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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You suggested there was no demand for foreign teachers in Isaan other than for teaching English. My experience tells me different.
  2. Maybe the agency you worked for. Not all should tarred with the same brush.
  3. An agent cannot help if you are not old enough. I doubt they can help if you've previously been deported either. A criminal record in Thailand? I doubt that either. Can't prove your residence? Unlikely. Don't have 800k or are lazy? Most likely.
  4. So, again I ask, what help do you need?
  5. I agree with some of your points. There has to be some sort of standard. Thai authorities chose a university degree. TEFL, is not great if achieved in Thailand. Many "schools" that offer the course are only in it for the money and the training is lax at best.
  6. No. It means there are ways around it. Fake degrees for example.
  7. Headlines often quote the province first. Further reading then more accurately shows the location. I guess it's to catch the attention of the reader. There must be a lot more readers who recognise "Buriram" in a headline than would recognise "Lahansai".
  8. They do not need documentation from Teacher's Council as language centes are not controlled by OBEC. Labour departments don't always check degree status or verify degrees.
  9. It's not up to the schools or their l9cation. Anyone without a degree will not get the documents required from Teachers Council of Thailand to be able to obtain correct visa status snd a work permit. Unless they teach at a language centre or University.
  10. It might be a good idea to give a bit of info about what help you need.
  11. By the way, it was not a farm buffalo. It was a wild bull. Even if your stereotyping was accurate, it would be inane in this case. I hope the injured get well soon. Shame some people make fun of others pain.
  12. Not international schools. Thai government schools. Those teaching French and German have degrees.
  13. Yes. Many high schools will include French, some include German, within their language department.
  14. One sad thing about this is the appetite on forums like this for bad news and excuses to moan. The thread about a teacher hitting a student gets 6.2k views and 4 pages of comments. This "nice" story gets 400 views and 4 comments, 3 of which are negative. Well done to the teacher for seeing the potential. Sounds like the lad is diligent and he hopefully does well. Always nice for people to recognise and act on the issues some families have.
  15. Once again, you twist and turn to meet your own agenda. I said " this thread" is full of false accusations. One does not go to court unless the accusations become an arrest and a charge. That is extremely unlikely to happen because a few idiots make things up on an internet forum, as can be seen in the case of rape allegations against Prince Andrew on here.
  16. There is no difference between being accused of something you did and something you didn't do? I'm sure Glynn Simmons would disagree with you
  17. Not defending him. Just questioning false allegations of rape.
  18. No apology and more drivel. This thread is full of false accusations. I hope it never happens to you. Although, then you will know how it feels.
  19. Links confirming rape. Not links that someone has read, about a different alleged offence, and made assumptions. And my apology for your accusation about me?
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