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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. They have not bothered enforcing hundreds of warrants in the past on the same people. What makes you think that this will be any different?

    We all know that taking out the leaders will create a meltdown of the situation.

    The main reason why they have not enforced them in the first place.

    You've never played chess or watched Game of Thrones. Never get in your opponents way while he's busy building his own scaffold or tying the knot in his own noose. With the election the tide has shifted now in favor of the government.


    Not really buddy. if you analyze the info that is available on the Feb 2 election you will notice that things are not going very well for PT. Very low voter turnout and a lot of No Vote.

    Anyhow, let's welcome the farmers.


    Many moves yet to be played, behind the scenes, on the streets, in the media.

    No one's calling it check mate, just good news and another move in the government's favor...

    But personally I would rather be playing the government's hand over time than their unworthy opposition.

    Unless the fix is in somewhere, it's hard to see the government losing on the merits of the overwhelming need of re-establishing a functional government, resolving the farmer's issues and putting the country back on track while boxing up the bozos for political recycling. Eventually the cold hard facts have to be hitting the CC, the X factor and the dawdling EC. They've overplayed their hand and they've got nothing to offer the country except street vendors with t-shirts and whistles. Again, imho.

    Unless the fix is in somewhere, it's hard to see the government losing on the merits of the overwhelming need of re-establishing a functional government, resolving the farmer's issues and putting the country back on track while boxing up the bozos for political recycling.

    This government cannot solve their own problems and put the country back on track. Anyhow, the country has been of track starting shortly after Yingluck became PM.

    This is MHO

  2. "The labour minister said he would wear moustache, sun glasses and a hat to prevent protesters from recognizing him when he would venture in disguise into the protest site together with a special police team tasked with arresting Mr Suthep."

    That sounds like a lot abuse of ear medicine.

    "That sounds like a lot abuse of ear medicine."

    Or a sense of humour, the recognition of which seems to have passed you by. I'll wager my version is probably nearer the truth.

    You are saying he is a comedian?

    Or as Scamper stated:

    Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Labour, head of the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order, and the czar for overseeing the emergency decree

  3. "Meanwhile, two senior officials of the Public Warehouse Organisation were interrogated by Udon Thani police yesterday concerning 34,000 sacks of rice, worth Bt80 million, which disappeared after being moved out of Udon Thani warehouse for rice mills in Lop Buri on March 5-26 last year. (MCOT online news)."
    34.000 sacks of rice disappeared?
    If a bag of rice weighs 50 kg, then 1,700 tons of rice are there disappeared.
    And this is only one Warehouse from 2000 in the country.
    May PT caretaker Chalerm should ask his son, who is in charge to take care of the rice mountain, where this amount of rice is.
    This is organized crime.
    Normally a job for PT caretaker Chalerms friend Tarrit, the DSI chief, to start an investigation.

    It seems that the government has no interest in uncovering the theft of national state money.

    I guess the state has lost over (200 Billion) Baht only on corruption from this rice scheme.

    What criminals have enriched themselves personally here for over 2 years?

    Who has now the money?

    The farmers obviously not.

    But here there will be no proper investigation.

    The necessary control instruments are here paralyzed, purchased and off function.

    Poor Thailand in the stranglehold of organized crime.

    Don't expect Tharit (DSI) to ever investigate this scam as long as Thaksin is calling the shots.

  4. It's good news Wednesday, 5 February 2014 at Bangkok, Thailand. Long overdue putting these birds in the clink.

    Round them up and out in front, the frogmarching Froggie the Whistlehead.

    They have not bothered enforcing hundreds of warrants in the past on the same people. What makes you think that this will be any different?

    We all know that taking out the leaders will create a meltdown of the situation.

    The main reason why they have not enforced them in the first place.

    You've never played chess or watched Game of Thrones. Never get in your opponents way while he's busy building his own scaffold or tying the knot in his own noose. With the election the tide has shifted now in favor of the government.


    Not really buddy. if you analyze the info that is available on the Feb 2 election you will notice that things are not going very well for PT. Very low voter turnout and a lot of No Vote.

    Anyhow, let's welcome the farmers.


    • Like 2
  5. Mr. Ban should also warn the judiciary against doing the Ruling Elite's dirty work for them by mounting a judicial coup. Which is what is going to happen again unless someone stops them.

    This time PT is making it very easy for the " Ruling Elites" with all the billions that are disappearing because of their self serving policies.

    Yes someone should stop PT/Thaksin if they don't want to dissolved. Yes I know it might be too late.

  6. ... "pressure by anti-government protesters, he said."...

    Yup, the protesters are to blame for the lack of money to pay the farmers. Who else?

    Including the 130 BILLION that is needed to pay the farmers for the rice they already sold in total the loss after two years of rice scam is 700 BILLION BAHT.

    And then all will be alright if Thai voters allow the bad guy in Dubai and his puppet regime to borrow TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED BILLION BAHT extra. Or a lot more as unforseen costs. Becauseeeeeeeeeeee with that high speed train to China heavens will open and all will end well.

    So far the loss is 700 -130 billion = 570 billion. Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeee send people to prison for that scam. Else there will be no end to large scale theft in Thailand. And here's a secret: It really are not Suthep and co that cost the country hundreds of billions.

    Oh yes. Don't forget to revoke the passport of the big bad guy. And do ask Interpol to pick him up and send him home. After all, Thailand is where he wants to be. Thailand is what he is messing with. Thailand is whom he'll have to pay. Save Thailand from bankrupcy.

    Mr White lies gave us figuers of 50mill tons bought for 701billion baht over the first 3 years of the scam, this did not include the latest batch of 10million tons which is going to cost something like 180billion, of which they have already paid 50billion. Clearly 50mill tons must have cost more than that as they would have been paying an average price of only 14,000 baht per ton, when the white rice is supposed to be 15,00 and Hom Mali at 20,000 at ton. The real figure must be closer to 830billion and that is without the added costs for admin and storage. To make matters worse he stated they only had 10million tons left to sell, having only made 180billion back in sales. If they only have 10mill tons left and that is sold at a similar price, for about 45billion, they will have lost in excess of 600billion baht in just 3 years. If we then assume this latest crop (10mill tons) is paid for and then sold at the same rates, that will add an additional loss of around 140billion. We are talking total loss in 3.5 years of a whopping Baht740billion or USD22billion at current exchange rates (excluding admin and storage cost). What is shocking is that the govt seems to have sold the rice at an average of just 4,500 baht per ton.

    22 billion dollars ? Thats nothing much.

    Have a look at EU direct farming subsidies paid out, way way higher than a paltry 22 billion dollars.

    But of course, in the EU they call it "Direct Agricultural Subsidies" - just the same as the "Rice Scheme" in Thailand, where the government in effect pays more for produce than its worth so as to keep the farmers making profit.

    When you stop looking at this as the PROPAGANDA people want you to look at it - as in all the money is lost and gone down the plug hole.

    When you start to look at this as what it is, direct subsidies to rice growing - as in people all down the chain to and including the farmers have the money, its not lost, its just a government budget deficit, nothing more or less.

    Then its all very clear..............

    All the problem is now is the PDRC's backers have pressurized the banks not to fund the third harvest in order to create problems for PTP.

    All in my opinion of course.

    of course!

  7. "...if there is no law prohibiting the bank from doing just that"

    I will repeat what I had posted before - Why does the govt not ask a ruling from the Constitution Court to make clear whether this act of seeking loans is legitimate or not?

    Banks can then act accordingly instead of hesitating.

    The government asking the court??? That would be something new. Normally they just do it if they feel like it!

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