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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. sad.png This starts to feel like there are people who really wish to start a civil war. When these news are no longer breaking news, there are very few smiles left on this country. Reconstruction of trust in the country will take years or decades.

    How can we start reminding the opponents all the good things they have done together. For example how Thais were helping each others during the tsunami.

    Edit: Might be that this is "just" an gang war, but what the youngsters will learn what adults are doing to this country.

    You also must remember how many millions of dollars came up missing, and could not be accounted for. No arrest, rumored to have police involvement. You can be sure some politicians got their share also.

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  2. The UN has caused more problems, and has not resolved anything. Korea, has not been resolved for the last 60 years. The UN was the cause of the problems in the middle east, when it gave land, it did not own, to a European religious group and created a state. What has it resolved in Africa, nothing. Than you have Kashmir, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan and many others which have UN security forces, which can not protect themselves let alone the people they are to protest.

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  3. Why not arrest the plantation owners and palm oil execs? Follow the money.

    The corruption out of Indonesia is on a scale equal to none , after you spend sometime there you soon realize that Thailand is not as corrupt as Indonesia, it is rampant, it could be said , out of control, the only one's that say it isn't of course is the government , that's very similar to Thailand, in that respect

    Yes, but Thailand is working hard to become more corrupt. The government wants it to be the HUB of corruption.

  4. I don't get it.

    The headline says

    BAAC halts paying farmers with its 5 billion baht inter bank loan

    but it goes on to say that the bank recieved money from the government to pay the farmers.

    Simple question: Are they going to be paid or not?

    An easier question is, did the bank receive the money, and how much money did the government owe to the bank? The government is run by corrupt politicians, so another question would be how much of the 5 billion did the administration keep?

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