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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You are missing the point. There us a big difference between discipline and beating. The same as there is a big difference between discipline and abuse.
  2. England women are ranked 1st. By the sounds of it, they'd be more than able to bring you down the few pegs needed. 😁😁
  3. Grammar schools aren't what they used to be. Most are only "Grammar" in name.
  4. I'm quite sure they do pay VAT. Everytime they go shopping.
  5. The payments for the King come from his own money. The Sovereign Grant is paid from the income of the Crown Estate. Each year there is at least £200m surplus. That goes straight into the treasury coffers
  6. People who work hard to send their kids to private school are not "wannabe toffs". They are simply good, caring parents who feel a private school will give their kids a better start.
  7. Incorrect. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), ratified in 1994, and the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR Convention), enacted in 1985, jointly state first of all that people at sea legally have to be intercepted if they are found to be "in danger of being lost." If these people are picked up by British vessels they must be taken to Britain. If they have already reached British shores, they cannot be sent back into the channel. All the above regardless of EU membership or not.
  8. That's unfortunate for you. I guess some can do it but some can't.
  9. It's not a case of needing it. It's a case of wanting to use it out of respect to the host nation. Many complain about all those pesky immigrants in English speaking countries that get accused of not embracing the language and culture. There are lots of non isolated places where knowledge of Thai helps leaps and bounds.
  10. If you live in Thailand, is really not that difficult. Immersion is always the best method.
  11. Torture? It's not difficult. A few words each day. Speaking to the locals each day. Conversational Thai aquired within 6 months. Easy.
  12. Nice cut and paste, from an uncited source. Still incorrect. It's not referred to as "Isaan". That's the name if the region. There are many dialects in Isaan. Try going to Southern Isaan, especially the southern areas if Surin and Butiram, and tell the Khmer and Gui speakers their mother tongue is related to Lao language. Then go to Korat and ask them. Keep the engine running just in case.
  13. If people living long term in a foreign country learned that country's language, problem solved.
  14. There are many dialects in Isaan.
  15. I've lived in Isaan for 21 years. I speak to lots of people. I generally hear people referring to the language as Laos.
  16. Actually, that's incorrect. If you delve deeper, beyond the often unreliable world of Wikipedia, you'll see the dialect is referred to as Isaan Laos. This is on order to distinguish it from several other dialects spoken in the region, including; Northern Khmer, Gui, Thai Korat, etc. Historically, Isaan Laos isn"t the oldest language to be spoken in the region, since it was annexed by the Siamese, hence its name referencing both locations (Laos and Isaan).
  17. Isaan is the name of the North Eastern region of Thailand, not a language.
  18. You've twisted so far on that you've likely disappeared up your own ar$@
  19. No, it hasn't. I agree some area are a not so nice but there are some great places to live and be happy.
  20. As per, this topic quickly entered the gutter. The OP asked a question. Why all the negativity? Anyway, to the OP. Your question was answered in the first reply. Good luck.
  21. That was their pledge. All they have to now is start.
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