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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Thanks. Now we know you are making assumptions. Not even worth talking about.
  2. You must frequent some quite deplorable places if that is what you experience. I have to say, I can't remember the last time I experienced such a scene. If I had, I would have turned around and left. I don’t need the risk of getting a virus to tell me those are not the sort of places to go to. It would be easy to create different rules for different establishments. That said, from a few posts on here, many places are not adhering anyway.
  3. The OP was in a restaurant with his daughter. Not a drunk or some pisshead out on the lash. I agree with him. A casual beer with lunch can do no harm. The drunks are more likely to be sat behind a mom and pop shop getting lashed on cheaper beer.
  4. So, you've changed the story. First you said one needed a teaching licence to teach. Then you changed to teaching licence OR waiver. My point was not false information. You do not need a teaching licence to teach. A waiver is sufficient.
  5. You don't need a teaching licence to get a work permit. You don't need a teaching licence to teach. There is no risk of teaching without one. Immigration would not be interested in how or what documents were used to get a work permit. If the teacher has one, no problems.
  6. Varies from office to office, as many things do in Thailand. I know of someone who was teaching at Sattit Buriram. Contract with the Rajhabat Uni but taught at the demonstration school. No problems with work permit without a waiver.
  7. The thing is, Thais have problems with "x" because of the final sound, namely "s". Try getting them to says "book" and "books", "cook" and "cooks", "kick" and "kicks".
  8. At real international schools, if you meet their requirements with regards to qualifications, you will meet Khurusapa's requirements for a teacher licence.
  9. Not all private schools. It all depends if they fall under the OBEC banner, which most of them do.
  10. I like to go as early as possible. 5 am is a great time to buy meat at the market. The meat is so fresh its almost still breathing.555. Great for chicken and pork. To the OP.........As for aged beef, get a vacuum packer and age it yourself.
  11. So you have an answer then? Backed up with data?
  12. Excuse my ignorance but what exactly are you looking for? What does a marriage introduction service do?
  13. You really are living in the dark ages. The idea of backpackers making up most of the teaching population went out with the introduction of the licence waivers. If you happen to be teaching at a government school and don't have dorsal security, your school is breaking labour laws.
  14. Don't use text books. No need. Just go into the first class. Introduce yourself and then them to introduce themselves. A decent teacher will be able to work out the next steps and the speed at which to teach within 30 minutes. Continue expanding at the pace you think is right, adding more detail as you go along. It really is quite simple. If you try to over complicate things you will confuse your students.
  15. Then don't work for s#@t agencies. As soon as they took 5000 from you, you should have run. Good agencies are great to work for. Many teachers prefer them to direct hires. You just need you avoid the con artists. It's not difficult.
  16. Most of what you wrote is rubbish. Do that I'm not here sell day I'll pick out just one comment. Agencies don't take 5000 of your salary. The salary you get will be clearly stated in your contract. What they do is charge the school more. @Noodleslayer. Contact Sine. They are a good agency. All lessons are planned and on multi media. A week of training is held in Bangkok prior to teaching. A co ordination, Thai but English speaking, is present at every school to help out too. All paperwork for visa, extension of stay and work permit is taken care of and the fees are paid by Sine too. They have many schools in Bangkok and surrounding areas, many in Isaan and a few down Hua Hin way.
  17. For someone who appears to know so much, assume so much and form opinions, however blunt and intrusive, impolite and personal they may be, I'm surprised you've never heard of video calls.
  18. Rajapat Universties are, in general, teacher training unis. Most provinces have one based in the centre of town. The courses are not expensive, certainly not on a par with engineering or medicine degrees. 4 year courses, of which 1 year will be work experience in a school. Sadly, alot of the time the schools treat the student teachers as office juniors. They do get teaching experience but are also expected to do many menial tasks.
  19. My answers were informative to his request. I explained you cannot get a 5 year visa, also explaining the full process, and advising to call Khrusapa as no one here seemed to know the answer. Two very goo pieces of advice. Committee at school??? Maybe, possibly happened to you but certainly not a given. 3 different schools in 6 years? Not the people know. Any bachelor degree? No. It gas to be from a University on their list.
  20. That's nice. Still doesn't answer the question. Khurusapa have a definitive list of qualifications that will be accepted for a 5 year teaching licence. PFCEi from Nottingham, as an example. The OP asked about Durham. That is in UK. Your answer was about USA. To the OP....I think a call to Khrusapa is in order. You posted a while ago now and it seems no one can help you here.
  21. @thaitom I'm confused. On another thread you wrote this, "Applied for a teacher's waiver and was denied, so no work permit. Reason for denial given … the school is non-accredited, meaning it is not on their list. From what I have read, Thailand uses the world almanac for US schools. I have been teaching for close to 17 years in Asia, and this was the first time I thought I would give Thailand a try. I have worked in Taiwan, South Korea and China, never had a problem like this before." Were you denied because of age or because your degree was rejected?
  22. More a long run down than a quick rundown. You also failed to answer the OP's question. 555
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