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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 50 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    You will find many genuine refugees fled their home countries to escape from serving in the dictatorship's military. As you know those rising up against dictatorships were/are brutally repressed, Syria being the prime example. Not sure of current stats, but previously the majority of asylum seekers were assessed as genuine refugees, not economic refugees. Germany had a lot of economic refugees from Wester Balkan countries, but little to zero comments about that on this forum. Unfortunately, EU / UK struggle to achieve government to government agreements to deport rejected asylum seekers as well as not allocating sufficient funds / resources to manage the situation. I do recall the EU (?) agreement with Libya which turned into a disaster with returnees and those entering the country via borders being held and sexually abused, tortured, raped and so on.

    and of course it's why thousands of illegal economic migrants head to Lybia in their attempts to smuggle into Europe, and of course Nigerian prostitutes are to be considered as genuine asylum seekers, as well as the men they travel with, etc, etc..     

  2. 17 minutes ago, transam said:

    Typical nonsense from a worried bloke....????

    try this then.. "But the new economic migrants are less exposed to racism. They believe that Brexit is going to increase economic opportunities for them," Khan added.

    Some experts think Brexit offers a unique economic opportunity for British South Asians — something that was not possible with Britain being part of the EU bloc... More than this, there was the hope that once European migration stops, migration from South Asian countries can restart. It is a fight for resources between immigrants"

    common sense speaks



  3. 3 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Good to see our "friends and partners" in the EU (primarily France in this case) dumping their trash on us before the withdrawal period ends. 


    These are not refugees. France is not a war torn country and the rule is they stay in the first safe country. Instead, the French are escorting them into British waters. Once again the EU talking big about fairness, working in good faith etc. while trying to stab us in the back.


    Priti Patel needs to grow a pair as well. Tow them back out like Australia does.

    France isn't the port of embarcation nor the final destination of these uninvited crowds. France happens to be the last stop on the Continent. And don't worry, most of people denied asylum elsewhere end up trying France, as a bounce, reason why there is resentment. If I was bound for Germany on a Lufthansa flight, and had to stop and stay in Pakistan instead, I would feel the same. 

    As you know so much how the French escort the migrants to the UK, for free ( a bonus), we expect ad tremendous increase in the days to come, as good news travel fast. With your logic, I don't see why France isn't doing better to accomodate, lodge and feed all these people instead of being trashed for its handling of so called "asylum seekers" needs.

    Just back 2 year ago

    "The Grande Synthe camp of tightly-packed wooden cabins, set up just over a year ago, was 70 percent destroyed by the blaze on Monday night after clashes between Iraqi Kurds and Afghans"



        Evacuation d'un camp sauvage de migrants dans le nord de la France


    These migrands do treat France like trash. they are just looking for a better life. 



    before  Migrants : l'Etat va financer le camp de Grande-Synthe | Les Echos

    after     Hébergement d'urgence des migrants dont le camp a été ravagé par un incendie

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Surelynot said:


    Screen Shot 2020-08-10 at 14.59.26.png

    "The Rwandan refugee, who worked as a warden at the cathedral, was rearrested on Saturday night.

    No motive for the fire, which destroyed the cathedral's 17th Century organ as well as historic stained-glass windows, has been given.

    His lawyer told reporters his client felt "relief" after confessing."


    Rwandan refugee admits starting Nantes cathedral fire -


    "Three Sudanese arrested over French 'terror' stabbing"Three Sudanese arrested over French 'terror' stabbing"



    I could go on and on, just the past few months, so you'd better think twice before posting about France



    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, sungod said:

    One would hope when they see a small boat on the coastline overloaded with people of color, they would deduce they would be asylum seekers about the embark on a very dangerous voyage across the busiest sea lane in the world. Many have died on this crossing, so you being a person who obviously cares a lot, don't you think the French Police should be stopping them?

    all these people think and say " France no good" (sic) - which they are totally entitled to as we are already fully booked - so good luck.    

  6. 9 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Wrong. Most Covid deaths are from the European strains which are more contagious and potent. Deaths on Trump’s hands for not stopping flights from Europe quickly. He also gave false hope to the people that the virus will go away and was dismissive of science and mask. His poor handling of the pandemic caused the virus to multiply exponentially racking havoc to the economy and caused big unemployment losses. China has 3 potential vaccines in phase 3 and have large manufacturing facilities and don’t need US false help. 

    Nonetheless, China's Mask diplomacy was loathsome - and revealed China's real face, non mentioning Chinese firms sending Inappropriate PPE to the world, and last but not least taking advantage / benefit from the strategic products shortages ( ventilators) etc... business is business, business as usual

    So, we now have learned and won't forget.  

  7. 4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Just commenting on what I observed and everyone in Thailand took precautions , understood the dangers and all contributed to making Thailand Corvid free , the Thai Government did well in that respect , as did Thai people and felangs in Thailand .

      Other Countries didnt do so well .

    in Europe, kids, teenagers, had to spend up to 4 months long - 24/7 - at home under the permanent scrutiny of their their parents, no way out..          

  8. 1 hour ago, Jonnapat said:

    There are hundreds more that could have been taken down over the years. Has the crooked Zuckerberg just woken up? 

    "the Trump’s tweets are being preserved for posterity, so future generations can revel in the president’s peculiar and unprecedented use of Twitter as an art form and governing tool."


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