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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 32 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     I did read the bits you highlighted in green. None of which justify your statement.


    I cannot find the new parts you have 'quoted.' They're not highlighted. What page(s) are they on?


    I did find examples of the opposite. For example at the end of page 78 and start of page 79:-

    "a) For the Islamic side: the reinforcement of Islamic culture which is based on the eternal facts of Islam, its teachings and noble principles based on peace, moderation, coexistence, rapprochement, cooperation, integration and other Islamic civilizational values, inspired by the Holy Quranic verse “We made of you peoples and tribes for you to know each other; the most blessed among you is the most pious”. Therefore, there should be a new perception based on the reconciliation of Muslims with the others by “respecting their ways of thinking and living, their freedom, their laws and the systems they have chosen of their own volition to organize public life in their countries, and by respecting their traditions and customs in such a way as to create a sense of trust and tranquility”. (7by7 emphasis)



    The last parts you emphasised are what I'd call PC blah blah - totally challenged by the rest I've quoted and by facts - both in schools and mosques - and proven by the chain reaction - starting with the parents - that led to the fatwa against the teacher and his beheading.

    As the whole document exposes the strategy very clearly - this is finally the reason why we in the last decades  had to:

    - close some muslim schools that provide courses in opposition to our french values   

    - shut down mosques that promote this strategy 

    - shutdown some Muslim associations and NGO, pretending to go after Islamophobia ( the new Blasphemy) while in fact promoting Islamist propaganda ( in total adequation with the strategy we are talking about)

    - deport Imams


    This is so true that Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar, SA.. have expressed their condemnation of France Macron speech.

    Now too, we better understand why young Muslims in France, put Sharia Law above all (Islamism is Islam in motion) 

    Everything is clearer now and we are just at the beginning of it.  

    But it would be an error to consider this is just a French issue. 




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  2. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


    I can find nothing in that document which justifies the summation you make in your first paragraph.


    Did I miss it; it is, after all, a lengthy document? If so, can you  quote the page numbers where such justification can be found?


    It's all in green.  But to get it you need to stand on a non Muslim POV, in a country like France where the State (Republic) and the Religion are separated and Religion strictly a private  matter.

    Education in France aims at forming "Republicans"  not Muslim moral personalities. 


    In this context:



    - The education of young Muslims is at the heart of the strategy of Islamization “outside the Islamic world”.

    - The attacks targeting public schools are part of an assumed strategy aimed at removing European Muslim children from public schools - strategy defined and assumed by the Islamists ( a good Muslim is an Islamist).
    - But above all, this strategy advocates the development of Islamic education, the only way "to spare children from encountering problems characteristic of life in the West and to free them from this cultural split from which they suffer" ( => call for blasphemy laws in France where teaching focuses on critical thinking).  


    This is a strategy of dis-integration 

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  3. No assimilation, no integration, but dis-integration, it's up to the host society to adjust... the reason why - secularism and free speech beeing  Frances's core values - we  have problems


    The Strategy for Islamic Cultural Action outside the Islamic World

    "The future of the Muslim community is first and foremost contingent upon its own will, which hinges in turn on the development of its conditions so as to build moral personality of Muslims in countries of emigration. Almighty Allah says: “Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they change it themselves.”. 



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