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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Water under the bridge. You must have seen it flowing passed as you were sitting there.
  2. How can you not like a whole area of Thailand, an occupation and a whole group of non defined people based on one experience?
  3. That doesn't answer his question.
  4. Why worry about age? If you're with the right woman, age is irrelevant.
  5. As you live under a bridge, I'm surprised you didn't mention the echo.
  6. That's an interesting point. With the hormone treatment transgengers go through, would a female transitioning to a male have higher levels of male hormones than a male transitioning to a female, thus making it unfair for them to play in the team corresponding to their birth gender? If men are always men and must compete in men's events, a woman must always be a woman and compete in women's events, even if their testosterone levels are sky high.
  7. If you are speaking about illegal immigration, any government the UK has will have their hands tied by international law. If you are speaking about legal migration, most are students or workers. Universities have constantly stated they need international students to keep fees down. Health and social care, both private and NHS, could not survive without legal immigrants, as couldn't many other industries.
  8. Keep up with the comments trail. The question, not suggestion or fact, you quoted was posted in response to a comment " they shouldn't be allowed to play for either team" How many "average men" do you know who can run 100m in 11 seconds?
  9. Not forgetting the Eastern bloc boycotting LA 1984. You wouldn't want yo be accused of discrimination, would you?
  10. The person in the photo doesn't look 7' or 200lbs.
  11. Your theory is flawed. Adam and Eve???🤣🤣🥰
  12. Was there an unfair advantage? Was the trans athlete bigger and stronger than the others? Was the testosterone level higher? I'm not condoning the issue, just asking a couple of questions.
  13. He doesn't. He lives under a bridge.
  14. You said they are all a bit different. Confirming what I've been saying. Your daft for having disagreed for so long, then changing your opinion. You haven't posted any links
  15. That's not what you said. You said "same but a bit different". Thanks for the confirmation.
  16. Same but different. Thanks for the confirmation. Nice to see you are no longer confused. Well done.
  17. I think you'll find I've already posted the answer to that.
  18. OK. Let's take a look at your facts. Please post the factual information that led you to forming your opinion. A link would be a good start
  19. I'm not quite sure why you are asking me these questions.
  20. Men pretending to be women? Of course not. I'm not quite sure why you are asking me these questions.
  21. No. I don't agree with you. Your opinions are not facts. Americans don't agree with you either. I'm seeing it all clear as day.
  22. I understand the facts. I know the facts. My opinion is that the facts are correct. That's why they are called "facts". I'm not confused.
  23. I will say this only once more. It is not my opinion. It's facts. Facts that are widely know, to those whose skulls are not to thick.
  24. You are funny. Now it's known you are only posting your opinion. Your opinion is wrong so you make more assumptions. Thanks for the laughs.
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