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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. The standard of reporting just hit a new low with alleged victims identified etc.

    An Invesigators nightmare on an alleged serious crime such as this.

    Glad my field work is not here in Thailand particularly Pattaya. But I have to ask , do some of these Tourists read about precautions ??? would they do the same actions at home-----------doubt it.

    If this is factual I Hope the perps are caught a s a p

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  2. "perhaps" doesn't sound like a committment to buy to me.

    If you have a genuine fear so great of Burglars (I wonder if this is even a genuine post) then I suggest you don't buy a house ANYWHERE in the world.

    CCTV etc is NOT a deterrent BUT records events unless it is Mannned.

    Any house anywhere can be Burgled , it is opportunistic most times.

    Buy a Condo if you are serious

  3. ON their way to the UK i suppose where they would have been given a free house social security and a job cash in hand.

    Change the record pal.

    "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)"

    Good luck to them just so long as they don't end up in Britain, is that nicer?

    With all the work in the UAE theyd struggle not to make a few quid extra there, only a banana boats ride away.

    More likely Xmas Island for Oz , more pay then Australian Penshioners ,plus phone,house,legal reps etc.etc

  4. Another poorly written story from those that sell this crap news. How old was the girl? What floor did she fall from? I mean, how hard is it to proofread a story before sending it to press? At least be consistent in your headlines and the first paragraph of the story <deleted>.

    Oh yeah, and from the same news agency that claims it's against their own policy to show bodies yet that is exactly what they have done here. Showing the foreign boyfriend on his hands and knees in front of his dead girlfriend.

    Very classy indeed guys.

    ( In keeping with our policy of NOT posting photographs of dead bodies, these photographs have been heavily edited)

    What a laugh from those that exploit tragedy for a baht.

    Hear ! Hear ! Total lack of morality in reporting with no sensitivity .

    Just more sensationalised the better. Sic

  5. While dining watched several Prostitue deals go down

    what does this have to do with safety in Walking Street?

    Proven world wide , take care of the small crime & violent crime dissipates

    . Prostitution = black money = corruption = drugs =guns = violence =innocent victims. That's the way of the underworld

    The nieve believe that prostitution is 'victimless' ask some of the drugged & mugged victims in Pattaya if that is the case.Got a heck of a lot to do with Safety

    Hope that answers your question


  6. Next time you're there, see if there is a football manager who can help out Sheffield United please.

    That would be an illusion wouldn't it ???? according to my Brit friends ( Don't know anything about it personally)

  7. It's a start , but another is needed at the South end plus a few other small pieces of infrastructure but , None of my Biz just observing & watched outside & near Lucifers last night how the pros have it beat .

    While dining watched several Prostitue deals go down & stopped counting after the fourth drug deal .I'm a Tourist here

    It also appeared to me that the Korean & other "herded" Tour groups don't have time to stop & spend. Must keep them for particular venues elsewhere ??

  8. I can't condone it , but isn't it ironic that this guy gets the full force of the law coming down on him for 460bt + a mobile phone , whilst not so far away Mr Thieving Jet ski scammer can openly rob and threaten tourists for 50,000bt ....and do so with complete immunity ?

    Amazing and miraculous indeed !

    Unemployed & Un connected .

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