't give a hoot if an entire beach were strewn with burkini clad women, Christian, Buddhist nuns, turbaned Sikhs, and kippahed Jews. Because their dress code does not bother me one iota, and they do me no harm at all.


    People who object simply betray their hate filled bigotry.



    " the law protects the faith as long as faith does not presume to dictate the law"  (Lacordaire)

  5. Peoople who constantly claim "not in my name" when suitable for them, should also pay special attention to the context they live in today - this summer - on the french Riviera.

    Don't accuse others to paint you with the same brush ..etc .. when you don't differenciate clearly with those who finally act and speak in your name - because finally the impact  is the same whatever your position is.  

    OR.... print " not in my name" on your burkini, and protest firmly agains radicalized islam , instead of protesting against France .

    Have a try.

  6. The comparison with the nuns is not relevant:

    -- would there have been a priest with these nuns I guess he also would be fully dressed if none of them intended to go swimming  into the water ( beach or swimming pool)

    - these nuns are not going to bath in their uniforms 

    - when nuns go bathing in swimming pools, or beaches, you would not notice them them because they wear usual bathing suits  - same for the priests . They dress with modesty too in all circumstancies. This is not a matter of prudery.

    So there is no difference on this point between nuns for being women and priests for being men.



  7. From french press " Le Figaro" - extract :  "Ali Kadri, a Muslim Council of Queensland spokesman was speaking at a conference in Brisbane. In its comments reported by the Guardian, he said he talked to the police and confirmed the doubts about the religious motivations of the perpetrator. Kadri then asked not to make hasty conclusions "before all the facts are known," asserting that speculation "was the game of terror." "We must be careful not to link all the murders committed by Muslims to terrorism" has he said, adding, "If we speculate  whether an act is linked to terrorism or not, what will happen is that Daech will seize this opportunity to  appear stronger than he is. "

  8. There has been a warning ( april 2016)  - so called  "on behalf "of the people of Corsica  ( an island southern of France) - to muslims living in Corsica .

    This warning was not issued by the french authorities, but what it says reflects how the level of exasperation has grown. 

    ( For your information, you can replace " Muslims" by " French from the mainland"  )


    Find below the translation ( Google..) of this declaration:   -    ( Avertissement du peuple Corse aux musulmans)



    Corsica will not bend to your demands
    Corsica immigrants must integrate. Follow the example of your grandparents who have, in their time, blend in French society without abandoning their identity while respecting that of their host country.- It is intolerable that children and grandchildren of immigrants yesterday are not or do not want to adapt, influenced by Islamic tracks from elsewhere pushing to impose gradually the laws of sharia, WE DO NOT ACCEPT THAT iN CORSICA!
    We will not, as it is the case in some suburbs, let lawless areas.
    The people of our island will be especially vigilant regarding all forms of slippage that exasperate the French society.
    You who are Muslims, do not forget that if you are on French territory is to benefit from economic and social benefits that do not exist in your country.
    So remember that your descendants who claim Islam in Corsica and dress more and more covered ,  by provocation.
    We will not accept  to see these girls and young women, more and more numerous, dressed this way  invade our public spaces so.
    We know, the scarf is the first step towards the full veil. This is slowly turning from a symbol of Islam into a destabilizing tool of French society and particularly in schools.
     Just like we do, do melt 
    in the mass.
    We strongly advise you to follow our rules.
    Here, this is our country, our land, our lifestyle you enjoy without always respect them.
    Corsica will not bend to your demands or else those who persist will be forced to return to their country of origin or that of their ancestors.
    We ask you to transmit and circulate this letter to all your relatives and close associates in insisting that we are more and more determined.  " 

  9. We in France have been warned (november 2015)  already of the risk of chemical or biological terrorist attacks when (from french press) : ".....  It's a strange robbery that took place in Paris and which is not without raising the concern of the French authorities following the attacks of 13 November. Le Parisien revealed a dozen suits and other anti-chemical weapons protective equipment were stolen in the week at Children's Hospital of the AP-HP Necker. This would be "tight protective suits, protective kits type against Ebola, pairs of boots polyethylene, a material resistant to chemicals, gloves, antibacterial masks" who were locked in a secure room .

  10. Prison is the best fishpond for terrorists - these outlaws already have the know how and the connections to get - once outside - the arms, the support - the "skill" to commit murders and crimes.  

    There is no need to recruit and send candidates for Syria anymore.

    Those who hate our society are already on site and just need to be activated to turn their hate into action.


  11. 1 hour ago, JemJem said:

    I mean, hey, I guess it isn't good or productive to ban the burkini; but what about for example Iran's and Saudi Arabia's requiring all women to be covered EVERYWHERE outdoors ?! Where is the outcry from the West about that ?! What Saudi A. and Iran (and some other Muslim-majority countries) are doing is A LOT worse than what France is doing.

    hijab, niqab, burka or burkini correspond to a vision of society in which  woman is reduced to her gender, subject to man: father, brother or husband -   totally in opposition to France's republican ideal.
    polygamie, excision, .. : idem
  12. 25 minutes ago, happy Joe said:

    Obviously all morons, the simple-minded, hateful men, the destitute and  psychopathes are impressed by the violent actuality that drive them to  act.


    "My name on the first page, like Mohamed."


    In this case the man had already completed a psychiatric stay in prison on similar charges.


    Moreover, the victim was walking in the street wearing a kippa which is a distinctive religious sign, formally banned in France public space. In the current climate this choice bordered on provocation.


    Some more informations :

    The attack occurred friday shortly before noon on a street in the Jewish Quarter. The victim was wearing a kippa, was out for shopping before the beginning of Shabbat when stabbed,. The attacker shouted "Allah Akbar!" at the time of the assault.

    The perpetrator, already convicted for similar offenses committed in 2010, was under psychiatric care.
     After these facts, the investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal of Colmar pronounced one year ban from Strasbourg  - and a ban on having weapons for 10 years.


  13. GuestHouse, You've probably thought out how you explain to a young girl - lets say 10 years old  - that she'll have to dress hiding her body when she gets older to enjoy tne beach ?  

    You've probably thought out how you explain to a young boy  - lets say 10 years old  - why not all women prefer to cover their body, some wear strings, some go topless etc..

    I'm curious to know how you manage to get out of the contradiction  : it's ok for the boy to go around how he likes to, there is no question in fact  - it's different for the girl , maybe she can choose, maybe not.



  14. 16 hours ago, lust said:
    1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    People having fun with no balls trump is various cities.


    True story -- 

    San Francisco official WIENER is trying to help get the statue relocated to a famous Irish bar.





    What's offensive is not that " they are making fun of a 70 year old's physique"  ;  what's offensive is the fact that INDECLINE does not intend to make profit -  I mean big money - from this great idea !


  15. The main difference I have with you  GuestHouse  is that in fact I'm on the side of my fellow citizens who feel they are french first - and then muslim ( I could say jews, buddhists etc..) - The majority in fact  - and these persons do not want to be considered as muslims (  ( I could say jews, buddhists etc..) only because it's their privacy.

    Usually in France you do not directly ask people where they come from. unless you need to.  

    I'm pretty sure these persons are considered as french everywhere they go in the world, in their country of origine included. How many times staying abroad for vacations did you try to guess where the tourists came from - non considering their skin - and before you heard them speak? Did you happen to say " they look french .. american.. german etc.. based on the way there dressed and their attitude.. ?  


    Now it's different when  you choose to demonstrate first what makes you different - and I repeat,  some - a minority- choose this option and make it quite clear.  


    My English is too much lacking to be as explicite as I would like...  

    Sorry for that.

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