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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. The maintenance is not the problem. It goes higher than that. The cable was reported as being defective and recorded in the aircraft log. There for this aircraft should have been grounded until it was repaired. It is the responsibility of the aircraft crew chief, the pilot and the Jump Master to inspect the aircraft and declare it ready for the mission. The question who in the command structure approved a defective aircraft for this mission, who accepted the aircraft and are the crew chief, jump master and pilot being reprimanded.

    That was the way it was in Lop Buri 45 years ago, maybe it has changed since.

  2. God help them if ever a 'real ' war started. Half of the Military would die from internal screw ups before they ever met the enemy and more than half of the 'Generals ' would be on Planes heading as far away from Thailand as possible.

    Happened all ready, during the boarder war with Laos. At that time General Chavalit was in command. Later he was PM, and has Thaksin Siniawatra eliminate the traffic problems in Bangkok.

  3. The Pheu Thai Party has urged all political sides to refrain from violence, and instead, seek solutions through an election.

    I hope they also told this to the UDD/Red Shirts, police and their lap dog CAPO, and especially emphasized the part about refraining from violence.

    Do not despair, they are only following orders from Big Brother. Remember he is watching you.

  4. A Memorandum of Understanding ( MOU ) means nothing. It is only the first step to a negotiated contract. Nothing is fixed until the rice is inspected by the buyer and accepted. The rice will again be inspected again at point of receipt to ensure the product received is the same as the product purchased. This is done to ensure there has not been any tampering with the cargo. You ordered new rice and received old contaminated rice. This happens in some parts of the world.

  5. There has not been a free and fair election is Thailand since 2000. Since than there has been vote buying, intimidation and deaths. There has been many elections through the world that have been declared democratic. North Korea had a democratic election and so did Zimbabwe, do we want that type of government?.

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  6. all part of agenda 21 ... just like all the US cattle farmers that have been forced out of buiness and the highest ever beef prices...this is all done to benifit a few nothing else

    The ones that benefit, from any government zoning plan are politicians and their influential backers. If the government cones and telling you I am here to help you, RUN.

  7. All the majority of police care about is money. To get that they must take bribes and be a red shirt Thaksin supporter.

    The force, in its current form, is beyond redemption

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There is corruption in police departments all over the world. The police in Pakistan arrested a 9 month old for attempted murder. Chicago Illinois, the best police money can buy. Other town through out the USA, use speed traps to make extra money. Than we have the federal government.

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