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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I disagree. He was obviously trying to find out if there are advantages being registered at his home address with local authorities. Obviously not being aware of the existence of Yellow Books he's asked about the Blue Book. Answers about yellow books are on topic and useful to the OP.
  2. Your reply to the other poster suggested you may well have done. Your reaction to a suggestion was off the scale. Turning into a tirade of abuse. Not a good impression to set.
  3. You do come across as aggressive and opinionated. Not a good approach when in Thailand.
  4. No. I said in order to be a patriot you must be prepared to defend your nation. That would include the monarchy. I have never said you have to be a monarchies.
  5. Communism 19th century. Socialism 18th Century. You say there were multiple debates about abolishing the monarchy. How many resulted in "yes" to abolishing? There may have been minority of Republicans in Parliament but there certainly has not been a history of republicanism in UK.
  6. In the present. That is where we are. There is a monarch. Patriots defend the monarch. Should the constitution ever change, we'll talk again. In the mean time, you are being churlish.
  7. Oh dear. You really do take the biscuit. If it wasn't so funny it would be sad.
  8. A patriot..... "a person who supports their country and is prepared to defend it." That would include defending King/Queen also. Something you are not doing.
  9. Actually, the summer has been fantastic.
  10. I don't understand. You say that you are aware passports can only be swapped by air but the suggest you will exit on UK passport and then enter a neighbouring country on Irish passport. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds like you are considering doing this by land???
  11. You'll find signs with the word "City" on them are there for the benefit of expat and tourism. The Thai part will be written as "ซิตี้", which is not a word in Thai but just City written in a way Thais can read it.
  12. Oh dear. If you move any further left you'll fall off the edge.
  13. Back to the state??? As for funds to the poor, you may wish to research how much the royal family raise and give to charity. Huge amounts of money. Also, admission fees for castles goes to the treasury, minus the royal grant.
  14. Who said I wanted or needed your trust? What I posted was true. That's enough for me.
  15. I think you'll find he abdicated as he didn't want to go against the constitution.
  16. Indeed he was. 1936 had 3 kings. George V, Edward's VIII and George VI, in that order. Edward VIII was never crowned though.
  17. I did think it through. You are on the internet but can't find a website and need a link. He would need to be escorted there, have the book or reference found and probably read to him. ????????????
  18. I love all this "you must provide a link" stuff. What ever did these people do before the internet?
  19. Having read this whole topic, your comments, replies and then your replies, I've come to the conclusion you are just trying to be difficult. This often happens when people feel they are losing an arguement. The post you refer too clearly stated the source of the details. A quick "Google" brings up all the info you need. A process you seem to be incapable of completing.
  20. It may well have been if not for the worst pandemic in over 100 years. Did you forget about that? Undermines your attempt at humour.
  21. Really? There are many people that just can't decide what the want to do so they need guidance from someone on the tele or in the papers? How do they manage in their daily lives?
  22. The kids were swimming near a weir. Strangely, it's more than likely their ability to swim is what got them in trouble. A false sense of security. As mentioned in the story, the 2 that could not swim didn't go in.
  23. I would think more likely he was not there day and night. Maybe a couple of minutes, if at all.
  24. Mirror mirror on the wall, who..................? Answers on a postcard please forum members. ????????????????????
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