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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Where are your links confirming rape in the case of Prince Andrew? Where is my apology?
  2. No. I allow the force of the law to do that. People making judgements ruins the lives of those found innocent. I'm still waiting for my apology for your false judgement of me.
  3. I am have made no such claims. Time for you to withdraw that comment and apologise.
  4. There was allegedly circumstantial evidence the footballer mentioned in this thread committed rape. It too the jury just over an hour to dismiss the case. His life and career? In tatters because people twisted the knife, public opinion convicting him, prior to acquittal. Just like many on here do everytime someone famous has allegations against them.
  5. Please do. A link that proves everything you've said about the subject of this thread. Including the crime of rape.
  6. Speculation? I thought you had evidence. Why didn't you say? I don't think speculation enough. You need to wait for evidence. Then you can shout about what crimes have been committed.
  7. Those that know far more about law than either you or I have not alleged rape. That's all any of us need to know.
  8. Incentives? I once bought my girlfriend,I was 18 she was 17, a few drinks. Then we had sex. I don't recall getting accused of rape. Not rape. Unless consent was not given. You're making things up. The papers have been released. The MET have said no information that suggests an arrest is necessary.
  9. No need to refer to anything. I quoted a thread that alleged rape. I replied. It's not rape.
  10. The conversation I'm having with another poster is regarding rape. Please keep up.
  11. No, it isn't. It's sex with a minor, which the named female was not. Rape is unconsensuel sex. Sex when one of those involved has said NO. I don't recall seeing anything about the female in question saying NO.
  12. No. It isn’t. Minor? I'm yet to see any proof that Andrew had sex, unconsensual sex, with a minor.
  13. You may be discussing rape but nobody else is. As for saying it's evil. That's your opinion. Evil people do not go to jail if they haven't broken any laws.
  14. Crime? Has he been charged? I must have missed that bit.
  15. Abuse is not discipline. I agree, an abused person would fear an abuser. However, whether discipline is physical or not, it does not create fear of the disciplinarian. It creates the fear of what might happen if one were to do something that one knows is wrong Do no wrong, no need to be disciplined. Simple.
  16. Read what I said, read your link then find another one that actually refutes what I said
  17. You are confusing abuse, fear and violence with discipline. There are no studies that show children who were smacked as a form of discipline, not abused or victims of physical violence, grow up to be violent or with the view violence and abuse towards children is OK.
  18. You seem to be confusing corporal punishment and smacking with physical and sexual abuse.
  19. I commented as I have never heard or seen it used, other than in error. I've already mentioned the lack of present perfect tense in American English. Is "have went" an Americanism?
  20. It's incorrect. Sometimes it's lack of knowledge. Sometimes regional. I remember a colleague of mine from Barnsley saying " Them's yours, them is" when referring to someone's belongings. He didn't know what he'd said incorrectly when I questioned him. Regional? I've had colleagues from London and suburbs there of saying things like " I didn't do nothing" or " I done it yesterday". Regional? Then, of course, there is USA English which lacks present perfect tense and adverbs. "I didn't go there yet". " Did you have lunch yet?". "You are doing real good." Clearly regional. With regards to "gonna" and "wanna", I feel it's more to do with laziness in speech. " I'm going to" and "I don't want to" being contractions. Important to teach listening skills to pick this up but shouldn't be taught in writing.
  21. Are you joking? I ask as, should have, could have, would be correct.
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