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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 33 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

    What do you mean “who finally turned out to be an Islamist”? Sudan is an Islamic country! 

    In regards to leaving his wife behind, obviously he went to France to commit an attack, so why would he take his wife with him?!


    Also, it’s very easy for you to judge refugees from your comfortable armchair. You really need to do some research on why refugees usually are males and why they leave their families behind! 

    You’re extremely uneducated on the subject matter and totally biased, which is clearly evident in your posts! And I’m not saying that to attack you! I mean it, do some research and find out yourself! 


    So, according to you:


    1/ Sudanese are Islamists because Sudan, is an Islamic Country... this is breaking news LOL 

    2/ He went to France as asylum seeker to commit a terror attack - being Sudanese, therefore an Islamist - 

    3/ Refugees are males - (sometimes unaccompanied minors) who flee letting their elderlies, wifes and children in greater danger, but that's exactly how illegal economic migrants smuggle into Europe,

    and so:  

    illegal economic migrants are refugees and refugees are Islamists because they live in Islamic countries...and sometimes commit terror attacks . Correct?  

    That's what you say!


    Then, what is the difference between an "Islamist" living in an "Islamic country" and a muslim ?


    The error France made was to grant refugee status ( documents, lodging, training, and work) to a Sudanese illegal economic migrant - thinking he was a true asylum seeker but not an islamist, not a terrorist - fatal error.    




  2. 59 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    France doesn't have a marvellous  record of treatment of Muslims, does it. I'm sure you're well aware of the French occupation of Syria and Algeria, let alone the terrible mistakes made at the end of WW1 in conjunction with the British (I am British). Though it's no excuse for terrorism, I assume there is underlying resentment.


    I am to silence you and cohorts - what a laugh, shoe is very much on the other foot.


    Can't say any more to you and your cohort in this topic as likely will slip up and post what I really think of the right of centre posters. Already got me suspended a number of times????

    I thought France was not totally absent of your personal history ... reason why I don't mind to disagree, lol

    Stay safe 

  3. "As of today, 92% of the USS Theodore Roosevelt crewmembers have been tested for COVID-19, with 550 positive and 3,673 negative results,"  the Navy said in a press release Saturday. Crozier sent a memo to more than 20 people pleading for help when only dozens of people onboard the ship had tested positive for the virus."

    More than 10 percent of the 4,800 crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier have tested positive

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, simple1 said:

    Got any factual based info that Muslim heritage people kill because they had a tough time reaching the West or are frustrated as they cannot access their preferred destination; sounds like complete nonsense to me.  The murderers are motivated by violent Islamist indoctrination / propaganda from the likes of Wahhabism, Al Qaeda, ISIS.

    Ask those stranded in the Calais "jungle" who were dispatched all over France, and how these 3 Sudanese ended up in this  south eastern France town of 10 000  souls,. (including 7 victims, + their families), while they prefered  to stick all together, the numbers being their force ( get to know how things work).

    But I agree with you, the complete non sense for us, here is to finally let people take place by force where they should not, with their habits they won't give up.

    The murderers have pre-existing conditions to turn their frustration against the host country of disbelievers into, something that sounds familiar those days, we here more and more understand the mechanism of it and are less and less blinded.

    My country is not there to be looted.  


  5. 3 minutes ago, zhounan said:

    Imagine my surprise! Another economic migrant false refugee, and it will be worst, thanks EU and UNHCR! 

    do-gooders will tell you that they flee dictatorship in their home countries for a better life- and then, turn amok because the journey to the West was a nightmare, ended in France while they dreamed of the UK or Sweden, and finally find some relief to their frustration by slaughtering the milk-cow.... they put it on mental illness, so it's not their fault, they have not the codes ... all is forgiven..  


    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    It’s not about how many of them there are, it’s about some nutcases abusing religion, my point being, it’s not the religions that are bad - it’s the people who abuse them to suit their needs.

    It's  not even searching how and why the victims had to be killed in your point ( any compassion , by the way?) , it's not a matter of religion to be bad or not, it's how a religion governs all spheres of life from personal hygiene, organization of society to politic and economic life ( and that's how the home country they leave is and stays submitted to it and its population kept poor).

    And we, here - who accomodate their needs - we, who are the victims in the end- foot the bill. 

    It's the host country that is abused.  


  7. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Why do you think he came?

    And why do you think they did not go to SA, Kuweit, UAE instead of Europe as they complain having to live in countries of disbelievers, and describe themselves as fighters?   

    This time it's a Sudanese, last one before it was an Afghan, both arrived as asylum seekers, what do they have in common?   

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    Why do you think he came?

    Ever conflicting countries, booming populations, no education, religion for the poor to remain submitted , unadaptated tribal mentality,  frustration, illegal economic migration, etc, etc.. this is just the begining of an increasing burden without benefits. 

    Always wondering how easily people use knives - and how they turn their hate towards us into mass killings. 

  9. The contents of several phones and a computer seized at the killer's place' are being analyzed. Several observers noted, that just over a week ago, IS had called on its community to act, taking advantage of the health crisis and while "security and medical institutions have reached the limits of their capacities." in some areas ". In an editorial dated March 19, Al-Naba, the organization’s weekly digital newsletter, encouraged its followers to attack “apostates” in times of crisis in order to weaken them.

  10. "The U.S. Navy captain who was fired earlier this week over a letter raising alarms about the severity of an outbreak onboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has the coronavirus, The New York Times reported Sunday, citing two former Naval Academy classmates close to the captain and his family. Capt. Brett Crozier reportedly began showing symptoms before he was relieved of his command on Thursday."


  11. “Our captain did what he could to protect us and our health,” a sailor on board the carrier told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    “With them firing our [commanding officer] it feels like they are saying they don’t care about us,” the sailor added.

    “We are really disappointed in how they handled it and we want our captain back.”



    "Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Tuesday evening that he had not "had a chance" to read the four-page letter sent by the captain of an aircraft carrier with an outbreak of coronavirus."



    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

    Under Human Rights laws whether due to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, political views.

    So pretty much anyone, potentially.

    Yes and it could be that this same Sudanese Islamist granted refugee status, based on who knows what narrative, supports forced marriage or excision, or blasphemy laws... alll other valid motives to ask for asylum as well...  

  13. And here they come... "Amid virus fears, Pakistan searches for pilgrims from mass gathering" ... do the right thing, and good luck ( "According to organisers, a number of foreign nationals also attended this year's gathering from countries including China, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Afghanistan.") 

    Pakistani authorities are searching for tens of thousands of worshippers who attended an Islamic gathering in Lahore last month just as the novel coronavirus was taking root in the impoverished nation, officials told AFP on Saturday.


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