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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. "Indian" food served and sold in UK is as British as it is Indian. Mostly created for the Raj to eat. Balti and Tikka Masala were both created in UK for the British palate. Go to India and try real Indian food. They you'll understand.
  2. He tends to announce putting posters on ignore on the open forum
  3. I have not destroyed anything. I am not a gay advocate. I simply choose not to discriminate against people who are different due to physical or mental conditions that are beyond their control.
  4. There are many ways gay couples can become parents. It happens often. You say it's a punishment. That would suggest all gay couples want children. How about hetrosexual couples that cant have kids because of physical issues? Are they being punished? There is no proof that homosexuality gets passed down generations.
  5. Really? Who decides who has a right to procreate? It's certainly not nature.
  6. It's a Pro Palestine March. They are not protesting to end the war. They are protesting the existence of Isreal.
  7. I cannot see any evidence of an arguement from me. I was simply trying to get to the bottom of your misleading post. Your subsequent post, admitting your error and then explaining, has cleared the matter up. Thanks.
  8. No dissection. You wrote "The definition of Anti Semitism is treating Israel differently to how other Countries are treated." Your original post and the post above are totally different. Thanks for correcting yourself.
  9. Had you been doing so you would have used "one definition" as apposed to "the definition".
  10. That's funny. A definition of ill feeling and hatred towards an entire faith has now changed to only include those of that faith in a specific country. I'm sure Non Isreali Jews around the world will be pleased discrimination, hatred and violence against them no longer counts as anti semitism.
  11. Living in the UK has enabled my wife to become more educated, more financially independent, own more property and be able to travel more often. She will be embarking on her first visit to Thailand, 20 days, in four years in a couple of weeks.
  12. That's interesting. Interesting as I'm currently in UK. To be honest, most people just go about their business. It's social media that makes it look like you think. As for your comment "native white people". Well. That really does show you are living in the dark ages. As for colonization....French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese...... I think you are suffering from selective reading.
  13. The term "anti semitism" was first used around 1870/80. Long before the creation of the state of Isreal.
  14. You said anti semitism, by definition, is the way Israel is treated. That's clearly wrong so your knowledge of Jews and where they live appeared lacking.
  15. You appear to be blind to the Pro Palistinians' ideals. Also, linking me to Braverman is inane. I'm neither condemning nor condoning the protest marches. I'm explaining what they are about. If the protests pass peacefully, no problem. If they kick off and become violent, problem.
  16. Pro Palestinian marches are not protesting the killings. They are protesting the existence of Isreal. Listen to their chants. They literally do speak volumes.
  17. That's all very well. However, was it not Hamas, in this case, that started the bombing?
  18. Stop watching the news. It's not a fair reflection of the UK. News stories are usually grim, headline grabbers. Reporters tend not to report the good stories. Isaan is my home in Thailand. If I was to believe the Isaan News section on this site, as an example, was a true reflection of the place, I would never return. I don't believe that so I will return.
  19. It's down too the style of teaching in Thai schools. The students are rarely encouraged to speak in class. I taught in Thai schools for many years. Each time I started at a new school I attempted to teach outside of the curriculum and with out text book. My arguement being, if the students have a book they will read but not listen or speak. Most of the time the directors agreed with me and gave me a free reign. Those that were eagar to learn loved it. I had some telling me they were grateful to " get the vocabulary and grammar in their brains to come out of their mouth". Their improvements let to many requests from them and their parents for me to teach extra classes after school. To the OP....if the young lady in question really is keen, try to find a good Native English speaker to teach one on one or, if she has equally eagar friends, get a group together. Insist on no text books. Ultimately, if possible, send her to an English speaking country on a student exchange. 6 moths there will do her more good that 10 years of classroom study.
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