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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 35 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

    Personally, I don't think he understands much of anything, really. He strikes me as a guy who at age 70 has not learned a whole lot about life.

    The only positive thing I see is that his candidacy and campaign drag a deeply flawed political system from its hiding place into the spotlight.

    My sorrow is that we are now stuck with Hillary Clinton as President, thank you Donald, you buffoon.


    ->" Personally, I don't think he understands much of anything, really"


    Here is an example of  D. Trump understanding about life ( interesting comparison of Mc Cain's  / Trump's youth years ) : http://theweek.com/articles/568067/how-trump-spent-war-years


    " 'I've been so lucky in terms of that whole world,' he said of sexually transmitted diseases. 'It is a dangerous world out there,' he said. 'It's scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era.' 

    'It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.'
    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3451452/Trump-says-sex-eighties-personal-Vietnam-Howard-Stern-interview-1997.html#ixzz4NKf9wRUQ

    But anyway, D. Trump received a Purple Heart medal , from a retired lieutenant colonel and supporter: " And I said, 'Man, that’s like big stuff. I always wanted to get the Purple Heart," Trump said. "This was much easier.”




  2. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    Pence, at a campaign event last Tuesday, waved away a woman's call for a revolution if Clinton wins. By Sunday he was saying explicitly: "We'll accept the will of the American people."


    Trump hasurged his supporters to monitor the polls in their own neighborhoods 'because of you know what I'm talking about'.

    There is a real risk of slippage in the core of Trump supporters against those he singled during his campaign ( and they are countless) 


    So the question is : does D Trump agree with M. Pence ? and did they talked about it together?

  3. 1 hour ago, Thailand said:

    Beats me why anybody still considers anything Trump says worth listening to nowadays.


    He is a disgrace with his opponent not that much better,both an embarrassment to their country, a sad state of affairs indeed.


    As for the drug testing, if Hillary tests positive she could claim it is the only way she could appear on stage with her opponent.





    I thought D. Trump words toxicity could damage brain and cause people to repeat and repeat and repeat his narratives ( simple short evasive phrases easy to understand - easy to remember- so they get out of your mind)  

    But  in addition, it looks like people who hear and listen to D. Trump turn addicted, and he becomes the guru ( everything he says is truth , he shows the path , he knows how, he can do - he only- believe him ).

    You are right, HRC needs and antidote to share the stage with him and stay unscathed.     

  4. 32 minutes ago, webfact said:

    One of his last hopes of winning the election is to suppress turnout by making these final weeks so repulsive to voters that some just stay home. Trump advisers privately say they hope to turn off young people in particular. This group leans Democratic but doesn't have a long history of voting and is already skeptical of Clinton.


    So,  they do not care for young Americans .

  5. 3 hours ago, Thakkar said:

    America truly is a great country. It is a country where, truly, anyone can become president. The positive example of this is Obama—half black son of a single mother and Muslim* father with the middle name of "Hussain" and a first name that sounds suspiciously like "Osama" and who doesn't come from an elite background. The negative example is Trump, the very embodiment of white male privilege, a no-nothing racist blowhard a-hole bafoon with a history of misogyny and objectification of women. He may not become president, but he's come close enough.


    I suppose the former could not be possible without also exposing the world to the risk of the latter. It is a scary, but exhilarating thought.


    *I only mention his father's religion because 2008 was just 7 years from 9/11 and we were in the midst of a war waged between a self-professed representative of Islam and a US leader proudly wearing the mantle of Christiandom, and because America is a Religious—overwhelmingly majority Christian religious—country.


    Great thought of yours.

    Trump is the black swan because Obama managed to be elected twice.

    America is definitely a great country, despise what D. Trump says.



  6. D. Trump is hard at creating his own task force, connecting all angers to support him whatever his agenda is.

    He wants to play the strong leader ( Putin, Erdogan, Orban, Duterte, etc..) - if not America's, of frustrated individuals all over America who  has or will have some reason to hate. That's radicalisation on the way.

    Well... so called ISIS does pretty much the same.    

  7. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Very true - Link worth reading - thank you Jingthing for sharing!


    trump-family-3 The irony of ironies: Trump destroys the brand - by Jennifer Rubin


    "Think about this. Who would want a “degree” from Trump University? Who thinks he will seem classy and sophisticated staying in a Trump hotel? What developer is going to want to put Trump’s name on his building?"

    " Trump always had a chip on his shoulder. The boy from Queens never had the respect of the Manhattan society crowd. But he’d show them! They’d have to do business with him because he was Donald Trump and the Trump brand was irresistible. Now it’s toxic, and he’s a leper in polite society. The fortune — or appearance of a fortune — he accumulated and which his adult children depended upon (without her last name, Ivanka was never going to have a vanity brand) may be so diminished that not even he can sustain the image of a multibillionaire. He’ll try, of course. He’ll insist that he made money on the race."


    And same will go with America brand , if D. Trump gets elected.  

    There will be a " before" and an " after" Trump running for President.  

  8. " What kind of people do we have running for president..."

    " Right now, you say to your wife: ‘Let’s go to a movie after Trump,’" the Republican presidential nominee said, with a pensive look. He waved his hands in and out as if he were pumping an invisible accordion. "But you won’t do that, because you’ll be so high and so excited that no movie is going to satisfy you. Okay? No movie."



  9. ( Please excuse me in case  this link has already been shared  )


    " ... This would seem to be a truism in contemporary American politics: The electorate opts for serious leaders, but almost always men who are able to poke fun at themselves—and the gravitas of their position..."

    Does Trump know how to laugh?


    Funny videos of former U.S Presidents, and Singing PM Putin ( 'Fats' Putin over the top of 'Blueberry Hill' with piano solo )




  10. 1 hour ago, Bob9 said:

    It doesnt matter that Trump has personality issues - nor that he said this or said that - what matters is if he and his team/party will do a good job with him as POTUS.


    What matters is what Trump did not say. 

    For what Trump shows off, he seems qualified to pretend to be POTP ( "P" for  Philippines). 



  11. D. Trump is an heir, so his success story did not start from scratch, and if people think he could be as successful for America as POTUS, then they better think twice.

    R. Giuliani says D. Trump is a genius, because he lost a lot and managed to come back , and that's what Americans love .. and that's why D. Trump will make America great again ..  maybe , but D. Trump is not another Steve Jobs - Real estate business does not require "tremendous" skills, but money and relations, and if you manage to pay as little taxes as possible, that's it.

    Ok, D. Trump is a negociator ... at his partners's risks.

  12. " 2.  What business acumen? "


    America & Trump first.


    - " Donald Trump often portrays himself as a savior of the working class who will "protect your job." But a USA TODAY NETWORK analysis found he has been involved in more than 3,500 lawsuits over the past three decades — and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them."

    -> http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/06/09/donald-trump-unpaid-bills-republican-president-laswuits/85297274/


    - " How can a man that claims to be putting "America first" outsource jobs in his own company? It's simple; money. It's cheaper to hire foreign workers, and Trump knows that. If he won't hire Americans in his own companies, why would anyone believe he would be inclined to "bring jobs back"?

    -> http://www.redstate.com/kylefoley/2016/07/28/trump-puts-americans-first-hiring-foreign-workers/


    - " Trump,  is proposing tax changes that would greatly benefit the commercial real estate business, which is his primary field, and would greatly benefit his own family. And when I asked his campaign last week whether he was proposing any tax changes that would cost him and/or his family any money, I got no reply."



    - " Donald J. Trump, already under scrutiny for how he uses his foundation, directed more than a quarter of a million dollars from the charity to settle legal disputes stemming from his personal businesses, according to a report on Tuesday in The Washington Post.

    " Legal experts said the foundation’s donations in connection with litigation involving Mr. Trump’s personal businesses may have violated tax regulations that prohibit using nonprofit charities for private interests."

    -< http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/21/us/politics/donald-trump-foundation-charity.html



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