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Everything posted by TheLaughingMan

  1. I guess Ive been doing alot of browsing on facebook marketplace and the bikes up for sale there all offering financing are at terrible rates and land up raising the total cost of the bike way too much.
  2. I was shocked to see that when you finance in Thailand you turn a 200k baht bike into a 300k baht bike. They really make it not worth it.
  3. Well the English is the required part by Thailand so you are covered but that is a bit strange AAA is giving out IDP with just english and French, I guess most americans use it to drive in Canada which would explain that.
  4. American Automobile Association? In Canada our document is in english with a bunch of pages in chinese, french, spanish etc because the document can be used all over the world and those are the main languages, but Thai is not a very important language so would not be included, they dont custom make the document for you its the same document everyone gets regardless of where they are travelling. In Thailand from what I read the requirement is that your document says in ENGLISH thats its an internaitonal driving licence for the vehicle your driving. But youre saying your main pages are all in french? Thats odd
  5. Ya... my thinking before when I lived in Bangkok was the police are going to extort me anyway so why bother, but this time around I'll register it and see how much of a difference it makes.
  6. Do you really believe registering the bike is necessary to drive it on thai roads?
  7. Wait so as a tourist I cant even just slap down the full amount in cash and buy a motorcycle? You have to own property or certificate of residence and have the proper visa?
  8. Anyone know of banks in Canada that have good debit cards that refund fees?
  9. Ya seems like its just a bad idea, cash it is. For the rest of you jokers, I lived in Thailand for 13 years previously, I know enough Soms dont need to know any more.
  10. Just curious if there is a way to do this, I'm a big fan of monthly payments ???? I'm assuming no but thought Id ask. I am not in Thailand yet but will be there soon so just looking at options.
  11. Nice, did you get the seat modified in Bangkok? Where? This is something I absolutely will have to do, my soft tushie cant take more than 5 minutes on a stock seat. Why the 2" risers? Do all CRF come with the option to upgrade to 300? How much was that. Thankyou
  12. Does anyone have experience with both? I used to own a 250 DTracker (street tires) and I loved it except the seat was hard as rock, is the Honda CRF the same or they have a softer seat? Also any other major differences between the 2 and would you buy one over the other? The reason I like these types of bikes is they are the safest bikes to ride in Thailand. Been in plenty of accidents and scooters and sport bikes slap the ground instantly and you with it, breaking bones, but the taller "offroad" style bikes with street tires can do many things other bikes cant do well, they slide to a stop in emergencies without bailing most of time and when they do go down you have valuable seconds to get your feet under you and roll, saved my butt several times. Not to mention driving through floods with ease. My sportbike almost killed me but my DTracker saved the day repeatedly.
  13. The problem is I might be in Thailand in December. So it would require a flight to Canada, surgery, then a flight back. So was just looking at options.
  14. I seem to offend you by asking you questions, I will stop asking you, sorry about that.
  15. My hernia is pretty big, Id worry that without at least natural tissue repair like from Shouldice to reinforce it then it would reoccur later, Im VERY active.
  16. I live in Canada but will be visiting Thailand soon, not exactly sure where I will be in December. Is mesh very bad compared to Shouldice?
  17. Thankyou very much for this, truth is I have a surgery scheduled in December at Shouldice Hernia Clinic in Toronto which as far as I know is one of the best in the world, Im just a bit impatient so wondering if Thailand offers the surgery at a similar quality level.
  18. Yes for sure she will get worse over time. I will look into that place thankyou, do you recommend any place in Bangkok? Even if its just for a month or 2 while we get our bearings.
  19. Did a search and surprised not to find a single hit here, has anyone done a inguinal hernia repair surgery in Thailand? How was it?
  20. Yes the person Im thinking of is relatively easy to look after.
  21. Has anyone got experience with using Homes for Dementia care in Thailand? Meaning you have put a family member in one of these facilities?
  22. Ok so ran out and got my IDP, kinda disappointed as it does not have a picture of a motorcycle and car, it just has very tiny print of motorcycle and motor vehicle in english...... it does have translations for 8 languages though but not for Thai. Now that I have it I realise its kinda important for my situation as I am about to embark on a bit of a world tour so this should come in handy for more than just Thailand. So thankyou to those that helped me decide to go get this.
  23. ok well that totally destroys that plan lol, where do I get the IDP, in my home country or this is something I get in Thailand?
  24. ok great info, my worry now is my Canadian licence just says class 5,6 which means car and motorcycle, it doesnt say that in english anywhere though. Will I be able to prove what class 5 and 6 mean from Canadian websites when I apply you think? Im not in Thailand yet.
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