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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Awww did the nasty man in brown climb over the wall and knock on the door ? but uncle Suthep said it wouldnt happen.... nasty men bad ... bad ...

    Daruni Chuenruethainaitham, Sonthiyarn's sister said that police over-reacted and abused their power even though they presented a search warrant approved by Nakhon Pathom Provincial Court. She said heavily armed police climbed over the wall to the house without ringing the bell and were rude to them. She would file a complaint against police for their "ill-treatment".

    Thiwa said she was sleeping in the early morning with her daughter when police climbed into the house. She quickly locked the house and only allowed uniformed police to enter.

    I still remember Yingluck preaching with tears in her eyes that people should leave her family alone. "Please respect my son and leave him out of this".

  2. As in this quote....."Four wishes of the people"?....Since when are these electoral minority coup-mongers and their shadowy supporters "The people"?........The people spoke on Feb. 2nd. and he is so afraid of what they said. He wants to 'deep-six' their opinion.

    The people (most of them) voted already.

    43 million (roughly) of the population were eligible to vote, yet only 20 million (roughly) did so out of a population of 70 million or so. That's less than 30% of the entire population. And (let's say) PT got around 50% of that vote, it means PT are only approved by around 15% of the population.

    Is my maths correct? Did "the people" really vote for PT this time around?

    1. The people were denied the opportunity to vote for the Dems by... the Dems.

    2. There are not 70 million voters in TL

    Some people where denied voting but NOT in PT strongholds. Think about it.

  3. He claimed that both the Election Commission and the Council of State had agreed that the caretaker government has the authority to secure loans for the rice-pledging scheme and that was not a violation of Article 181 of the Constitution

    Really? I thought PT said that because they are the CARETAKER government, they couldn't borrow money. Which is Suthep's fault (according to PT). Interesting

    He said the caretaker government was ready to sign the loan agreements immediately once they propose appropriate lending rates.

    But he said he could not reveal their names on fear that anti-government protesters could again go to blockade these banks if they have the information.

    Next week he will say: The banks where ready to give money but the PRDC went to the banks and now the banks cancelled the loans.

    • Like 2
  4. If these ex Dem MP's had put as much energy into analysing what the Thai people wanted from a government, they could have been that government by now.

    Still, I'm sure they're happy in their new jobs as rabble rousers coffee1.gif


    I have another one: If Nathawut would have put as much energy into solving the farmers problems as he had put into brainwashing the farmers back in 2010, maybe today the farmers have some money to eat. Maybe...


    (It the guy with his nose in the air)

    • Like 1
  5. First:

    BANGKOK: -- A pair of undercover policemen have been hospitalised after they were tortured by anti-government protesters on Chaeng Wattana Road, authorities said.


    A group of anti-government guards also allegedly assaulted the 2 policemen before they eventually handed the pair back to the police force in the evening.

    They where tortured right? Typical Khoasad Red propaganda.

    • Like 2
  6. It's clear that anyone around here who wants people to be elected is in contempt of court.

    Mr Witthaya has also made known that the agency is speeding up its investigation into the impeachment case against 383 senators and MPs for their support of the Senate composition constitutional amendment. The case is set to be concluded early in March

    Or the target of violent attack at polling stations by violent fascist goons.

    When's Suthep going to be charged?

    A Thai I know pretty well explained the whole of Suthep's land and palm oil scandal that in 1995 brought down the DP government.

    So the NACC can be reminded how they are publicly regarded for their attention to duty, here it is in a nutshell.

    Suthep started out with two plots of land. Suthep sold three of them to his publicly-listed company, using letters of credit opened by his brother-in-law at the bank, then executed a debt / equity swap with an unpublished general offer so that he got all four plots of land back, with a tax deduction for maintaining five plots of land. The palm oil rights of six plots of land were transferred via a Brunei intermediary to a Russian company secretly owned by the majority shareholder, who sold the rights to all seven plots of land back to the listed company. The annual report said that the company owned eight plots of land, with an option on one more. So Suthep sold the two plots of land because the spirit house lady said the karma was bad.


    We are talking about rice and the disappearance of THB 780,000,000,000 under Yingluck's watch. I know it hurts but let's stay on topic or keep quiet.

    • Like 1
  7. Thaksin hasn't been this close to Thailand than when - well, since he was there last, or the time before, or in Cambodia - inside or outside of cabinet. The journey over the bridge is quite brief, but he'll never, ever make it. Because although he has a fondness for making merit, he's seriously scared of jail. That's about the extent of his conviction. So there you have it - comfortably nestled in countries which have almost no human rights. He's right at home.

    If you think thaksin hasn't been back to Thailand since the start of his self imposed exile then you don't really know much about Thailand

    Care to elaborate?

    Maybe he has seen Thaksin in his dreams?

  8. Hahahaha. These people are living in lala land.

    Note to these numpties.

    The Indian embassy cannot grant the right to stay in Thailand. You need to petition the Thai government to discuss this issue.

    The Democrats don't even know their own country's Immigration laws. What did you expect?

    You really have no idea what you are talking about. You just want to make smart..s comments in order to get some easy likes. I have seen it in more threads.

    Enjoy it while it lasts.

  9. How many propagandist rice articles a day are the Suthep media pumping out?

    No news here, even the farmers' buffaloes are smart enough to have seen the mob closing down the offices and banks that could have helped them.

    Was the Chinese who cancelled when Suthep got his courts into start meddling. They are more than prepared to let the farmers go to the wall if they believe they can make some political capital out of it or tempt some int joining them... Hence the blitzkreig of propagana on the subject from his media cronies.

    All this news on a day that Sutheps mob probably shrank to under 100 on one of the busiest mob days of the week. Don't suppose it's news though really if you own all the media and are heavily invested in this goon and his coup.

    Thais have good memories and even Suthep was lamenting that BKK people ignored him over the Phuket land scam for many years.. Until now actually when he started the coup rolling again for them. They know a bad un...

    Everybody else has seen the shrinking crowds and the latte break and evening rush hour protesters.

    Sure - if left alone PTP could have pushed the amnesty bill through and the 2.2 trillion loan, released the 350 bullion water management budget and hey presto! Everyone happy.

    Oh dear, you mean someone would have to pay all that money back? Not the Shins though.

    Correct. That is what Yingluck was banging on. Just keep on borrowing and use the money as they wish. Just keep spending to stay alive. Paying back all that money is for the next next generation. The Shin will not get poorer out of this I can assure you.

  10. I can agree that Yingluck should be sued for negligence of her duty as PM.

    Her government should also be prosecuted for stealing the rice money if it can be proved.

    Both sides are trying to destroy each other. This is a good move by Suthep.

    I am not surprised if Yingluck tries to counter with nasty tactics to stop Suthep.

    However, she does not have a lot of options left other than capturing the protest leaders.

    We will see the development. It is getting twisted.

    I feel sorry for the farmers.

    They are the real victims and the government should take care of the issue ASAP.

    Yingluck's strategy is to create a culture of fear. Hun Sen will be proud of her.

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