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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. Shotgun pellet at 850 - 950 feet per second hitting you in the face would be more on your mind than if the gun that fired it was safe for the user to fire I assure you.

    My interest would be who made it & how many has he/they sold in the street & where are the shotgun shell being supplied from??

    Oooops !!! soryy forgot I was back in Pattaya....great photos !!!!

    Just reminiscing we went on a County wide S&D a few years ago ( S coop & D etain ) not what you thought

    In a six hour Mobile Patrol with 12 Officers & 8 vehicles we took 57 weapons off the street that night & 18 were from Juveniles. There were a couple of Pistols


  2. Please don't quote me but I heard from locals that if proven it is a 50 year Jail sentence I hope the sentence is correct 50 years. I wouder how his back end will feel after a week I heard the prisons here are the same as the west they do not like child molesters , and they are not put in protective custody .

    Depends on his connections and how deep his pockets are. There was a report of a Farang who was arrested a few years back for statutory rape of a 12 year old and he is still walking the streets......

    Also the Italian guy back molesting near a school within 2 weeks of his arrest & over 20+ arrests in Italy prior to his arrival in Pattaya

    If convicted let's hope a deserved sentence

  3. Oh No there goes the reputation of Pattaya from an unsafe Tourist spot to a confirmed unsafe Tourist spot . 555

    Seiously though another news report in Perth Australia the same thing on a 73 y.o. lady with severe injuries on Friday.

    BUT the Perth Cops didn't have 500Uniforms on Parade . That's probably a lesson they could get from here


  4. They are guilty because we have the POINTING Photo.......Yahoooooooooooo !

    Arresting drug users are easy , in any town in any country.

    Arresting & Convicting Major Drug Dealers is a vastly different story

    I know there are several dozen cops on the street in Singapore in tourist areas & airports at all times that you never see

    They are PROFESSIONAL Law Enforcement though, not photo op ,temporary crackdown, Foreign Embassy pressured.

    "Organised crime cannot exist without Corruption"

    I was taught & I totally believe it , I pass that on in my classes also


  5. No crackdown on second road last night around 8 pm when a bloodied & bashed Farang was left on the sidewalk just near Maccas staggering around looking lost covered in Blood & Bruises

    I was accomanying two ladies & a young 12 year old girl visiting from Australia and couldnt stop.

    But NO Police any where but they were at their freebie breakfast this morning at different places on second road

    I know better than anyone you can't be everywhere BUT major area , early in the evening , large crowds , near a popular 7-11 & supposedly 500 extra personnel ?????????????

  6. "Tarnish Thailands Reputation" ???

    Cheap place to Holiday , cheap place to live, CHEAP wages for menial tasks . The same all over Asia.

    One of the most basic economic reasons goods & services are cheap is because of illegal labour. Look at USA , Latin America, Asia in general, India .

    Low earnings mean 'off the book' labour & opportunistic People Smugglers.

    Watch Australia suffer in the next 10 years , they keep accepting 'Boat Refugees' different term SAME result same Black Money , same People Smugglers


  7. Pardon my cynicism. BUT why are they removing Leaves?????

    Seems a lot of Beat up to me . Why ???

    As an Investigator I have a question - How long did that b****y Tree take to get to that height ?????

    Another question how many leaves has it sprouted during its' life that are unaccounted for. ???

    This appears to me to be an exercise in futility BUT a great Media bit to boost the perception of enforcement in Pattaya


    The BIB don't usually patrol in the back areas of East Pattaya. Probably phoned in to a civilian police volunteer at the request of a conservative local who against the young guys using the leaves. Also take this action if someone is taking YaBa & after been warned continues to cause family/community problems.

    So as a seedling it is OK , as a shrub still OK, at a metre high OK ........BUT then BAM !

    Info to Police about Drug use is normal everywhere this is a stretch


  8. Pardon my cynicism. BUT why are they removing Leaves?????

    Seems a lot of Beat up to me . Why ???

    As an Investigator I have a question - How long did that b****y Tree take to get to that height ?????

    Another question how many leaves has it sprouted during its' life that are unaccounted for. ???

    This appears to me to be an exercise in futility BUT a great Media bit to boost the perception of enforcement in Pattaya


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