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Posts posted by Ohio

  1. I don't think Saudi Arabia was any better. I remember driving across the desert from Riyadh to Al Khobar many years ago. The desert was littered with discarded coke tins and supermarket plastic bags for the entire journey. On my occasional visits to Malaysia I have been impressed with the general standard of cleanliness and tidiness. I think Singapore has the best solution with swingeing fines for non compliance with litter disposal regulations.

    Singapore dissapointed me in this regard, it's still a long way from the cleanliness of Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and other places in Europe. A couple of cities have fines for littering, way lower than in Singapore, but most can do without and manage to stay clean nonetheless. They put sufficient manpower in rubbish collection, and that's all the difference.

    In Singapore they have something called a Corrective Work Order where all the naughty people have to wear an orange jacket with CWO on the back and have to spend several days cleaning up the rubbish that inevitably

    gets thrown down, they could maybe use that idea on the beach here.

    I nwould suggest if they got EVERYONE who broke the rules here into that there would be NO Trash as the cleaners would outweigh the dumping ability of the public


  2. Seems to me this has been on before some years ago with pics of the local barges taking out trash & dumping it at night & back it comes. Not forgetting the out flow from under the tunnel running through Siam Bayshores land into the bay inc. 'floaties'

    I remember watching that muck getting soaked up into drums on the back of trucks for Songkran

    Ah well nothing much changes , BUT , there are many places in Asia , Europe,USA etc.

    Check out Mekong in Vietnam & Galveston Bay in Texas


  3. I would storm the joint with an automatic weapon and demand my clothes back.

    Maybe even the whole SWAT Entry Team .

    Seriously , if you can write Thai why the heck wouldn't you mark your clothing ????

    Been using the same lady every time we are here never had a problem NEVER counted or had anything go missing.

    Good Luck I consult at $250.00 per hour

  4. ah right sorry for the confusion, useful to note that the tourist police although labeled as "police" are far from it - "tourist mediators" might be closer to the mark and no insult intended as they generally do a good job IMO but asking them to take action against known mafia types here would be no different than you taking you own action - they'd be putting themselves at risk

    The ONE thing they are NOT & that is POLICE.

    They are volunteers & have NO powers. They are to assist & seem to do that most of the time , but they cannot assist if you don't make them aware.

    But , they are not a Police Unit & you cannot expect them to act accordingly although there are those among them who 'strut' as if they have got some sort of power but you get that in any organisation with uniforms

    Ho Hum !

  5. Interestingly at the PCEC the other Sunday there was an Australian who is a genuine Han Shi / Sifu (Grand Master / Professor ) giving a talk on his first book from the 70s on Australian Police Corruption.

    He teaches SWAT Teams / Interrogators etc all over the world & has been coming to Patts for many decades. He could tell you who is 'Real' here. He will not get 'involved' here it is his getaway place.

    Don't know if that is a help I went to see him because he was a Teacher at our SWAT School in early 2001 on less than lethal weapons

  6. Taking peoples passports? I am sorry but this bit I don't understand? When did this become routine in Pattaya? That is just wrong.

    The Embassy official is bang on. Nice to see a Country grow a pair and man up.

    Who is next? Australia maybe, one of the Scandnavian's??

    Australia ?? ya gotta be kidding They left an Aussie Tourist on the brink of death in Phuket a few months ago after he was an innocent victim of a road crash & his insurance wouldn't pay the hospital because he had hired a motorcycle.

    Aussie public raised the funds to pay the bloodsuckers out & get him back to his home in New South Wales Luckily .

    Aussie embassy quoted "we are keeping an eye on the situation & offering assistance where we can "


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