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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. isn't dengue only spread by the daytime mozzie? unless your a day sleeper, sleeping with a mozzie net isn't going to do much to prevent dengue.

    any repellant containing DEET works well. fans work well. I've also got a trap that used UV and CO2 to attract the mozzies, and a fan to draw them into the trap, got it from homepro.

    I wore a dose of it early last year, not nice. At the peak (about 2 days in) I was thinking if i had the energy to get up form my resting position, i'd get a knife and cut my hip joints out. I seriously thought it would be the less painful way to deal with it.

    paracetamol will give you the most relief from the fever and pain.

    you should be seeking medical attention either way, but any signs of haemorrhagic fever and get to emergency ASAP.

  2. I was gonna mention Nana Screw. Not that I buy welding stuff from there, but they gave me a calendar last year for a mig welder with a very qualified young lady showing how to use it.

  3. You don't mention a price. I think we paid about 174K for the PCX for the Missus which I registered in her name. It does have a decent storage capacity under the seat but it also lacks a drink holder and has limited options for that. Any ideas anyone? FOR sure the shocks for rear rider are lacking. Rough ride!

    I think next time which wasn't available at the time, I'd opt for the 300.

    174k, I think 74-77k is the normal new price.

  4. As somebody else mentioned, I've wanted to find a Singing Room type place to go with friends and nobody seems to know of one that doesn't involve the girls except for the places at Airport Plaza. It's too bad because they can be a great fun night out with friends.

    It's been a couple of years, but there is at least one place on Suthap--I think it's Milk karaoke or something like that. These kinds of places are popular with university students, and perhaps young Thai's in general; if you know any young Thai's you could ask them.

    BTW, by "popular", I mean they like to go there with friends for silly fun, not that they go there cruising for action.

    tar and brush comes to mind. there are many karaoke places about town ranging from small tunnel bars with a KTV machine in the corner to the extravagant places like those on chang klan.
  5. noise, on 05 Jun 2013 - 09:05, said:

    amexpat, on 04 Jun 2013 - 16:11, said:

    I'd like to see what is on offer - if I didn't have to go through farcebook to do so.

    Craft Been CNX

    I agree with Amexpat. There are many of us who have not and will not sign up for Facebook and, therefore, your info or whatever is on Facebook is not available to us.

    I have seen your ad but that just goes to Facebook. So other than that, I know absolutely nothing about you. A real web site would be informative. For example, you are the sole distributor for Northern Thailand for what beer? What are you direct retail prices? Pre-order/buying from you should give us discounted prices over what the beer would be selling for in some TBD retail outlet (who carries your beers?).

    you could email and ask...
  6. Aussie don't drink pints, a pot or a stubbie maybe but never a pint.

    If you're from South Australia you drink Pints, unless you're a big girls blouse and drink pots and schooners...

    Yes they do things a little different in SA...

    I drink pots because I dont like warm beer. Pint is an english term. Pots is unique to Australia
    except if you ask for a pot in most states of Australia, you'd get a "yor not from aroun ere ar'ya" same if you asked for a middy or a handle. I've also asked for a pint and been handed a schooner <deleted> SA blouses trying to pass small beers off as big ones.

    or you could just go north across the border and order an NT stubby.

    anyways, check the wiki for the correct terminology per state:


  7. there is also one next to the honda shop (nat honda?) on huay kaow called velo-city. it could be the one you spoke of already, but that is the only one i've come across that has the real expensive road/race bikes. the one near the moat that KRS1 spoke of has a large range, lots of imported single speeds and town bikes, but not so much in the road/race as velocity does.

  8. So you have spent a lot of time from school and got nothing from it. "I spell as I whish". You are a perfect example of why the foreigners in this forum complain about the Thai education system. You need to stay in Thailand for work because any where else they will laugh at you for your lack critical thinking, speech, grammar, and unable to communicate in general.

    I spell as i whish, my degrees where for free(fullscholarships) wid the exeption of the bachellor in Business that I did it heer in thailand(in thai language) the other one, the bachellor in chinese, got it from beijing language and cultures university and the master from the university of tokyo wai2.gif


    oh c'mon, dont get sentimental, old man. i work in thailand but i dont work for a thai company, i work for one of the biggest japanese companies in the world,I could easely work in japan or in us, but honestly, i lik it heer, and i studied here in THAI not in english. if you want me to spell correctly, of course I can do it, but I prefer to spell in my own way, somehow it feels cooler and i lov when all troll attack me bcuz of itbiggrin.png

    You are delusional. Maybe you could get a job in a carnival in the US.

    US??No way! As I already told you, I really lik it in heer, that's the reason why I liv heer , pal.

    will you guys shut up, you're boring.

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