So, when we read about someone saying " the cost of living crisis is so bad I had to use a food bank" but we don't see photos, that doesn't count?
When we hear someone on the TV talking about there energy bills allledgedly tripling but we don't see the bills, that doesn't count?
When we hear opposition leaders say " the government's plans won't work" but offer no figures, that doesn't count?
When the shadow chancellor accuses the government of giving tax relief to 1% of the population, but offers no figures, that doesn't count?
How about when a poster on a forum says " the wealthy benefit more, but won't confirm what " wealthy" is, that doesn't count?
How about a first minister saying how well off her country would be if independent but offers no figures, that doesn't count?
How about when posters on a forum call for a general election because a new government will do better but offer no figures or info as to why, that doesn't count?
OK. Let's shut down all forms of media. Anything anyone says just doesn't count, in the eyes of some.