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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isan_language I agree.
  2. In Isaan Laos speaking areas, I agree. However, there are many areas of Isaan that are not Isaan Laos speaking. They will speak languages such as Northern Khmer, Gui, Thai Korat, etc. Hence Isaan being a region of Thailand and not a stand alone language. As shown in the link I posted.
  3. Not arguing. As the link I posted shows. Just making corrections to incorrect comments.
  4. You are using outdated links. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isan_language
  5. Isaan? That's a region of Thailand. Not a language. There are many languages in Isaan. Isaan Laos, Khmer, Gui, Thai Korat....to name a few.
  6. I disagree. Edit your post to read " Some parts of Isaan"
  7. If it's an expat community you are looking for, all of the places you mention have one. If it's real rural you are looking for, I'd say Buriram is your best bet as you don't have to travel out of town too far to get it. Not sure how someone can say it's " crap" when you've already explained it's rural life you want. Buriram has that in bundles. If you are single and dedicated to living the life you say, you won't be there long before you start picking up the language. It's not that difficult to do when it's all around. Contrary to what some on here say, locals are able to speak Thai. Sure, they will speak Isaan Laos and Khmer in the villages but you will get by perfectly well with Thai. You might be better off travelling through and seeing which you prefer. Korat is only 3ish hours by bus from Bangkok. All other providence you mention are reachable from Korat by bus.
  8. I would doubt it. Especially as there is no written script. Your best bet would be to go to one of the provinces where it's spoken. Buriram, Surin, Sissaket and, less so, SaKeao and learn from the locals.
  9. Exactly my point. I prefer to go to the source. Not the second hand publisher.
  10. Well, that was a waste of time. You must have been leading me on a merry dance. There are no links reporting widespread mutilation. Please point me in the direction of the articles you've read. Thanks.
  11. Please answer the question. I repeat, I've heard nothing about the widespread mutilation that you speak of. It should be an interesting read. Please point me in the direction of where I can find the facts. Thanks.
  12. So, where does that happen? It's so widespread I've missed it.
  13. You chose mainstream media and YouTube to get your facts? That explains alot.
  14. Your very last question shows how little you understand.
  15. No. I was talking about the politics. Read again.
  16. I was responding to you saying "Yes, as long as schools/the left (redundant) were allowed to promote transgenderism in secret, it was a complete non-subject." You do make me laugh I've already responded to johnnybangkok.
  17. Over development of the town centres. Concreting over what were flood plains without adequate drainage. Many years ago, Buriram used to flood badly. Their political kingpin and his wife, head of Tessaban, secured funding for all underground drainage pipes in affected area to be dug up and replaced with much larger ones. They also dredged the reservoir to increase capacity. Problem solved. As for the villages, time and again they have been advised to turn part of their rice paddy over to water storage. Grants issued to dig. Most decided against it as they'd lose the 3 bags of rice that 1 rai would produce. The chances are many will now lose the whole crop.
  18. In your eyes because you are not transgender, I assume. To those who are transgender, those working in healthcare, psychiatry, psychology, child healthcare and the many others in self help groups, it has been a "subject" for decades.
  19. You are trying to perceive transgenderism as a life choice. It isn't. Of course there are going to be those that offer services promoting their business. That's how business works. However, they are targeting those who are transgender. They are not saying " hey, ever thought of becoming transgender. Come along and we'll make you become just that". That's not how it works. People do not become transgender by choice.
  20. That is NOT promoting transgenderism. It's promoting a medical practice that can offer surgery to those who are transgender. There is a huge difference. I support a cancer charity. They promote themselves. Doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to get cancer just so I can use their services.
  21. Candidates, PMs, Presidents....etc. Doesn't mean the rest of the population have to accuse people or be accused of being " leftie" or "right wing" because of their views on transgenderism. It's not like we are talking about immigration, the economy or taxes.
  22. I agree and it's a shame. By posting facts and knowledge I have gained through study, research and work experience, I have been branded a " trans promoter". Whatever that is.
  23. By portraying the situation as political, you are both making this whole thread a farce. Sure, the OP is about politics but, the subject of transgenderism is not and should never become political. I, myself, being a perfect example. On other threads I have been accused of being right wing because of my views. Here I am sharing information and facts from the medical world and being accused of being a leftie My posts on here have nothing to do with politics or personal beliefs and all to do with facts regarding the mental and physical aspects of transgenderism.
  24. I'm not a trans promoter. I cannot be a trans promoter as transgenderism cannot be promoted. It is not a life choice. People don't wake up one morning and think "I've seen a lot about transgenderism in the media lately. I think I'll become trans gender". That is not what is happening. Your copying and pasting of my answers is either a failed attempt at humour or confirmation of your lack of any real knowledge of the subject of transgenderrism. I have explained how the situation is viewed from the medical and scientific evidence. You have not.
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