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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 7 hours ago, Banana7 said:

    Other news agencies are reporting the knife-wielding attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar” (God is Greatest).

    on the same day , another plce

     A man armed with a long knife was arrested in the south-eastern French city of Lyon on Thursday (Oct 29) as he was about to board a tram, a source close to the inquiry told AFP. The suspect, an Afghan national in his 20s who was dressed in traditional Afghan clothes, had already been flagged to French intelligence services, the source said.

    "He was carrying a 30cm knife and seemed ready to take action,



    an another one

    The French embassy in Saudi Arabia said the consulate in Jeddah was subject to a "knife attack which targeted a guard", adding that the guard was taken to hospital and his life was not in danger.




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  2. 16 minutes ago, greenhornfarang said:

    Im not surprised:

    "There is a deep feeling of stigmatization on the part of the “Arabs” in France. Due to the colonial past and the dramas of decolonization (particularly the Algerian case) and the situation in the Western world which has turned against Islam after the September the 11th , the “Arabs” consider themselves as being stigmatized as “non French” by the other Frenchmen."


    I'm not suprised: they don't stand by France - if you read what they say about those attacks, they have always the justification you presented - By the way, they say they are not Arabs but Amazighs.

    50% of young North Africans want to migrate, and as they speak French it's just convenient ( France, Belgium, eventually Canada, Switzerland) - in addition to social welfare benefits.

    France is not a choice by heart.

    It's a double frustration they have to live in a country they dislike, because they have no easier choice. 




  3. the assailant is a 21-year-old Tunisian Brahim Aoussaoui. Non-asylum seeker in France, he arrived in Lampedusa at the end of September where he had been quarantined by the Italian authorities before being subject to an obligation to leave Italian territory and left free...  and arrived on French territory at the beginning of October.

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  4. 27 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    A bloody beheading after some cartoons of '  Mohammed the prophet ' have been shown in a classroom ?

    To show the cartoons may , for some , represent kind of an insult , but a murder , a beheading , is another kind of crime .

    There are a lot of muslims in France who hate the french and their lifestyle .

    Macron is right if he says that he will ' crack down ' on islamic movements in France who want to spread terror and destabilize society and bring social unrest .

    Erdogan just wants attention as he considers himself ' a great islamic leader ' .

     as Charlie Hebdo  nailed it on 2016   cover ( Barcelona Ramblas attack)  - " Islam religion of peace .... eternal"

    as of today, since 2015 ( Charlie Hebdo terror attack)  attacks, attributed or claimed by  Islamists have killed over 260 p in France 

    just a reminder

    Charlie Hebdo "bâtards": le tweet d'un responsable turc signalé à la  justice - Nice-Matin

    Les médias se mobilisent pour Charlie Hebdo - Le Courrier


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  5. 21 hours ago, sirocco said:

    Hey! no, STEVENl, the burqa (wire mesh on the front of the face) and the niqab (veil covering the face) = enslavement - submission,
    are also prohibited in private places, but open to the public, such as banks, restaurants, cafes, small private shops, etc.
    If these women want to practice this submission, do not want to get rid of this straitjacket that hinders their freedom, they return to their country, to their hut, their hut.
    They do not deserve the countries that feed them, house them, care for them, help them financially.


    Private/Public... see last CH cover.. released online Tuesday night, shows Erdogan, at home, wearing T-shirt and underwear, drinking a beer and lifting the skirt of a woman wearing the veil


  6. On 10/25/2020 at 2:28 AM, simple1 said:

    Terrible, merciless killing and injury of innocents. Keep foreign special forces in Afghanistan to assist and coordinate with destruction of IS in Afghanistan.

    What is the proven rationale after all those years, for the West to stand in the middle of the way of ever conflicting tribes, Talibans and their alikes in the Muslim world - and become part of the problem -  while IS as an ideology  needs no borders trespassing to spread all over the Planet?   

  7. Still accurate: In 1997, as mayor of Istanbul, Erdogan loosely referenced a poem by the Turkish nationalist Ziya Gokalp:

    The mosques are our barracks,

    the domes our helmets,

    the minarets our bayonets,

    and the believers our soldiers.

    "Erdogan had included these lines in past speeches. But this time they provoked Turkey’s secular military leaders and civilian elite, who had just forced the country’s first Islamist prime minister from power and who viewed Istanbul’s popular, Islamist-leaning mayor as a threat."


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  8. "The container left Serbia in July and was first transported to Croatia, which was the likely intended destination for those traveling in the container as an EU country. For some reason they couldn’t get out there. The container continued to Egypt, Spain and Argentina before it ended up in Paraguay."



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  9. 28 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    Your rant above is the same as your previous ones. Based upon your prejudice alone.


    This is proven by the simple fact that there is nothing in the document you provided which in anyway supports what you say; even your claimed quotes do not exists in the document!


    No one denies that there is a problem with Islamic extremism in Europe and elsewhere. But your ignorant prejudices lead you to believe that those extremists, terrorists and murderers represent the majority. Even the document you, yourself, provided as 'proof' shows otherwise!


    Your attitude only adds to the problem as it helps the extremists by alienating otherwise peaceful and law abiding young Muslims.


    You're always judgmental, and reluctant to link facts that challenge your narrative. Of course It's uncomfortable to confront a different POV if you have to submit to an ideology.

    It's not a problem for me at all to admit my prejudices, reinforced by this document and facts.

    We now in the West are more and more able to understand how things evolve under cover - and it's all clearer now Islam is Islamism at rest and islamism is Islam in motion. It's the same.

    This highschool student  (she was sanctioned and posed as schocked by the cartoons) who lied to her father who in his turn- peaceful as he is - took advise from islamists and the Mosque, .and finally talked to the author of the beheading - to name a few who took part in this atrocious chain of events - and you know how things ended - were all good people , until.. 

    Let's not bury our heads in the sand.. in respect to Samuel PATY's legacy. 

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