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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. BANGKOK: -- Thailand sits near the bottom in some categories of a ranking of countries by rule of law compiled by a Washington-based think-tank, particularly in civil justice, in which it holds the 80th position out of 97.

    Washington-based think-tank, sounds like an oxymoron to me. Looking on what has been going on inside the DC belt way, the only thing the politicians, lobbiest and lawyers think about is there pockets

    Sounds a little like all politicians, in all countries. clap2.gif cheesy.gif ph34r.png

  2. The PM said that they has an understanding with the government of china, that china would buy rice, at a price to be determined by the market. First we must understand a MOU is not a contract and is not binding. Second many members of the government have no idea of how the international grain market works and do not care. All a politician cares about is what the press prints. If later what he said is not correct, he can say that press miss-quoted me, or I do not remember making that statement, or I an taking cold medication. ph34r.png

  3. Talk the talk, walk the walk. Chain has assisted Burma, Laos and Cambodia upgrade. Obama said we are here for you. Where? China is completing the rail link with Laos, now they tell Thailand we are here to help build the high speed railroad. cowboy.gif

    If you hear I am from the USA government and I am here to help you: RUN.

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  4. What a huge cost to have to carry your own car everywhere you go, 2nd plane, flight crew, avgas et al, but I guess that is not of concern to the Govt.

    The two VC-25As (B747) a VC-32A (B757) are at DMK, plus a Delta Airlines B767 with the press gang. Panetta was in on Thu/Fri in an E-4B (B747) there have been various C-17 support flights into DMK in recent days.

    Meantime, down at U-Tapao there are at least 12 x C-17, 4 x E-3, 3 x KC-135 plus a C-5 possibly a C-20. This is obviously the support hub for this POTUS trip to BKK, RGN PNH.


  5. He's probably being wildly optimistic. The police did nothing during the Red demonstration of 2009 & 2010 and they will undoubtedly do nothing this time as well.

    If it's anything like around here, the BIB can't do anything unless you register a complaint, and that can't be done at the local office, it must be the one 20 kms away. When you get there, the only guy who takes complaints has just gone on his break, so you wait an hour for him to come back, 2 hours to get to the head of the queue, to find he doesn't speak English. They have one English speaker (just) who has just gone on his break, so you wait an hour...........................................

    The police took action against the Yellow shirts. The readon they did not take action against the Red shirts, could be Big Brother told them not to?

  6. "The red shirt leader said that the UDD is ready to mobilise hundreds of thousands of its supporters to the capital within two hours if there is any attempt to topple the Yingluck government. "

    Errrr... so a civil war will be instigated if there is an attempt to oust the government?

    What constitutes an attempt? A request for the PM to stand down? A call for new elections?

    And how will these hundreds of thousands of UDD supporters counter that attempt?

    The same way the Rad Guard did in China, or the Kamer Rogue in Cambodia? Are the UDD the the Gestopo of the PTP? ph34r.png

  7. Red Shirts are pro democracy, and are the enforcement arm of the PT Government, and Thaksin. China had the Red Guard, Cambodia has the Kamer Rogue, Germamy had the Brown shirts, and USA has the IRS. No difference. ph34r.png

    red shirts are pro red democracy which does not resemble real democracy.

    One side promotes elections while the other is calling for a military coup to overthrow the elected government followed by a 5 year cessation to them.

    Ummm...which one is pro-democracy??????????????????????????????

    Now, now lets stay on topic. Origional post stated the red shirts are pro democracy...Nothing about another side as you state.

    As I said the red shirts are pro red democracy which does not resemble real democracy. I will throw in that the red shirts are anti free speach which is also not pro democracy.

    I agree, that the Red Shirts are against free speach, but democracy is all in how you define it. Hitler brought democracy to Germany, Mao brought democracy to China, Perdi brought democracy to Siam, in 1932. By definition USA is not a democracy, it is a REPUBLIC.

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