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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You just can't stop the blame game, can you? There was a global pandemic, if you remember. Hospital appointments were virtually closed down for 2 years. Then there were the strikes because of unions ridiculous demands.
  2. If you have a life threatening condition, you won't be waiting for treatment.
  3. It's not all pensioners. The winter fuel payment is now means tested. That is all.
  4. You can walk into a hospital and see a doctor same day in UK. Free.
  5. That won't affect illegal immigration.
  6. Hardly 14 years. Mass illegal immigration, at recent levels, is a relatively new thing. It's something that has caught many countries out.
  7. Here in UK my wife has a doctors appointment today. Booked it last week. My father is due an op. On the waiting list for 4 weeks already, due on 27th August. It's not as bad as some like to make out.
  8. Why do you mention illegal immigration? The family of the accused have been in UK since 2013. The father works, the kids are/have been at school. Very much doubt they are illegal.
  9. Some might be but they can't claim benefits. The idea that migrant's family members can turn up and claim benefits is a myth. Even migrants, for that matter.
  10. Not the rules I'm talking about. Salary levels have nothing to with spouses claiming benefits. No one on a visa can claim benefits. Also, if the Indian or Pakistani is on a visa, the salary levels are a different scale.
  11. No, you are incorrect. The conversation is bring one's spouse to live together in UK. Those arrive by boat don't have that right.
  12. Thr figures don't reflect reality of life. Start with the increase. £18600 to £29000. Far to much of an increase in one hit. Let's then talk about financial situation. Someone who owns a home, no debt, has minimal outgoings and hss a pension/salary of, say, £20000 can no longer bring their spouse to UK to live together. However, someone with a mortgage, car loan, credit card debt, overdraft, home improvements loan, etc, with a salary of £29000 can live with their spouse in UK. More than likely the person in my first example will be more comfortable financially. Also, one who already has a spouse here on a settlement visa or FLR only needs a salary of £18600.
  13. I wonder if the new government will relax the salary requirements for settlement visas. They just kicked pensioners in the balls by taking away winter fuel payments. The current level of £29k, rising to £38k, will also stop many pensioners living with their wife in the UK. Not to mention those working on lower salary levels.
  14. He says, whilst using a computer. Imagine if you didn't have a computer or internet. You'd have to sit at home and troll yourself all day.
  15. Switch operating systems. Windows is not the be all and end all.
  16. Us? It's only you.
  17. Insults and assumptions. How very trollesque.
  18. Us? We? Ourselves? Funny. It's only you. You've been going on about things that i can't or have never done in an air fryer. Yet, I have done them. Cakes and bread work great. No need to turn over as you suggested. Pizza? NO problem. My air fryer is a Tower. Don't know the model number. I wasn't expecting the Spanish inquisition from a keyboard warrior. From memory it was circa 2000 baht.
  19. I did the research. I suggested you do the same. You declined. Nuff said.
  20. If you can't grasp the fundamental differences between the oven you posted and an air fryer, there is no point trying to show you your other errors. I have an air fryer and a convection oven that you posted, which hasn't been out of the cupboard since I bought the sir fryer. You ask about baking in an air fryer? Did you not read my comments? My air fryer was not expensive. It's 12ltr capacity. Well worth the money considering it's versatility.
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