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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Rodrigo Duterte shot an officer and ordered the murder of opponents when he was mayor, said today before the Philippine Senate a man posing as a "killer" repented in explosive testimony against the president.

    Matobato Edgar, 57, launched the accusations before the investigating Senate committee on the resurgence of killings since Duterte's presidential inauguration on June 30

    read more : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/15/philippines-president-drug-dealers-rodrigo-duterte-extrajudicial-killings-crocodile


  2. From french press today:

    " Norwegian court today imposed a fine of more than 1,000 euros to a Norwegian hairdresser guilty of religious discrimination after refusing a Muslim woman wearing a hijab in her hairsalon

    "The Court (...) has no doubt that the defendant acted intentionally, that she deliberately discriminated (Malika) Bayan by expelling her because she is Muslim," he estimated Jaeren's court..

    The accused, Merete Hodne, 47, had spurned Bayan Malika, 24, in the village of Bryne in October, declaring according to the indictment that "she had to find another place because did not take people like her. " In her defense, Ms Hodne had explained during the hearing thursday that ite was not religious discrimination but was viscerally frightened by the "Islamic ideology" saying seeing the hijab as a "totalitarian symbol".

    After the incident, she had refused to pay a fine of 8,000 norsk krones (870 euros) and the case was brought to court where she was liable to six months imprisonment.

    She finally has been fined 10,000 norsk krones (1,076 euros), that is to say 400 crowns more than required by the police, and also was ordered to pay 5000 norsk krones for legal costs. Her lawyer quoted by the agency NTB, the hairdresser intends to appeal.

  3. Apple's Tax assemply  in Europe, supported by Ireland, according to the European Commission:  Apple has' avoided tax on virtually all the profits generated by sales of Apple products throughout the EU single market ".


    1/ all the benefits of European sales were registered in Ireland  credited to Apple Sales International (  [Irish company 100% owned by Apple, Ed] )


    2) but only a small percentage of the profits of Apple Sales International was taxed in Ireland, the rest being taxed nowhere  ( " Indeed, the headquarters of Apple Sales International, declared as outside Ireland, "was not located in any country, had no employees and did not own premises."). In 2011, the Irish subsidiary made a profit of 16 billion euros, but "only about 50 million were considered as taxable in Ireland"


    3/ this preferential treatment granted by Ireland "has allowed Apple to be applying an effective tax rate of about 1% on its European profits in 2003, rates decreased to 0.005% in 2014".


    see the graphic in this link below





  4. Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, one of the main EU (European Union of Islamic organizations, whose French branch is the UOIF)  declared in 2002 " "With your democratic laws we will colonize you. With our Koranic laws we will dominate you."

    Islam never fails to use the weapon of human rights to force European countries to adopt a low profile facing the Muslim population there. under the cover of non-discrimination and respect for religious freedom,

  5. Egypt also has a problem with sexual harassment , "Taharrush GAMEA" is a deformation (from the Egyptian accent) FROM "Taharrush Jamai" (Arabic التحرش الجنسي الجماعي).an expression meaning "sexual harassment by a mob," "GAMEA" referring to the crowd.

    This is what happened in Köln during new year's eve.



  6. what is questionable with Islam is that Islam forms a complete system combining religion, politics, law, civilization and manners

    what majority of french people do not want is to be confronted in the public space, to muslims who think they can live in France the way they live or would live  in a muslim country.

    and yes, veils, and burkini, etc.. are seen as identity folklore forms worn by people who want their faith to be visible.

    with recent repeated terrorists attacks and atrocities committed by persons claiming their faith , yes it's true you can easily turn islamophobic.

    this present restaurant's case is not the cause, it's the consequence.

    Saisissez du texte ou l'adresse d'un site Web, ou importez un document à traduire.
  7. From french press :

    " The CCIF ( Collective against islamophobia) has announced plans to bring civil action and complain, and demand "exemplary sanctions" to end "impunity for Islamophobic violence and discrimination." He denounced the "responsibility" of the government and politicians, accusing them of having created "the conditions for the occurrence of acts like this." On social networks, calls to boycott the restaurant, whose surroundings had to be secured, have been launched.





  8. Western society has reached such a level of tension against Muslims in light of current events, that a hitch will be distorted in the direction of greater marginalization of Muslims, so everyone should stop  pouring fuel to the fire, France is under state of emergency.  

    When you say so, then you are characterized as racist . 




  9. The Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) said to be in connection with  the two muslim women involved.   It also calls for "ruin the reputation of this restaurant on all online spaces where it is listed," while advancing "in a coordinated approach that combines legal action political communication and mobilization structured to achieve the objective: convict the restaurant. "

    According to the spokesman of the CCIF, Marwan Muhammad, contacted by AFP, the two women intend to file a complaint monday with the help of the Collective against Islamophobia .


    This overreaction to me ( filming,  public denunciation, police, Muslim organizations..)  is disproportionate and tends to feed islamophobia.







  10. in Aubervilliers (France - with very large muslim community of different countries ) / They just wanted to have drinks on the terrace. They had to fight to get this simple right to sit at a cafe table.


    From french press - Google translation) ( http://www.20minutes.fr/paris/1775579-20160131-aubervilliers-femmes-partent-conquete-cafes



    In early April, they were a fortnight together in a Portuguese brasserie, Café Sport. "Not bad," said one. "Will test the single" replies his neighbor. "I live next door, I will come again, launching another, and in a miniskirt." They laugh. Perhaps the coffee he will get the label "Women here feel at home as" a plate issued by the group and already displayed at the entrance of eight albertivillariens cafés. In April 2011, a few friends, tired of seeing the café terraces occupied almost exclusively by men and to feel intrusive, launched the idea of a regular appointment of women to these terraces. They have talked to other friends who have found nice idea and answered herein. Initially they were only a dozen, often unwelcome, five years after the group has over 200 members with very different origins and ages, and has even established a certified coffee system where women feel good (list below).
    Thus, on Tuesday night, every 15 days, between 19h and 21h, the collective "The Ladies" invests coffee Aubervilliers. They take a drink, talk (a lot !!) and decide later ... Perhaps you've already seen: they wear scarves to peas of different colors (to display their taste for diversity) in gratitude.

    This bimonthly appointment is more than just a drink with friends, true social action collective "Place for Women" the advocates diversity in cafes Aubervilliers but also in public space. Thanks to their actions, change the looks, behavior change and social climate is easing. Obviously not everything is perfect and this peaceful and festive fight is not always seen favorably by some men but it is now easier for them to get together with friends in a cafe.
    Proof that their actions are considered, the intersection opposite the bar "Le Roi du Café" (first one that allowed the class) was renamed "Place of Women" by the Mayor of Aubervilliers, a symbol.



  11. -> to thaibeachlover ,I said " some" , not "they", prefer to conform to their environment. (street corner society)    

    and yes, many, plenty women of muslim faith are successful in their jobs ( some happen to be ministers in France), as well as men - have no problem, but they mostly do not show off their faith first.    

  12. -> to thaibeachlover, I'm saying some would be insulted or hassled if they do not dress " modestly" where they live by people mostly men of the same faith who think they should,  to be a good muslim, ss well as if one of them smokes in the street or serves beer during Ramadan etc   

    In suburban towns in France where a large community of muslims lives,  you will almost find no women in cafes . They are discouraged to go to cafes ( french way of life) by muslim men . Guess what , cafe owners are muslim.

    I can't find a link in English , but in french http://banlieue.blog.lemonde.fr/2013/11/15/femmes-de-banlieue-elles-occupent-les-cafes-daubervilliers/


  13. " Muzzlims are going to end up shunned in larger numbers" ... it is true for those who come from north Africa and not just because of préjudices, because of incivilities observed in everyday life  - not caused by women  but by mostly by young men of arab appearance coming from Maghreb,  in public space or transportations ( free riders, not spontaneously giving up reserved seats to elderly, smoke where it's not permitted, yell on the phone, spit and litter, pray in public ... anykind of attitude that shows they do not care or respect others ). If you happen to say something then you receive insults or worse, these young men being also agressive and violent, but you are racist and bigot etc, etc..

    So yes, refrain interacting whith people who do not share your cultural values, and simply do not try to ajust to western way of life. 


    But in this case, it was not fair to target these women, besides, some of them have to wear scarves because maybe they would be insulted if they don't.   




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