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Posts posted by Opl

  1. Just now, Silurian said:

    Since Donald can go for joy rides, he should be able to make it for the Presidential debate next Thursday (Oct 15), right? There should be no reason to cancel the debate. They can hold it virtually if needed. Kennedy and Nixon were in different cities in their third TV debate in 1960. I would think that with current video conferencing it would be even easier now to have a virtual debate between Biden and Donald.


    It will be interesting to see if there will be two more presidential debates or not. Seems Donald is recovering Bigly and should be healthy enough to debate.


    With a break every 30mn during the debate

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  2. "President Donald Trump could be discharged “as early as tomorrow” from the hospital as he battles the coronavirus, his medical team said on Sunday, while acknowledging Trump experienced concerning drops in his oxygen saturation levels both Friday and Saturday."



  3. 8 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I don't really get that. Isn't that high fiber? My understanding is that for my purposes for the one day, fiber is the enemy.

    I understand you don't want to use toilets for a whole day, is it?

    So you need to go out for the day having everything already gone, right?

    I wake up early every morning take a breakfast with a slice of rye bread, and nearly maximum 1 hour later, my diner and my breakfast are gone, and I'm freed for the rest of the day, except if I have some drinks.

    Maybe it's different for each person, reason why I suggest you to try some days before 


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  4. 10 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

    not anymore than the Catholics who rowed ashore many lands for 100's of years causing havoc by forcefully shoving their beliefs down the throats of native people..

    the main issue for muslim countries is that they have absolutely no role model of their own, be it a rich or a poor country, to the extent that their youth have no better ambition than to migrate and build their lives in the West, since their independance, including by smuggling into Europe as fake asylum seekers, isolated minors etc, etc

  5. 6 minutes ago, Redline said:

    I have zero sympathy for the guy, and if I were him, I would expect billions of people to feel the same as me.  You reap what you sow~keep him going at least until November 4.  Did his loves Kim or Vlad send him notes yet?

    “I am certain that your inherent vitality, good spirits and optimism will help you cope with this dangerous virus,” Mr Putin said in the telegram, according to the Interfax news agency."


    I very much like Putin's sollicitude ( "dangerous virus")

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  6. 7 minutes ago, candide said:

    I am not sure the home channel is that significant. For example, most terrorists, as well as people who joined ISIS, have been brainwashed outside their familly. Actually, one of their main common characteristics was their poor initial knowledge of the Muslim religion.

    That's what they tell us; most terrorists in France have already a record as outlaws, trafickers, etc.. often parents have little if no education, often the father-if present - doesn't work, religious diktats come as a justification to keep wives submitted, and the critic of our values - in France - the reason to their failures (discrimination). You have there a fertile soil for losers who'll turn their resentment and hate into killings. It's always the same pattern : victimisation and islamaphobia.

    It's always someone elses' fault, ours.   

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