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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 50 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    Trump has no interest in conceding, he just wants to do as much damage as possible before he’s going to have to vacate the WH in January. He’s like a kid who’d rather break his toy than let anyone else play with it. 

    the Trump family  will not vanish from the political arena with the election,  the "kids" will stay in orbit with an inheritance of 70M followers    

  2. 7 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

    sore loser.... his legacy will be one of the worse in the American history, he was impeached , had ONLY 1 term full of contradictions/arguments, lost of allies and refused to accept defeat, that's a great legacy or CV to add to his previous bad deals and bankruptcies, 3 words..... Lock Him Up

    "Super Trump" piece of Legacy - hadn't he been POTUS, maybe he wouldn't be planning rallies, so Trump is a very lucky person, in fact. 


    • Like 1
  3. The problem is poorly worded, France has "deep" doubts concerning Islam in France, and French people have made up  their minds: 

    - does Islam have respect for our secular laïc French Republic?

    - is Islam soluble in French culture?


    In France, you have to abide by our Constitution and Laws above all:  no individual or group may use their origin or religion to exempt themselves from the common rule


    - 1789: France abolishes the crime of blasphemy

    -1880: Jules Ferry lays the foundations for free secular schools - (There should be no overlap between priest and teacher - schoolchildren be taught that all philosophical ideas are subject to scrutiny  by reason and science)

    In 1905, the adoption of the law on the separation of church and state introduced the principle of a strict separation between the private and public spheres (Religion is private matter)  

    1946: Secularism enters the Constitution - (prohibition of political and religious propaganda in schools)

    2004: Ban on wearing conspicuous religious symbols in schools


    It's as simple as that,  anti-France foreign political agendas on these matters are the reason causing these repeated terror attacks since years, if not decades.


    We, French know where we come from, there is no way for France to return back to 1789, and bend to superstition and ignorance  


    Is there any religion that France doesn't respect?

    France is a country of many Religions, and none.

    France is a post- Religion country and does have utmost respect for Islam, in Muslim countries.   



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  4. 6 minutes ago, sscc said:

    November 2020 voting is  all about   PRO-Trump  Vs  ANTI-Trump,  this had been all too clear midway in 2020 election. 


    This 2020 election proved that Trump style is quite well received, except one trait.  So I will not be  surprised that a young version of Trump showed up for GOP in 2024 or even 2028.


    The sexism element of Trump is driving suburban females to for Biden camp and tilting the balance of the election.   GOP is likely to recruit some presentable figure preferably 55 years old or younger and treading all the traits of Trump less the sexism and womanizing parts.     This 2020 election proved that sexism does matter in American politics,  but racism does not matter much.


    It won't be Trump again in 2024,  neither will be Mike Pence.         


    Is it just possible to educate young US children with Trump as  role model?

    This is not a statement but a question, what do they learn from Trump's attitude, behavior, speeches, 8 years under Trump influence..?  

  5. 1 hour ago, Thorgal said:


    In short, you promote laicism and secularism against jihadi terrorism.


    When you live in France, you don't need to promote Laicité and Secularism . You have to abide by our Constitution and Laws above all, (no individual or group may use their origin or religion to exempt themselves from the common rule)/


    - 1789: France abolishes the crime of blasphemy

    -1880: Jules Ferry lays the foundations for free secular schools - (There should be no overlap between priest and teacher - schoolchildren be taught that all philosophical ideas are subject to scrutiny  by reason and science)

    In 1905, the adoption of the law on the separation of church and state introduced the principle of a strict separation between the private and public spheres (Religion is private matter)  

    1946: Secularism enters the Constitution - (prohibition of political and religious propaganda in schools)

    2004: Ban on wearing conspicuous religious symbols in schools


    It's as simple as that,  anti-France foreign political agenda on these matters are the reason causing these repeated terror attacks since years, if not decades.


    We, French know where we come from, there is no way for France to return back to 1789, and bend to superstition and ignorance.  

    Don't agree ? There are better choices for you on the Planet.      




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  6. 1 hour ago, Thorgal said:


    You need a work permit in Italy. If you’re a transmigrant you have to leave the country within 7 days.


    “His older brother Yassin, 38, said: 'He bought new clothes and a mobile phone in France with the money he had earned working harvesting olives in Italy.”





     You just forgot something crucial.. new clothes.. a mobile phone .... and ..and ......?.

    try harder. 

    • Confused 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Your twisting my comments.


    Jihadi terrorism has nothing to do with migration. It’s a sociologic consequence of education, criminality and poverty.


    Many French jihadis from La Reunion, French Guyanne, Madagascar,  Guadeloupe and Martinique joined IS/AQ in Syria and Iraq. Nonof these French overseas regions had Muslims in the past.

    you've been answered already, enjoy your WE, 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Majority of jihadi terrorists have a criminal past combined with jail time before engaging in terrorism.


    Criminal activities include drugs use+dealing, smuggling, possession of illegal weapons, thefts, hold ups, etc.


    Those criminal activities are noticeable as well for EU jihadis as MENA region jihadis.


    Majority of jihadi terrorists didn’t finish secondary school education.


    Jihadi with a low financial criminal past tend to go over in terrorism. Rich/successful  ones are not or less committed to terrorism.


    Majority of jihadi terrorists are more often joined with each other by connections made in jail or by previous joint civil criminal activities. 


    this doesn't answer my questions - as we say in French, your replies are totally off the mark..  

    but anyway you've just established the chain : illegal Muslim migration - smugglers and traffickers - criminality - radicalization - Jihadism

     It is astonishing to see how much these terrorists need help to achieve their crimes: accompanied to buy a knife,  transported, all the logistic before, and after.

    They are just the last link and by no way lone wolves, all others are enablers if not those who triggered the fatwa, but they are just silent so undetected, accomplices therefore guilty, it's a mafia-type ecosystem we have to deal with.    

  9. 13 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Similar stats often quoted, though nothing on that magnitude has manifested. Even when IS were being 'successful' had relatively very few Muslims joining.


    Among immigrant groups, Muslims have unique resistance to integrating, sharp cultural differences, and introduce the statistical inevitably of terrorism. Unlike other religions, Islam is explicitly political.


    Here in Australia, whilst there are some Muslims who are disinterested, most integrate into society. Out of a population of approx 630k Muslims, 45 have been convicted for various terrorism offences, with one terrorism related murder - could of course change in an instant.


    You may be interested in subscribing to Oxford Uni research for consideration...


    While the discourse is often that Muslims have failed to integrate into French society through an acceptance and enactment of French values and policies, new research is suggesting that the “failed” integration of Muslims reveals a deeper failure of French Republican universalism, equality, and secularism.





    And why do we have to go after Imams, close Mosques, schools, NGOs, diverse Muslim associations that are all supported by Muslim living in France (legally and illegally) - including financially - and vice versa?  

    it's always an auction of victimhood when it comes to Muslim diaspora, one of the reasons they don't succeed to integrate in a country like France, despite generous social welfare benefits.

    It's a state of mind they have. It's always someone else's  fault. 


    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, simple1 said:


    Another member posted terrorism is a result of Muslim migration to France. I just commented Muslim migration was founded as an an outcome of French colonialisation; that's it.  Concerning Muslim Brotherhood and Salafism...


    Salafis and the Brotherhood’s more traditional Islamists are two distinct groups with distinct aims. 




    Anyway, both actors of what Macron recently described as “Islamic separatism.” forming what Macron calls a “counter-society.” 

    See the anti-France protests in countries non colonized by France? 

    Even 10% of 1.8 billion people is almost 200 million people who think it is their duty to kill disbelievers.

    if Christians beheaded Muslims in a mosque  what would the reaction be? 

    Among immigrant groups, Muslims have unique resistance to integrating, sharp cultural differences, and introduce the statistical inevitability of terrorism. Unlike other religions, Islam is explicitly political.

    I'm not sure France is alone in this situation. 


  11. 18 minutes ago, Thorgal said:


    Another biased and unsourced “crime of intention”...


    ":Get married, beget and multiply because I will be proud of you among nations.”  “Marry the kind and fertile, for I will be proud of your numbers among ...


    Young Muslim men "run" to the West, this is their intention, see the rubber boats? 

    The one who carried out the Nice attack was on one of them.. 

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