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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 18 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Read my post again, there was no deflection, As Islamist terrorism is primarily focussed on other Muslims, curious why you care as you repeatedly vilify all Muslims or are you only concerned when Westerners are murdered. I have removed your asinine personal and Off Topic question.


    In his course about free speech,  the teacher has shown cartoons of ALL RELIGIONS;

    The teacher has been beheaded by someone who lived  over 100km away.......

    The daughter of the man who called his fellow believers to protest and designated the teacher- in a video- didn't belong to the teacher's class  

    The Great Pantin Mosque supported the call to protest and remove the teacher

    what's wrong?  

    Food for your thoughts. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    Yet again, as whenever one of these atrocities occur, the same people cannot, nay refuse, to distinguish between Islamist terrorism and Islam, between Muslim terrorists and ordinary Muslims.


    Muslims in France condemn teacher’s killing near Paris


    Saudi Arabia leads Arab and Muslim world in condemning terrorist murder of French teacher


    Egypt’s Mufti Condemns Killing of French Teacher For Prophet Muhammed Caricatures


    The question is; why aren't western media reporting this?

    How did the teacher meet his killer? 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, elliss said:


             Why don't the moderate Muslims, publicly condone, these murder's .

              Live in fear in the name of religion . Nothing new ..   





    because they condemn the cartoons - excuse to the killing 

    free speech is an alien concept

    religion as a private matter is an alien concept

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  4. 7 minutes ago, MrMuddle said:

    It looks as though I'm allergic to cats too. Bought some Clarityne tablets, symptoms went in a couple of days. Do I need to take these every day, or just when I get problems? Will be wearing a face mask when around cats in future.

    only when necessary, when you are symptomatic, 1 tablet, follow the prescription

    Also beware of clothes you wear, in case cat hair stick to textiles  

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    .... from countries with an excess of un-educated, aggressive men.


    Countries where women have no influence on culture or moral behaviours, where religion has been perverted and where demographics and a failing economy has created an uneducated workforce are not ideal for immigration, and this creates the condition where someone feels that beheading over a cartoon is a rational action.

    rational and consensual action

  6. 13 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

    I'm very sorry about the whole situation and I'd be more than happy if things were different. 


      A  teacher, who I'd think loved these students and did a great job, was killed, because of a freaking cartoon character?


      God, f_c__ng -shi_e, that's all a bit too much for me. 

    "teaching about the Shoah was a problem. Talking about Israel was seen as an affront. Evoke colonization, equality between men and women, the complexity of history, the contextualization of a situation or a literary work, which are problematic.",

    from today's Le Monde - Michaël Prazan


  7. 7 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

    Not sure exactly the point, but it isn't all religions.

    If something taught in school was offensive to any other religion the response would be a complaint to to the school authorities, not a murderous attack.

    It seems it isn't PC to make this observation but it is true.

    "Instructions seem visibly to have been passed to react flawlessly to "all those who for 24 hours have been delighted at the death of the teacher"


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  8. 5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Where have I denied the reality of Islamist violence / terror - never done so.


    Macron's response never to enable Islamist terror to change French culture, in this case, norms of education for non violent Freedom of Speech / Expression, is spot on. Your suggestion Islamist terror will lead to Islamism taking over the French Education system, I believe is extraordinary defeatism.


    Will The Mosq in question be shut down?  

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  9. 5 hours ago, Victornoir said:

    To speak about the cartoons of Muhammad in a class partly composed of Muslim students was provocative. This subject is not in the school curriculum, it is therefore on the teacher's own initiative.

    Clumsy, controversial, indelicate, militant...

    This in no way excuses his assassination. The police did well to eliminate the killer, but in these troubled times when the rational mind clashes with archaic beliefs, caution should be exercised.

    Too bad, French National Education program didn't receive the Muslim Brotherhood approbation

    A large majority of Muslims living in France share your point of view - therefore are de facto morally complicit and part of the chain of reactions that led to the teacher's beheading.

    To remind what Charlie Hebdo terror attack was in the context of the trial of those who helped the perpetrators , to debate of Freedom of Expression in France - now and in this context- is totally relevant. 

    " caution should be exercised" , yes  ... not to reverse the accusation, not to help them bury our heads in the sand

  10. 31 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Looks like I have a greater trust than you your fellow citizens will not succumb to possible threats.

    The father of a fourth-grader had tried to launch a protest movement after the teacher gave a course on freedom of expression, including cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published by Charlie Hebdo.
    His daughter , schooled in fourth in the establishment, but not in the teacher's class, told, according to her father who took up her version in a video broadcast the day after the course, her "shock" when the teacher would have, according to her, asked the Muslim students to leave the classroom, because "he was going to show an image that might shock them." The student's parent, according to an elected official, launched his video "without consultation with other families who have children who follow this course and without inquiring whether his daughter was telling the truth or not". He then posted the teacher's name on Facebook. His call to protest at the College has first been supported by the Great Pantin Mosq (now condemning the killing). 

    in addition to knowingly lying, the father knew the risks of publishing such a video,  with the precedent of Charlie Hebdo

    No respect - no trust. 


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  11. 1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

    None of which addresses the point I made.

    As far as I can see you tried to link that poll to a propensity to kill in the name of religion.

    If you are not saying that then say so and we are good. 

    So you put Sharia law above all in a non Muslim country? Because Sharia Law is how the ideology organizes the society and the politics.

    Get it? 

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