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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Up to you. I really don't see why anyone would think I'm lying about the size of my windows. Comical really.
  2. Yes, I believe they are in the region of 320 cms wide. I'm not a troll. Just trying to help the OP.
  3. Bigger than any I could find that were pre made.
  4. My windows are larger than any that were available in any store. Had I bought from a store I would have had to compromise on size. You were obviously happy with smaller sized windows than I wanted.
  5. I am, very. That's why I got a guy to come round and do some made to measure. That way I get the windows the size that I want and I'm not restricted by the size of pre made ones.
  6. Beat me to it. ????????????
  7. I'm guessing they would be already assembled and ready to fit??? If the OP,s house was a self build, he would likely need windows made to measure.
  8. If you are governed by OBEC then you must have Thai teachers teaching every subject. Even if it is only one period per week. You teach in an EP. OK. All teachers the EP program are foreign. However, your students will also have classes outside of the EP, such as PE, Art, Thai language. There will also be an English class taught by a Thai.
  9. A Tefl is not required for a work permit application, regardless of where one teaches.
  10. English kids are taught grammar. That takes alot of teachers out of your "most". It is an OBEC rule that all students in schools they govern must be taught English by a Thai teacher. Therefore, if there is a native English speaker teaching, they will have 2 teachers.
  11. Really? I did. I never have been. Thai teachers have always taught the grammar. I've always taught listening and speaking.
  12. Indeed they have. That is so they can check border issues control at immigration offices. Nothing about being able to share details on District Office databases.
  13. No. That is the sad thing. Databases are rarely shared amongst departments. Similar to the announcement a while back by the police and vehicle registration department. They were planning to merge their data bases so that vehicles with outstanding fines against them could not be re registered or road tax paid without outstanding fines being paid first.
  14. You should have said " butter can be made from double cream". You would then have been correct.
  15. That is the method to use in very small batches, if you don't have the equipment required to separate the curds and whey from whole milk. It is certainly not how butter that is bought in supermarkets, which is what this thread us about, is made. Which is what your post suggests.
  16. Only a small percentage. The media would like you to think it is everyone but in reality it is only a small minority. Usually those on the BBC have your say section that constantly whinge instead of going out and doing something about it.
  17. @transam If you are confused with my comment, you clearly have not read Nanyang of @Iamfalang's comments on Asean Now.
  18. You bang on about how bad Farang teachers are. How members on her should not trust them to reach correctly. You also bang on about how you are the exception to the rule and you are the greatest and holier than thou. Then you come up with an amateurish comment like this. Funny. I do hope you don't speak Thai in your classes. If you do uou have broken the number one rule. Not so good after all then.
  19. Surely you mean "There needs to be more "moral" checks on ALL teachers." Or did you deliberately discriminate?
  20. So, how did you learn to speak your mother tongue? Interesting you say that a teacher can "explain". How might they do that? I guess you mean in the language of the student. If I was in a class with a Thai teacher I would want them to speak Thai. Not English. The grammar taught in classrooms is formal. Not the same grammar as general conversation. It's not needed to become a good, understandable, "educated" sounding speaker.
  21. There are over 60 million native Thai speakers in Thailand. Every one of them is a potential reference point, partner in conversation and practice partner. Why oh why go to a school and take structured classes ? Classes that are likely to concentrate on formal grammar that is not needed. Get out there into your community and learn. Why do you think Thais with money are so desparate to send their kids to international schools or abroad to study? Why are kids with English speaking fathers, who are in Thailand full time, constantly the best English speakers in their schools?
  22. The OP was looking for a school with ED visa possibilities. That would mean structured classes. Not just sitting with a teacher asking advice, which your opinion has now shifted too
  23. I disagree and so does the research I've read research. Puchooay is on the ball, in my opinion. Structured lessons tend to be based on what the creators consider "easy" language and "difficult" language. There really is no such thing in conversational language, which is what the OP needs. As an example, when I was teaching in Thailand I was once berated by a head for teaching P2 students "Where are you going?". I was told it was too difficult for them and the didn't need to learn it at thar point. This was a ludicrous judgement when considering the, probably, most spoken phrase in Thai is "Bai nai?". An exact translation, conversationally, as what I was teaching. Turn it around the other way to get even more clarification of immersion is the best way. Should the OP decide to take lessons he won't be taught "Bai nai" but rather " khun gam lang bai nai?". Grammatically correct but never spoken.
  24. I tried smoking bacon once. It made the papers soggy. Must have been wet cured. ????????????
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