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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. I questioned the headline. I said, " Not a clear majority of Britons". Had the headline said something like " of 2132 prople polled.........." we would be having this conversation.
  2. 2 visas? No. A work permit allows work. A Non Imm visa is required to obtain a visa. Most reasons for getting a O permit a WP. Retirement does not.
  3. Then please do, and post some links. Thanks.
  4. Customers? So the polls are there to attract customers? If so, it goes without saying, only what is likely to attract custom will be shown. Polls in the interest of business will he published. Others will be discarded.
  5. You've been doing questionnaires for 40 years. That's great. Now. You said "usually".
  6. I don't have a tinfoil hat. The world is round. Can't walk off. Other than that, your post makes perfect sense.
  7. No. I've never said that. I don't understand why you don't post from source. To busy accusing people of having nothing, I guess.
  8. I used to have a WP with Non O. There are advantages. Your permission to stay is not tied to your job. Should you lose your job, want to quit or change jobs, it's a lot easier as you don't need to leave the country or visit immigration.
  9. I have never said they are not. I merely pointed out Wikipedia itself is not a reliable source. As us confirmed by most educational institutions banning students from citing Wikipedia in their work.
  10. It's not. I'm wondering why you did not link to the sources cited. That would make your claims more plausible.
  11. I've got some exiting news. Anyone can edit Wikipedia without citing a source. Therefore, content cannot be confirmed as fact.
  12. So, in this particular poll what was the age band, employment status, area of UK, political thinking, sex, financial situation, education background of those polled?
  13. Indeed there is a footnote. Well done. However, Wikipedia, by name, is a site that can be edited by anyone with out linking to any factual source. I know how you like a link. I'm surprised you used a source that cannot be backed up.
  14. I don't recall them confirming the demographics. Please link to them so I can take a look. Thanks.
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