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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. This whole scenario smells to me .

    Pic of the girl shows her height same as some of the cops.

    4am & they are monitoring her ???? Give me a break , 13 yo 4am on a beach , it's called a 'SET UP'

    What Child care Officer would allow a 13yo to be around the Beach at 4am & not take her into care????

    A Pattaya Child Officer & Cops with another agenda tthat's what Child Care Officer would.

    BUT if it a genuine Pedo offender deserves the worst .....


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  2. When did the Rusian folk ever get the chance to learn respect for others or courtesy in their History anyway ???

    Some of these comments I have read were said about English ex pats not that many years ago here in Pattaya.

    We have been here 3 months - as usual - met several Russian couples and groups on Baht Buses , Buffet lines, Restaraunts all over Pattaya & with ALL my international experiences I have never seen such brutish , rude people from the same country not ONE displayed any manners at all.

    The English Lager louts that are around second road take some beating but there has not been one Russian in 3 months we have interacted with that demonstrated the slightest modicum of civility.

    One woman started addressing us in Russian & when I pointed out we didn't understand & we were not russian she cursed us to her family.

    My nephew is married with 2 children to a Russian girl in Australia & his Mom in law is actually a former KGB lady I have a ball when we get together & they are fabulous people even though Mums english is woeful.

    So I don't believe it is the entire nation , just as we get idots from abroad in most tourist areas Pattaya because it is seen as the cheapest attracts more than its fair share of people who seem to think normal rules from home do not apply to them here

    Just an observation.

  3. I agree with the OP's post completely, but the plus's are good climate, lower prices than UK, Buddhist culture, wonderful food, easier/slower pace of life, no dress code, great night-life, to name but a few.


    Climate? It's too hot and humid here to be really nice.

    Lower prices? Some are. Many aren't.

    Buddhist culture? Yes, but I cant say it makes much difference to me on a personal level. I dont believe in any religion.

    Wonderful food? Nice enough but I certainly I wouldn't say wonderful.

    Easier pace of life? If you're retired you're retired. I dont do any more here than I did anywhere else. Trafic and congestion here is MUCH worse than where I was in Europe.

    No dress code? I wear exactly the same clothes here (weather permitting) as I did in Europe. Except that in Europe in winter I put an anorak and trousers on. But to keep warm not for any dress code reasons.

    Great night life? I would describe it as unbelievably boring. I hate bars and discos and clubs and everything else in that vein, Luckily they are easy to avoid.

    There are more "con" points:

    full of Russians and tourist families

    becoming steadily more and more dangerous

    becoming steadily more and more expensive

    And there are some plus points you may have forgotten:

    No tax (for those who know how to organise themselves).

    Fairly cheap and varied food, even if it isn't wonderful.

    Utilities that work most of the time.

    Easily obtained retirement visa.

    Good and fair post!clap2.gif PF.

    Hear ! Hear !

    WE are here 3 months a year so can't make comments BUT this fair post says it all


  4. Best we saw was on Monday night about 7:15pm on second road when a Russian Couple in front of us on the way to Dicey reillys,walked past a Suitcase display the wife took one at the front they then both headed across the street with the plastic cover still on it (Full Size case) & the stall owners did not even notice.

    It was so quick it was obviously rehearsed.

    But , I then remembered I am a Tourist here. We kept going But it was very Slick

    Any where else my action would have been different ,but it's Pattaya isn't it. Mind your own biz.



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  5. Violence is the Last thing to se to cease this practise.

    But the reality is it will not be stopped

    It may get lessened like Phuket - where it still goes on by the way-

    But the income stream is required & it can never completely go away.

    On again yesterday by the way & from afar it even looked as though Cops were helping the Jetski opeator & friends ??

    Don't know too far away

    Mikes beach view has gotta be the happeningest place in Patts for $$$$$$$$

  6. If only these scammers meet their match one day, it will be spectacular to watch. wink.png

    Let's write Stephen Seagal and ask him to come here and rent a jet ski from the scammers smile.png The end result would, indeed, be spectacular to watch.

    The Aussie version of him is here now. Met him at PCEC

    He was one of our Trainers in USA

  7. Wow , must mean there is to be an influx of International Funds to assist in fighting Piracy as long as there is a demo of action.

    This happens regularly here & in Indonesia & has no real effect.

    Next thing is raiding ALL the stores & stall selling counterfeit goods ----- NEVER gonna happen

    This is a 2 - 3 Billion dollar a year industry & across China / Asia employs several hundred million people

    impossible to stop , just like the Drug trade

    Lip service


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