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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 1 hour ago, keemapoot said:


    Stock markets recovered nicely today on Comey's FBI news that in spite the agency-wide program of going to extreme measures for the GOP to find evidence of guilt of Clinton, and announcing same globally to affect the election, based on not yet having seen the Weiner eamils, none has been found...again. Of course, Trump, who earlier applauded Comey, has now turned and called him a traitor and that he has rigged the FBI results for Clinton. Absolutely hilarious.


    Trump is a  weathercock. His supporters take him for a  compass.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

    This would be enough reason alone for Trump to win.



    Ok , now I understand what kind of ambition Trump supporters do have for America : a gated community -  this project matches perfectly to Trump's skills. as successful realtor

    Trump will build the wall on the southern border - paid by the Mexicans,  while Canadians will assume their fair share  of the burden with the northern one.

    For the economy, as simple as possible, this gated community is a tax haven : industries will relocate automatically.  

    For the rest , it's casino, but it's the price to pay to let  Trump'EGO play  POTUS 



  3. 19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    A surprisingly high percentage of American whites are not racist morons willing to put a fascist demagogue in power. I remain optimistic the USA is better than that.


    I did not formulate it correctly - sorry - I meant - if you belong for the data more to the category - supposed to be more in favor of Democrats - for this 2016 election  - so  "white educated" - there is still a risk if gap between  2 candidates equals = margin error

    Also , I doubt Trump supporters only belong to "non educated".   



  4. The risk of turning  the stake of the elections to a racial issue, and this way gaining support from supremacists  - mays cost the G.O.P further victories due to evolutions in demographics.

    Those wo consider " make America white again" as their motto have already won - at least a charismatic sopkesman like Trump. Not yet a POTUS.


  5. 20 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    Looks like justice can only be served by the people now.




    You say you want a revolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    You tell me that it's evolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world

    But when you talk about destruction
    Don't you know that you can count me out
    Don't you know it's gonna be
    All right, all right, all right

    You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know
    We'd all love to see the plan
    You ask me for a contribution
    Well, you know
    We're doing what we can

    But if you want money for people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is brother you have to wait

    Don't you know it's gonna be
    All right, all right, all right

    You say you'll change the constitution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change your head
    You tell me it's the institution
    Well, you know
    You better free you mind instead

    But if you go carrying pictures of ( D.J Trump)
    You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow

    Don't you know it's gonna be

    All right, all right, all right
    All right, all right, all right
    All right, all right, all right
    All right, all right


  6. 1 hour ago, Silurian said:


    Austyn has been a member of the Republican party since 2011. It just goes to show the DT is pushing mainstream Republicans to vote for Hillary. DT just doesn't appeal to voters like Austyn. When Austyn tried to voice his opinion, he was quickly tackled and assaulted by the "non-violent" DT supporters. His simple sign "Republicans against Trump" is very telling protest.


    Oh, yeah, and now being billed as an "assassination attempt" is the most laughable thing of all. DT and his ilk need to dig deep into the well of the imaginary to come up with that one. Gosh, DT was almost assassinated by a man with a sign! How pathetic. Give me a break.



    This tells a lot about the mob that attends D. Trump rallies , this is a sample of how these people will act after election day whatever the result is.

    One way or the other they apparently seek for any opportunity to give a go to the hate and violence they have Inside their heart, and D. Trump showed them the way and keeps on fueling the fire.

    He is totally addicted to this power of nuisance he has.

    D. Trump is making America CRAZY.


  7. D. Trump lives in an  other reality.. the art of desinformation


    Obama silences angry supporters at Fayetteville rally   http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/election/article112640728.html


    But that didn't stop Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, campaigning a few states away at the time, from telling a completely opposite version of what happened, condemning Obama for screaming at the protester.





  8. 5 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

    Donald Trump Hired Me As An Attorney. Please Don’t Support Him For President.




    Thanks Skywalker 69 for sharing this must read extensive expose  (" Bullies will always exist somewhere, but the White House should not be that somewhere")


  9. On ‎03‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 9:40 PM, Skywalker69 said:

    Trump Russia Confession: He Does Know Putin And Here’s The Proof (VIDEO).




    Why Vladimir Putin’s Russia Is Backing Donald Trump  (Inside Vladimir Putin's complex gambit to weaken NATO)°

    In phone calls, meetings and cables, America’s European allies have expressed alarm to one another about Donald Trump’s public statements denying Moscow’s role in cyberattacks designed to interfere with the U.S. election. They fear the Republican nominee for president has emboldened the Kremlin in its unprecedented cybercampaign to disrupt elections in multiple countries in hopes of weakening Western alliances, according to intelligence, law enforcement and other government officials in the United States and Europe.


  10. " “We have three major voter suppression operations under way,” the unidentified senior official told Bloomberg, explaining that the efforts are targeting white liberals, young women and black voters."

    - One tactic is aimed at “idealistic” liberals who supported Senator Bernie Sanders highlights Hillary Clinton‘s support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, or TPP.

    - Another focuses on the women who’ve come forward to accuse former president Bill Clinton of sexual assault — a tactic designed to suppress the female vote.

    - In regards to black voters, the senior official said the GOP nominee and his campaign are highlighting Clinton’s 1996 comments referring to some young black criminals as “super predators.”




  11. "Several journalists quickly noticed that one of Melania Trump's hopeful mantras — “if you could dream it, you could become it” — was uttered first by Donald Trump's second wife, Marla Maples, in 2011 " (" Even though I was from a small town of 500 people, I learned to dance, play clarinet, and play trumpet, all while playing every sport I was allowed to as a southern-born tomboy. I believed if you could dream it you could become it, so I didn’t see life as having any limitations. I was blessed" http://www.maximumink.com/index.php/articles/permalink/marla_maples.)


    "Melania Trump leaves the media scratching its head — again "



    But Melania wore an amazing blouse.  Second to none.


  12. On ‎01‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:37 AM, Skywalker69 said:





    (sorry for the unintentioned quote here)


    When MSM define Trump as an  "unusual" candidate - it's PC .  

    Trump is apocalyptic.

    Trump says he  knows nothing about the far right and supremacist groups - as well as he pretends to have no connection at all with Putin.

    Maybe it's true.


    But -  


    - > This paper focuses on : the establishment of a relationship of mutual understanding and ideological congruence between Europe’s far-right parties and the Putin doctrine, or Putinism 


    (extend "Europe" to "U.S.A")






  13. 4 hours ago, SheungWan said:

    On balance I think I will take the Clinton nonsense over Trump getting into bed with Putin.


    "Never in its wildest dreams could the old Soviet politburo have imagined it would get a U.S. major party candidate so congenial to its interests."

    Trump, Putin, and the Alt-Right International : In boosting Trump and funding fringe parties in Europe, Russia has helped construct a new kind of "comintern"—and it's even more effective than the Cold War version.


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