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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 9 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

    Ok fellas, just keep schools closed, continue to charge property owners taxes for schooling that isn’t happening and blocking parents from going to work all at the same time because covid. 

    Then have a few more public funerals, protests, and riots to show those same parents on the news while they sit home thinking <deleted>. 


    Very bold strategy, guys. I do not understand how anyone in their right mind thinks this is a winner but apparently this forum has quite the strange demographic. 

    Treat frontline and essential workers kids like Trump kids and send  everyone safely to school. Period.

    The only precaution Trump takes for his fellow citizens is to have them sign a waiver. What a winner. 

    • Like 2
  2. 40 minutes ago, candide said:

    "Another 21% said they thought Trump was concerned about voter fraud, and 10% said Trump “wants to protect Americans from the spread of coronavirus at polling locations.”

    " Donald Trump’s campaign says it knocked on over 1 million doors in the past week alone. Joe Biden’s campaign says it knocked on zero. Trump and the Republican National Committee, in contrast, started deploying mask-wearing field staffers and volunteers to the streets in June. The GOP quickly ramped up and now claims more than a million doors a week despite Covid-19 surges across the country, including in swing states like Arizona."



  3. "Two thirds of registered American voters oppose delaying the Nov. 3 presidential election due to the coronavirus pandemic, and more than half think President Donald Trump floated the idea of postponing it last week to help himself politically, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling released on Wednesday."


  4. "Trump claimed during the coronavirus briefing that mail-in voting is only safe if the governor is a Republican, like in Florida. "In the case of Florida, they’ve done a great job. They’ve been doing it over many years and made it really terrific. So for Florida, you can mail in your ballots. "



    "President Donald Trump plans to sue to stop Nevada from issuing mailed ballots to all active voters, he announced at a White House briefing on Monday.

    Trump had already threatened legal action earlier in the day, suggesting mailed ballots would make it impossible for Republicans to win there in the November general election."



    "“The RNC now lists a total of 17 states where they and the Trump campaign are engaged in legal battles related to mail-in voting,” the MSNBC host reported. “This is a full, concerted effort by the entire Trump administration and, crucially, the Republican party … to undermine the legitimacy of the election.”"


  5. "Voting by mail has become a controversial issue for President Trump's re-election campaign. He talked to chief political correspondent Jonathan Swan about his lack of confidence in the system in his "Axios on HBO" interview. Swan, though, countered Trump on some of his oft-repeated lines at some key moments. Example: Trump’s frequent attacks on mail-in voting as fraudulent. "



    The whole interview  


    • Like 1
  6. "Brexit is being presented as a beacon of hope for small-scale fishers. ..

     "no deal Brexit" scenario:

    -> The UK claims high quota shares and access to waters, but the EU responds with high tariff and non-tariff barriers, and fails to reduce its own quota share or fishing pressure

    -> Brexit negotiations turn sour and the most adversarial outcomes prevai

    -> winners: Improvement in economic performance (earnings, profits, wages) for fleet segments with large quota holdings. Similar to Hard Brexit, but with smaller gains.

    -> losers: reduction in economic performance for fleets segments with small quota holdings. Similar to Hard Brexit, but with larger losses."

    ( vessels (under 10 metres) make up 77% of the UK fishing fleet, they hold only 1.5% of the quota... it's up to the fisheries Minister to allocate more UK quota to small vessels over large)


    OTHERS BREXIT SCENARIOS AND STUDY RESULTS: This report is the first attempt to weigh the risks and opportunities of Brexit for UK fishers, analysing six different possible scenarios for Brexit Hard Brexit, Soft Brexit, Fisheries First Brexit, Fisheries Last Brexit, No deal Brexit


    • Like 2
  7. 12 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


    Whatever the ethics of it, I can guarantee you there are large numbers of millennials right now that don't find the thought of a few million less boomers on the planet a bad thing. Bonus points if they are set to inherit. 


    They run around and party and disregard social distancing, go to Covid parties and generally don't care. 





    I can guarantee you that in the eyes of a 5 y.o, a millenial is old, and it's hard to be an orphan

  8. 1 hour ago, Thomas J said:

    The war ended in 1945 that is 75 years ago.  Germany has the 4th largest economy in the world, the U.K. 6th and France 7th.  Seems like they should have enough money to support their own defense.  

    In 2019:

    - the US - population 330M - contributed nearly €470 million - to NATO's budget of €2.12 billion: 22% of NATO's budget

    to be compared to;

    Germany + France : population 150M - contribution: 25.2% of NATO's budget 

    - Germany - population 83M - contribution 14,6 % of NATO's budget

    - France - population 67M - contribution : 10.6% of NATO's budget  

    https://www.dw.com/en/germany-to-match-us-contribution-to-nato-budget/a-51446211#:~:text=From 2021%2C Germany will increase,with what the US pays.&text=Starting in 2021%2C the share,from 22.1% to 16.35%.

    But yes, The EU needs full strategic autonomy with regards to China, Turkey, ME, Africa..  

    Reminder: Art 5 (collective defense) triggered once only, by the US

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    • Confused 1
  9. So now, in the US, you have both absolute extremes of stupidity.. good luck 


    - anti-mask Congressman Louie Gohmert ( R, Tea Party) wondering if wearing a bandana led to positive COVID test..



    -"A South Florida man fired a gun at a Miami Beach hotel after police say he became enraged over a mother and son’s lack of social distancing."





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