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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 5 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Another poster commented that a mere 6% of population in EU are Muslim.

    Where is the threat?


    Islamism teaches us that demography makes history ,  "we know that the birth rate encouraged by our religion will slowly but surely change the sociological, cultural and civilizational situation in France. We care about it as much as we care about the advantageous policy of family reunification and the allowances that God maintains."

  2. 10 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Removal of Crucifix in French schools was implemented after new law from 1905 separating State and Church through political influx of French socialist Emil Combes.


    Muslim brotherhood started in Egypt in the early 1930’s.


    It’s not yet proven by French police that the Tunisian attacker was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The problem isn't the terrorist, the problem is the rampant Islamization of western societie, sharia and blasphemy codes, etc.. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Thorgal said:


    French media reports that the Tunisian immigrant has been tested positive for covid-19. His medical condition doesn’t allow him to be auditioned by French police.


    He had been in contact with another Tunisian, with residence in Nice, the day prior to the attack.


    Another Tunisian immigrant travelling with the attacker since Lampedusa has been arrested in Nice.

    Two men, aged 18, a Russian of Chechen origin and a Frenchman, and a young woman aged 17, were arrested and taken into police custody on Tuesday morning.
    In total, ten people are now indicted in this case.

    The two men are suspected of having exchanged messages with the assailant, Abdullakh Anzorov, according to a source familiar with the matter, via a discussion group in couriers.
    The Russian of Chechen origin, Ismail G., was born in Grozny, in the Russian republic of Chechnya, in 2002, and arrived in France in 2003, according to declarations of his parents, to AFP.

    The father and mother said they were questioned by counterterrorism investigators. They claimed that their son was "innocent" and that he "regretted" the murder of Samuel Paty.

    The mother's home, where Ismail G. lived, was searched, according to her.

    The 17-year-old is suspected of having been in contact with one of the two men, according to the same source close to the file.


    And same goes with the fatwa against Samuel PATY, if not worse.   

  4. 10 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    As I’ve said, read all my comments on the subject matter and you’ll find the answers! 

    Insults?! I’m just telling it like it is, sorry if you can’t handle the truth! 

    Also, you’re getting off subject! The issue at hand is, innocent people die because Hebdo intentionally enrages the islamic world. My question is, is it worth it that these people die so Hebdo can publish their completely unnecessary rubbish? You should focus on that instead of drawing lines! 

    They can demand whatever they want, that doesn’t mean that they’re gonna get it. Hebdo has a choice, apparently they don’t give a flying F about their own people, that’s why they continue to publish their BS, despite the fact that people have died and will continue to die every time they publish anything related to Islam. 


    1.8 Billion Muslim Charlie Hebdo readers, all over the World.. that is something..

    Still easier and less risky to go after Charlie Hebdo and burn France flag rather than ISIS flag  and fight against ISIS in their own countries.. And we should be silenced and intimidated, cave in because violence works? 

    Charlie Hebdo is already part of France History, chapter " Critical thinking, Free Speech, Moral Obligation".

    Again, this is not a cartoon thing.  


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  5. Criminal proceedings involving the two Winterthur suspects have been ongoing at the federal level since 2018 and 2019 for terrorist-related facts.

    "The two young men are acquaintances of the terrorist who was shot dead by police Monday night in Vienna after killing four people and injuring 22 people in the street. The investigation linked to the attack must in particular establish what exact links the terrorist had with the two Swiss."



    "Switzerland is not generally seen as a center for radical Islamism, and compared to countries like Belgium and France, the radicalized population is small. Nonetheless, there are worrisome portents for the country’s future."


  6. 20 hours ago, Thorgal said:

    I don’t understand why the attacker had a fake explosion belt during the attacks...

    Because these frustrated losers not only want to kill people, they want us to be scared too, this is what it is all meant for, this is part of the terror message.

    Those who can't afford to buy real weapons, parade with fake ones, same goes for the explosive belt ( you don't approach someone with explosives) 

    And I'd add: the more dumb and low IQ lowlives they look, the better. 


  7. 24 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

    In case you didn’t notice, I’m through with you! No need to reply to my posts anymore! 

    I'll make it easier to understand:  If I thought the guest coming to my table would kill me if I showed him a cartoon, I would probably not be inviting him over - it's not a cartoon thing, this is called discernment.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Nobody will deny that there isn’t a problem.


    JP Chevennement proposed 25 years ago to all French official Muslim associations recognised by the French government to sign a petition for implementing a law against blasphemy.


    None of them signed the petition.


    Recent attacks could have been avoided by implementing (a temporary) law or decree by the president in order to focus on covid-19 confinement, gillet jaune protests, sloppy economic growth, Turkish conflict, etc.


    France is a country of many religions, and none.

    Attacks are perpetrated by people submitted to "God's work", therefore there is no way to prevent these attacks. 

    Europe has been put in the situation where they need to erode some civil liberties to avoid  COVID, we should be able to erode some civil rights to get rid of Islamism, deport all those who enable these attacks.


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  9. 16 hours ago, Thorgal said:


    Today 12% of Austrian  people are Muslim.


    30% of children till 18 years are Muslim.

    No pun intended, but next generation (25 years) chancellor in Austria can/will be a Muslim.


    ...introducing the statistical inevitability of terrorism

    Do you expect the Muslim population to erase the native culture?

  10. 4 hours ago, Thorgal said:


    From a theological POV it’s not allowed in sunni Islam to make pictures of Prophets.

    To make caricatures and ridiculing cartoons of religious symbols and prophets is blasphemy.


    From a legal POV it’s not allowed to incite hate through blasphemy.

    The hate message(s) as such don’t need to be detailed in the cartoons. The response from public opinion may not result in hate speech or inciting hate or agression.

    Even a good lawyer can file the controversial cartoons as anti-semitism.





    People literally getting beheaded in France and there are people saying it's bigotry for pointing out that there is a problem.


    "The robust English view used to be that the correct response to offensive words is to ignore them, or to answer them with a rebuke. If you invoke the law at all, it should be to protect the one who gives the offence, and not the one who takes it. Now, it seems, it is all the other way round."

    "Free speech is not the cause of the tensions that are growing around us, but the only possible solution to them."


    "Why we should defend the right to be offensive" https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34613855


    Could be 100% French POV,  and teaching Free Speech means you have to tolerate being offended possibly, and offending possibly - without the risk of being killed. It really isn’t too much to ask, is it?

    NO other " Religion" in the world responds with murder to being offended.

  11. 15 hours ago, Thorgal said:


    Today 12% of Austrian  people are Muslim.


    30% of children till 18 years are Muslim.

    No pun intended, but next generation (25 years) chancellor in Austria can/will be a Muslim.


    Originally from North Macedonia, Kujtim Fejzulai, killed Monday evening by the police, had been sentenced in 2019 to prison in Austria but he had been released early, explained the Minister of the Interior, Karl Nehammer.

    The 20-year-old had therefore succeeded in "cheating" the de-radicalization program and those responsible for monitoring it, the minister said.


    Come and seek a better life in Austria.

    Since 2015, Austria has been known to be a thoroughfare for terrorists and weapons from the Middle East and the Balkans.


  12. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    I honestly fail to see how Charlie Hebdo not publishing cartoons that make fun of Islam will lead to the establishment of sharia law in France! Essentially all they’re asking for is to be respectful of their religion and not make fun of it. 

    These are people are so used to the Authoritarianism  that " you know what I'm talking about " is , they believe Macron has authority over Charlie Hebdo publications .. 


  13. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Do psychopathic Christians kill innocent people when someone makes fun of Jesus?

    So in France - today-   "you know what  i'm talking about" bus drivers , demanded the removal of Borat ads - pretexting they were shocked.. (but they were not vocal about the beheading)

    because of this ring - let's talk about opressed "minorities fleeing their countries.. seeking life and support in countries not their own"..   really?  

    What's next ? Strike?

    Hire "you what I'm talking about" bus drivers and you know what fight you're going into..on the other hand they rightly can fear their buses could be targeted by "you know what I'm talking about" populations.  

    image.png.52277816556d2552ba15f0a5d0c3da4b.png  Sacha Baron Cohen uses a ring with the word "Allah" written on it to  promote his racist, misogynist, anti-Jewish character Borat across the  film's marketing material. Would he be allowed to do

  14. 2 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    Nothing is going to change the Muslim mindset ,you can see what a few silly words about their prophet has set off around the world and their reaction to them,i remember the days in my old home town where there were no mosques ,no imams ,and most of them dressed like us and in many ways were fairly integrated ,times long gone ,now muslims on the whole cannot integrate ,nothing can be done ,eventually we will either have a war with them or just let them take over ,thankfully i will never see the outcome .

    normally it's the chameleon that changes color

  15. 9 hours ago, bodga said:

    Interesting fact Bangladeshis, that ll be the ones as a  kid we used to send money to for  flooding, are the nationality in the Uk the most  likely to die from covid.....its the  will of  allah you  know, lack of capital A is intentional

    It is a very poor country but a champion in demography ...Bangladesh has of course  suffered enormously from France

  16. 22 minutes ago, Cattley said:

    Someone here claims that these cruel facts harm Muslims.if you believe it it means that you do not know and have never read the Koran.you and mainstream TV call them terrorists, but Muslims call them fighters for the jihad which is their  holy war against the infidels and they will go to heaven with 17 virgins. and they die as martyrs for mohammed. the problem is not the terrorists. the problem is islam!

    It is a matter of reversing the point of view, by transforming the victim into an executioner ... So we are no longer talking about the attacks at all, but about Islamophobia. And the culprit is the host society.
    The fight against Islamophobia plays an essential role, since its objective is to victimize a population, by uniting it, around this victimization, in a community that the Islamists want to control.

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