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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. That's why I asked a question.
  2. So, you're saying he went off topic?
  3. You posts speaks volumes about victims who should have been on high alert. You also speak of other cities where you were a victim. Then you single out London.
  4. In most cities around the world, if you need an under cover cop to tell you that, you are asking for trouble. Sad but true. Many victims of crime only have themselves to blame. Last time I was on public transport I was amazed at how many people had wallets in back trouser pockets, phones in shirt pockets or women with hand bags on the shoulder. Take away the temptation and reduce the risks.
  5. Scotland didn't have a vote.
  6. youreavinalaff


    You've been watch too many YouTube videos. Or, more likely, the usual 2 or 3 that get rebranded.
  7. youreavinalaff


    I'm intrigued. Please explain what sets Surin apart from Buriram, thus making it a "Real" town.
  8. I believe the vote will only go to the members if there is a close race. If the majority of MPs get behind one candidate they will vote him/her in. I think they know there is only one candidate they dare choose.
  9. Next up has to be Rishi. He said in the leadership race Truss's plans wouldn't work. He was right. A quiet guy with no skeletons in the cupboard. Any mud slingers will find their mud doesn't stick. No razzmatazz. His pledges offered stability and a need to wait and move ahead bit by bit. It can only be him for next PM.
  10. I don't understand. You accused me of having hurt feelings as you don't " like" my posts. I said I don't know or check who likes them. No accusations. No falsehoods.
  11. There us no arguement. You posted an incorrect comment. It was pointed out. You haven't denied it. Only swerved to avoid it No argument. Simple.
  12. You said "no caps". There will be some caps. Thus, your point was wrong. Quite simple really.
  13. Having checked your posts i see you wrote " no caps after April" That is incorrect . As has been pointed out.
  14. Most of the time I use my phone to access the internet. The names of those who like my comments don't show. I must press the individual emojis to see the names but I don't bother. Sorry to disappoint.
  15. My point is, you misquoted me in an attempt to try to prove something. Then you picked again without acknowledging that misquote to try, once again, to prove something when all along all you are proving is that you don't like people disagreeing with you. You seem to mistake "wrong" and "disagree" quite a lot.
  16. Why do people mis quote to try and prove a point? This is what I said "How about when posters on a forum call for a general election because a new government will do better but offer no figures or info as to why, that doesn't count?". That does belong on the list.
  17. Funny. So, when we read about someone saying " the cost of living crisis is so bad I had to use a food bank" but we don't see photos, that doesn't count? When we hear someone on the TV talking about there energy bills allledgedly tripling but we don't see the bills, that doesn't count? When we hear opposition leaders say " the government's plans won't work" but offer no figures, that doesn't count? When the shadow chancellor accuses the government of giving tax relief to 1% of the population, but offers no figures, that doesn't count? How about when a poster on a forum says " the wealthy benefit more, but won't confirm what " wealthy" is, that doesn't count? How about a first minister saying how well off her country would be if independent but offers no figures, that doesn't count? How about when posters on a forum call for a general election because a new government will do better but offer no figures or info as to why, that doesn't count? OK. Let's shut down all forms of media. Anything anyone says just doesn't count, in the eyes of some.
  18. Ray Reardon for example.???????????? It's his 90th birthday today. He fid quite well after leaving the mines.
  19. But he was driving round in a Jag, with a big salary while the miners struggled. So, my comment was not hogwash. You went off topic to try to make it look that way. Funny really. 55555.
  20. Not to mention the trade union bosses. I still remember the images of Arthur Scargill at the miners' strikes. "Come on lads. That's it. Get that picket line going. Don't worry about your bills. Don't worry about feeding your families. Don't worry about the violence. It's all for a cause". How did he travel to the picket line??? In a chauffeur driven Jag.
  21. I just want to know what your idea of wealthy is. That way I can try to decipher how accurate your comment " mainly for the wealthy" is. If you cannot give any suggestion on your idea of wealth, I will have to suggest you are talking rubbish.
  22. You've been using the word do much. You say the wealthy will get more out of thevtax cuts yet others say the top 1% of earners. Just wondering where the line is drawn. I have savings, no debts, and my wife and I have a combined salary of circa £50k. Are we, in your opinion, wealthy?
  23. Do the wealthy not get sick? Do they not have education? Are they never victims of crime? Are they immune to house fires? Do they never go out? I would like to know how much you think someone needs to have to be wealthy? How much do they or did they earn? Does a wealthy person need cash in the bank? I know mortgageless people whose property is worth 750k. Are they wealthy? I know someone who lives in a 2 bed flat worth 280k, has a BMW and 300k in the bank. Is he wealthy?
  24. OK. You seem to be suffering from selective reading. I'll make it short. The 20% to 19% tax cut benefits ALL tax payers. Any services cuts affect EVERYONE. Benefits cuts might lead to the million jobs currently available being taken. More employed, more tax revenue, less benefits paid out. WIN WIN.
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