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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Please show that in facts. I think you'll find the tax cut to 19% covers all tax payers. Also, you seem to think all wealthy people earn in the higher tax bracket. Interesting. I know many people with wealth that have never earned over 50k a year. I also know those that earn over 100k that are cash poor. Once again you are wide of the mark with your comment.
  2. Once again you fail. I asked you to provide facts, in your own words, of tax cuts that provide massively for the highest earners. All you have posted is a graph showing percentages. It goes without saying that someone on 50k a year will save more but then they are paying more tax anyway. You obviously need to go away and think about it. While you are at it, find a graph that shows how much a 50k earner pays in tax compared to a 20k earner. That would be fairer. We could then compare tax paid to percentage saved just to see how fair it is. You could also post how much each group gets in tax credits, to make it even fairer. Maybe post how much those on benefits pay inbtax, just to make it fairer. I look forward to reading your facts. Thanks.
  3. I'm afraid not. I have written, marked and proctored exams in schools for over 20 years. No ID cards were ever needed. ID sometimes needed in the form of house book or school issued ID.
  4. An outdated link containing comments, not facts, made prior to the announcement that the 45% tax bracket would remain.
  5. That's what you said previously on a local forum, only to be proved wrong.
  6. No, one doesn't. I was a teacher in Thailand for 21 years. There is no requirement to show ID to take an exam in school. If you are a registered student, many of whom would be registered before they are 7 years old, one can take an exam. If you are taking a test outside of school, such as a government test at grade 6,9 or 12. IID will be required.
  7. What exams can she not take? Thai students sit exams 4 times a year.
  8. Actually, the Facebook page I was reading had 4 guys saying they were waiting for an email. One even said he can log in but his account says "email sent" but he has not received any emails. Your comment is therefore inane to the situation.
  9. He seems expert in his views and speeches. That's why I asked him to explain in his own words, post the decisions to reverse the 45-40% tax cut, how the wealthy are so much better off. Still waiting.
  10. You put the words in your own mouth. Now, please divulge the info you have that proves the cuts favour only the wealthy. The NI cut favours anyone who pays NI, for example.
  11. Yes, it was To benefit first time buyers and those at the lower end of the property market.
  12. Those comments,were made when the 45% to 40% cut was in place. Please could you explain, in your own words, the other tax cuts that fortune the wealthy and no one else. The ones you were talking about in your post that I quoted. Thanks.
  13. We have already discussed the cancellation of that cut. The poster I quoted is saying there are others. I'm asking for confirmation of those.
  14. Please could you elaborate? What tax cuts for the wealthy were there in the mini budget last Friday? Thanks.
  15. Isn't that what you were talking about?
  16. Not problems they've caused themselves by not planning? When things are good many people spend spend spend. Get a higher mortgage, buy a new car, go on holiday, depend £1000 per kid at Christmas. My wife and I work 84 hours a week between us. Our hourly rate is just above minimum wage. We save when thigs are good. for times when things are more difficult. I could see that things would not just go back to normal after the pandemic and lockdowns. To me it was obvious. We saved to be ready. Those that did the same are just like us, not cold not hungry and not complaining and asking for handouts. Those that think everything will remain constant, those that think governments can just give billions in furlough, and lockdown the economy without consequences, those that did not think ahead are now struggling. Simple.
  17. Keep up with the news. 555
  18. One that is impossible to join as verification emails are not sent out.
  19. Why? Thais use their ID card to open bank accounts.
  20. Indeed it was a mix up. One that was, rightfully so, corrected. So, why did you mention it?
  21. If you both would like to look back at the post I quoted, the poster said you need a licence to teach, full stop, no ifs or buts. I merely pointed out that it is not a requirement and one can start to teach on a waiver. @AsianAtHeart waivers are valid for 2 years. Not "a year at a time".
  22. If you both would like to look back at the post I quoted, the poster said you need a licence to teach, full stop, no ifs or buts. I merely pointed out that it is not a requirement and one can start to teach on a waiver. @AsianAtHeart waivers are valid for 2 years. Not "a year at a time".
  23. I really don't understand why you quoted me. You comment makes no sense in connection to mine.
  24. That is my point. A teacher licence and a waiver are totally different entities. To say one must have a licence to teach is wrong.
  25. I don't have a yellow book or pink ID card. Treatment I have received at the local Tambon clinic has always been free.
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