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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. WELL DONE. Another gun off the street.

    As 00 buck travels at 975+ feet per second & it is like being hit with multiple .32 calibre bullets who gives a continental about what happens to the shooter.

    Why 12g ? because there is a plethora of piping that accomodates the diameter & no Grooves & Lands (Rifling) required. Very Cheap , Very efficient

    There is a 12" spread after 10' from a shottie the spread from these short barrels would be immense. As dangerous to passers by as the target.

    Again..WELL DONE


  2. These people are desperate. They do what they must to survive. Oh sure the well off can look down their noses and chastise the poor for being "bad" or "immoral". But I don't see the rich out there dealing drugs or robbing banks.. because they don't have to.

    The 'Rich' are not out there because they have 'mules' to do their bidding & as a barrier to their involvement.

    That's how some of the 'Rich' got Rich by dealing in Human Misery


  3. Well , I must admit that in the early 90s my girl got me a Kg of Caviar from a street vendor in Moscow for $5.00

    It was real.

    But I can't believe anyone could believe a Thai street vendor is selling genuine Diamonds anywhere , anytime.

    Next thing you know we'll be told that all Jetskis are insured & licensed in Pattaya

    But I am relieved to see that we have now progressed in the Media Photo stakes that we now have TWO POINTING in the one Picture.


  4. We had a thread last week that said 100 Australians died in Thailand last year. Australia lost 39 troops in Afghanistan, and 2 in Iraq. In 12 or so years combined. Go figure.

    The worst part of the Troops deaths is that while most were in Multi Million Dollar Road & Air Machines most were taken out by $1.00 IEDs & even the AK47s used against them are $5.00 copies

    In reply - Yes it is worse ,but so is everywhere else that has had an increased influx of Tourists in Tourist 'hot' spots.

  5. Ah Drug rings the same all over the world , just think of the massive cartel of the Mexican Mafia in California.

    With the price of drugs at approximately 8 times the price of Gold per once & the profit margins at sky high levels it will be an ongoing problem for another few lifetimes.

    BUT , good to see another link stopped.

    They deal in slow death so the punishment should fit the crime


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